3 Eye-Opening Insights Tucker Discovered About the Left That You Absolutely Need to Know!

Rachel Abrahams

Tucker Carlson delivers a compelling address at the 2019 National Conservatism Conference, where he discusses pivotal issues facing society today. His insights cover a range of topics related to conservatism, politics, and the challenges posed by liberal ideologies.

Throughout his speech, Carlson articulates his views on contemporary cultural and political dynamics, providing thought-provoking commentary on the implications for the nation. He highlights the importance of preserving traditional values and encourages attendees to engage actively in the political landscape.

For those looking to stay updated on Tucker’s latest thoughts and perspectives, subscribing to his insights is recommended.

#TuckerCarlson #speech #debate #liberal #left #politics #news #lifeadvice #conservative #protest #antifa #BLM #leftism


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  1. @fambam6935

    Europa: La Ultima Batalla

  2. @martinavaslovik3433

    I always so greatly enjoy Tucker and his marvelous sense of humor and his joy in life, his wit and just the way he is. He's one of the greatest personalities of our time 🙂

  3. @SarahOpp3377

    Seems a partial fallout of Occupy Movement. The corporations switched their ideology and all of a sudden, the Left was happy. 🤔

  4. @TheBevandy

    "You can remove religion but you can't remove religious impulse because it is inborn, innate…" well said! That is what people who have silenced their inborn, innate Spirit to the point they believe the darkness they live in is reality..and hate anyone who dares to shine in God's beauty of Creation and human purpose.

  5. @rap36case

    "Snakes in Suits, when psychopaths go to work" Robert Hare, Paul Babiak.
    Corporate evil.

  6. @kateguilfoyle5155

    Who funds those corporations? Who gives bridge funding and makes conditions contingent on the funding? All the corporate heads didn’t suddenly wake up one day with exactly the same world view – they are bought off/blackmailed. Who buys off the politicians? Blackmails?

  7. @johnlocke3481

    It’s literally doublespeak from 1984. Even their “anti-fascist” flag looks fascist 😮

  8. @wandertree

    You say you are always happy to have dinner with someone you disagree with, and that you become something less than you should be otherwise. Why have you avoided talking to Ben Shapiro about your anti-Israel views?

  9. @DanielaPeters-p9q

    Tucker Carlson, thank you for spelling it out to us in plain language.

  10. @John-zy4zz

    Absolutely true. The very definition of the word "pandenic" was changed about a year before Covid. Otherwise it wouldn't have been classified as a pandemic, but a epidemic. Which doesn't give the various governments emergency powers

  11. @kennethnegaard7599

    Awesome talk brother. You are so down to earth, and comfortable with yourself. Keep up the great work.

  12. @You_talk_to_much1

    As long as the degradation isn't at my expense right? That is why it spreads. 1%

  13. @Tonybolony66

    The Rich despise the poor, I've known many wealthy people, and their biggest complaint is, "My God, could you imagine if everyone had Money, the Beaches and Motels at every major Tourist Destination would be Packed!". They want Privacy and full control of everything around them. They don't like to share!

  14. @walesruels

    Excellent talk! With love from the UK

  15. @jgrullon32

    The left are stupid

  16. @tpell66

    Growth comes from surrounding ourselves with diversified points of view. I believe it expands our ways of thinking. Even if I don't agree with someone's point of view doesn't stop me from keeping them in my circle

  17. @youtubeuser6067

    One word…
    B L A C K R O C K

  18. @vancebelchamber1951

    We are all equal and anyone saying you are racist are them selves racist
    They want to make you out as the bad guy to take the focus off themselves

  19. @tballstaedt7807

    I will not eat another oreo again.

  20. @vanfja

    We may be always for living together with people we disagree with, but the new left definitely is not.

  21. @damonharvey1038

    Keep the faith my friend and stay strong. Us the west needs you.

  22. @ShawnGenX

    My left list. Crazy. Rude. Obnoxious. Sanctimonious. Smug and arrogant.

