Tucker Carlson and Jordan Peterson Explore the Inspiring Movement Behind Canadian Unrest: Uncover Insights and Revelations!

Rachel Abrahams

Watch Tucker Carlson’s complete speech and insightful panel discussion featuring Jordan Peterson in this compelling presentation. Join the conversation as they delve into pressing topics including politics, social movements, and the broader implications of current events.

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  1. @LeePachal

    Again Jordan is completely right about Pollievre

  2. @LeePachal

    Jordan is right about Justin Trudeau

  3. @kantraxoikol6914

    i guess everyone forgets the FOX disaster he helped turn media into….but i haven't….Tucker is a total SHORT BUS , you can SEE the IQ just scrambling for cover on his face…he just makes me tired listening to him

  4. @kantraxoikol6914

    who is the hillbilly modering this?

  5. @pamgessler5923

    Can human beings please talk without using the F bomb?!!

  6. @edwilliamson956

    Does anyone know where the full discussion is?

  7. @scragglie

    goddamn it stopped at the wef? 😂 had me on the edge of my seat..

  8. @stepchicken3238

    Be interesting to see the painting that guy is doing.

  9. @markheffernan7016

    Later in the forum you spoke about the difference between Alberta building an economy on real resources vs banking and real estate. It is a powerful observation that one can make this kind of distinction that really boils down to what is real and what is not. I offer you this info and resources for you to make this argument more clear to people.
    . It is time that the basics of Applied Math were highlighted by All Scholars and Leaders to get out from under the illiteracy of present paradigm money and its subjugation of humanity.

    When a populace has only one frame of reference, and that one is invalid, it cannot even begin to know what is wrong. The point about not having any other frame of reference is critically important, because there is no guarantee that the 'development' of humanity has gotten stuff figured out correctly. Which raises the question: What do we have wrong?

    One of those things that we surely have wrong is money. And we have had this wrong since the time we switched from fungible commodities as trade goods to abstract unit based representations of value interchange used in bookkeeping. What we got wrong is that, because we "conflated the two mutually exclusive notions of “measure” and “commodity” – be it either conflating “measure” with (fungible) commodities such as gold or silver or “commodity" with mere annotations of value such as fiat notes" (Marc Gauvin) – we assigned the properties of a commodity to a simple abstract unit! In doing this we messed up our own abilities to have stability in our acCounts and bookkeeping and society as we sought to 'own and protect' the abstract units as though they were fungible commodities, when they were/are but abstract representations of the value contained in the stuff of real value in our interchange!

    Through all this time in human history, since before the formation of Nation States, we have been confused about what Liberation through bookkeeping and abstract representation of our own interaction needs in order to work. Because the goods interchanged no longer need an intermediate fungible trade good. What we need is a specification for a 'unit of value' with which to measure/annotate and keep the records about the value contained in those items of genuine value about which we are writing stuff down! Please take a look at this paper. http://www.bibocurrency.com/index.php/downloads-2/19-english-root/learn/271-brief-history-of-money-s-misrepresentation

    I celebrate your willingness to challenge the status quo and to ask what we have been getting wrong.

    It seems to me, that with regard to money, we are still in a 'pre-Copernican' era thinking that fungible commodity-like money is at the center of our economic world when it cannot possibly be. And so long as we subjugate ourselves to the foolish need to have money retain the attributes of fungible commodities we abandon our own position as the initiator (the center) of economic capacity and give ourselves over to the eventuality of control exhibited by those strong armed protectorates that have developed into the Nation States along with all the corruption that entails.

    There is a way out that involves simple monetary literacy. Check this out!!


    The conceptual basis that money has been operating from since before the formation of nation states is irrational and against the basic laws of Applied Math and abstract representation. What we got wrong is that, because we "conflated the two mutually exclusive notions of “measure” and “commodity” – be it either conflating “measure” with (fungible) commodities such as gold or silver or “commodity" with mere annotations of value such as fiat notes" (Marc Gauvin) – we assigned the properties of a commodity to a simple abstract unit! In doing this we messed up our own abilities to have stability in our acCounts and bookkeeping and society as we sought to 'own and protect' the abstract units as though they were fungible commodities when they were/are but abstract representations of the value contained in the stuff of real value in our interchange!

    It is critical in the history of humanity that we find out what conceptual errors are still operational. Several people told the world that the geocentric conceptualization of our planetary system was not correct. But it took human social systems centuries to abandon this error.