  23. @shaunrev3184

    Im native american it took us to the 2000s to even get regonized. The home guard used us as slave to build the forts in nc. And they killed most of us. They put us in carrceration camps and killed us 50s and 60s. If anyone is owed anything is the indians. They would go tour middle schools and inject out females with something that made them not be able to have babies. So shame on u black people. Your on people sold u. Dor gold and bulkshit we were attacked in our home land and killed by the government and some that werent killed turned to slaves. People make jokes all the time yall arent real indians that cause of the government. Lumbee knowledge

  24. @shaunrev3184

    Who made it okay for all this rasicm talk. Everyone rasict there only a few rasict left . The people throwing that out are the rasict people.

  25. @shaunrev3184

    Who made it okay for all this rasicm talk. Everyone rasict there only a few rasict left . The people throwing that out are the rasict people.

  26. @shaunrev3184

    Who made it okay for all this rasicm talk. Everyone rasict there only a few rasict left . The people throwing that out are the rasict people.

  27. @shaunrev3184

    Who made it okay for all this rasicm talk. Everyone rasict there only a few rasict left . The people throwing that out are the rasict people.

  28. @lawrencetierney3697

    That is because Corporate America is working hand in hand with the LEFT.

  29. @chiefcarterphillipines

    "When you're born into this world, you get a ticket to the freak show, and if you're in America, you're in the front row" 😊

  30. @joshuajuarez3471

    Still so sad cuz all these different folks who are trying to spread the truth. It all may not fall on all def ears but it will no difference at all. We are just along for the ride now. “The roller coaster had left, now we all along for the ride”. Fargo lol

  31. @davidklein7791

    It took the BLM/Antifa terrorist attack on the U.S. in 2020 for me to realize that everyday democrat registered voters are the biggest threat to our freedoms.

  32. @stephenputman8894

    I consider myself “Left” but what is being pushed by people masquerading as Leftists has nothing to do with what I want or what I believe Leftism stands for. I know our voices aren’t put forward in the media but I assure you I’m far from the only anti-IDPol, Pro Medical Freedom, Pro Free Speech, Pro 2nd Amendment Leftist.
    I have far more in common with Tucker than I do with any Democrat and that should tell you the problems we’re facing are deeper than ideology or labels. Left and Right need to unite to stand up to this tyranny and evil.

  33. @FusionDeveloper

    Republicans don't want Americans to legalize cannabis, in spite of the majority of citizens wanting it.

  34. @functionalvanconversion4284

    At what point are people themselves going to take some ownership for what government is doing. Are health was terrible when the pandemic hit so the government was overly cautious due to terrible sleeping patterns, horrible nutrition, obese people, financial illiteracy, inflammatory people (even this speaker), and we aren't involved in local government activity. News flash, the next election won't help you, help yourself and thus helps your country.

  35. @TimTernet0

    Social Media is of course Corporate Media.

  36. @kalrandom7387

    Speaking from rural Alabama, don't care what they do, and let them marry, everyone should have a equal right to be miserable.

  37. @CanadianOnlooker

    The only reason nationalism is bad is because it was used for bad things by Hitler. It's meant to support the nation & people. Hitler was because after ww1 the UN/west humiliated Germany.. in response Hitler ran on "Germany is great we deserve better!" Thus, nationalism goals got switched to regional domination & overtaking countries by force.
    1, when a country is struggling, nationalism simply means make it not suffer & be better..
    2, when you reduce a country to struggling & humiliation the only natural response is to lift itself & it's self esteem by having faith & support in its people & the country.
    That isn't where the problem starts, but rather after nationalism, it becomes his separate decision to commit harm to people & in that case selected people such as Jews & anybody getting in his way of doing what he thinks is best or wants to do for himself.
    As a Canadian I've watched usa constantly chant Usa! Usa! Usa! Is that nationalism? Yes, is it for bad purposes to harm people? No. It's for raising support & faith in the nation & the people, therfore benefiting Americans in some way from winning a sports game to correcting a political corruption.. either way Usa! Usa! Isn't the same nationalism as Hitler no matter how hard woke media tells you it is.. only people against your country want you to have less support & faith in it.. in other words the ones who want to destroy it don't want you fixing it..

  38. @nunyabiz1771

    You are what you were born as. End of discussion and there should be a law that says so you can do whatever you want you're still a man and you're still a woman as you were born and stop throwing it in our faces and you'll stop getting so much backlash keep it in the closet where it belongs

  39. @ccavicch

    The people who yell “racist” all the time are the most racist of all

  40. @ColGesso

    He sees straight through them. He knows them better than they know themselves. That’s why they so hysterically despise him.

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