    The error we are making in economic interaction, by holding that a commodity can also serve as a unit of measure, is having its disastrous consequences that can easily be stopped by awakening to the as yet mostly unchallenged flawed thinking within economics about what money is and does. Unless we correct this basic mistake the problems created by this error can only and exponentially increase.

    Instability does not ever go away when you treat the unit of acCount for the representation of the value contained in other things as though it too is an item of value all by itself.

    There is a way out that involves simple monetary literacy. Check this out!!


    The question then remains as to why any populace needs a government to issue the abstract units of reference to their own activity and/or why they would limit their own capacity to the possession of some specific and highly corrupt and controlled commodity? Don't they already know how to count and do bookkeeping? Isn't this the heart of liberty!?

    Many do not see the jumping off place as the conflation…maybe because it was so far back in human history. But the simple awareness of ancient social orders and, therefore, ancient economies, (ones that some call 'human economies') brings the opportunity to start the focus there and consider that not everything "modern" has come as a 'progression' of greater truth and accuracy. I like that some have the courage to express respect for the ancient human economies and hope that citing anthropological sources like Graeber means that the 'anthro analysis' does not have to remain limited to ancient currencies that "mediate the human economy and the spirit world."

    Brett Scott, in a recent paper, points to the problem of the present day "reductive focus on the movement of commodified goods." My intent is to put the focus back to the 'mediation' within these 'human economies' and to point out that bookkeeping is that simple mediation process of keeping records for the eventual resolution of human interactions in an open and inclusive manner such that none are un-accounted for, and no commodities are in need of protection or imposed on colonized peoples.

    Maybe the discourse will present the opportunity to add these thoughts.

    My thanks to Marc Gauvin for bringing this focus and my attention to that historical moment of mistaken reasoning along with the peaceful process of resolution such an awareness can bring.


  10. @seanreid349

    Peir of turds in a septic tank

  11. @djtchamp5076

    I'm leaving too no wall stopping me

  12. @debbislaven9654

    Notice how YouTube shuts this down as he asks Jordan about the WEF? Coincidence? I think not.

  13. @maxweinbach3996

    Lol, JP failed to mention for the convoy: Canada – They didn't like government intervening in liberties via vaccine mandate.
    In Germany – The farmers are protesting to keep tax credits.

    The only ties between them is that they drive some sort of truck.

  14. @SolStuckey-vx2ic

    Look up "the great taking" or listen to this and spread it around. This is the fight for our freedom. We could lose everything if this stays quiet.

  15. @StanleyHood-xb8df

    Well,Tucker, you might wind up a lot better off than before sonce you’ve severed ties with fox. Now you can create your own news broadcast and report news as you wish.

  16. @shidload

    Jail Trudeau

  17. @rfss1715

    Trucker Carlson is an idiot who let him into Canada?

  18. @amandathompson7572

    Next up talk about the prison system, specifically around absurdly long gun related sentences for first time offenders under 21 that reserved to illegal trade due to the lack of resources for those experiencing poverty

  19. @lauriesmith3443

    The interviewer was terrible, but Tucker and Jordan 5 star as always.

  20. @Seanhaggs

    Does a border wall stop canadians from flying to immigrate? Wtf was that tucker 😂

  21. @tylermeek2800

    You two have no idea about Canada. You don't even know anything about your own lifes work. All over the internet these two have been destroyed in debates and professionally organized conversations proving that they are hacks spreading the world elitest agenda. Jordan Peterson and Tucker Carlson have been humiliated and have even had jobs ripped from them because of individuals proving on live air how little these two know. They are as credible as fear factors host Joe Rogan and as ethical as Dana White when it comes to respecting human rights. 14 year olds have higher education in the subjects they seem to think they know everything about.

  22. @MonicaSmall-g3j

    What unrest???the 7 ppl who are upset with turdeau???stupid.

  23. @user-sn3wf3vc7t


  24. @soyoucametosee7860

    There is nothing complex about J6. It was orchestrated by the CIA. Ray Epps is CIA. He is not FBI.
    The only reason it still seems complex is that you are still reeling from the pain caused by that event.
    "They stand there looking backwards half unconscious from the pain".

  25. @mikec422

    you care about these 3 clowns

  26. @joelbaker2172

    This is the leat stupid tucker has ever sounded. And Jordan, don't confuse those extremists with the trucking industry.

  27. @user-mg1ky3mx6h

    Tucker has made a complete clown of himself in Russia scared sh#tless to aske a real question up until now I have supported Tucker but after the Russian Propaganda sh#t he is spouting that's me finished with the traitor

  28. @anirudhmenon4234

    I can agree on most things shared here but Jan 6th wasn't left-funded. C'mon now.

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