Matt Gaetz LAUGHED At For Insane Jack Smith Sabotage On Newsmax

Rachel Abrahams

House Republicans should immediately demand that Jack Smith present himself for a transcribed interview before the Judiciary Committee in the next 15 days. If he does not do that, we should send a subpoena. If he ignores the subpoena, we should hold him in criminal contempt of Congress so that he is the first prosecutor in American history to be prosecuting a case while himself under criminal contempt. And if Mayor Garland doesn’t enforce that criminal contempt, then we ought to impeach Merrick Garland. And by the way, while we’re doing all of that to showcase how political and indeed dirty this has all become, we can utilize Congressional immunities to immunize President Trump. Yeah, that’s to be clear, not a thing I do love though how open and honest he is to prove how political this has become. Let’s immunize Donald Trump. First of all, I thought you guys were against people getting immunizations that I’ve done, but anyway, no, what is he talking about? We just bring him in as a witness and then he can’t be tried for anything. That is an utter fantasy. Okay, well then the Democrats will bring Hunter Biden into a Senate committee. Oh, we turn the tables on you.

“Locking up investigators won’t make someone innocent,” said Sabrina, reacting to the calls for Jack Smith to be held in criminal contempt.

Charlie Kirk dismisses the fake elector scheme as a mere publicity stunt, prompting criticism from commentators.

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What are your thoughts on the tactics being discussed by House Republicans and the dismissive attitude towards serious legal matters by some commentators? Leave a comment below.

Do you believe that the proposed actions against Jack Smith and the handling of the fake elector scheme are appropriate or are these just distractions from the actual issues at hand? Let us know your perspective.


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  1. @ralphsmith8682

    Gaetz should be locked up for transporting a minor across state lines for sex

  2. @debigaligan3377

    I'm so tired of these people sucking his ring and I don't mean his ring I mean the thing between his legs

  3. @debigaligan3377

    He's a idiot he's another one that should not be in public office.

  4. @randyfergus8781

    Until Gym Jordan honors the subpoena he has been served with a few hundred days ago, subpoenas aren't the paper they're printed on.

  5. @maryreynolds3199

    Gaetz is laughable! Let’s impeach Gaetz! someone needs to tell him Trump is not the president! That job belongs to Joe Biden! What a fool!

  6. @waltporter7707

    Matt Gaetz criminal case regarding that minor he had sex with just disappeared but his crime partner is in jail. No press or anything

  7. @squeezemaster1064

    he's a jim jordan wanna be, and that's sad

  8. @carlambroson8872

    Yeah GARTZ… NONE of that is going to happen!!! Your just terrified because you’re just as much a criminal is tRump is!!!

  9. @ChibiHoshiDragon

    Vanessa Ortega was just joking when she waved a nerf gun in a bank and told everyone 'this was a robbery. give me all your money'… STILL a crime.
    So no matter how much they want to claim publicity stunt… Vanessa Ortega was arrested

  10. @gustavoc.novillo6695

    is like throwing tons of spagetti against the DC walls!!

  11. @gustavoc.novillo6695

    MTG and MG are an embarrasement to this great Nation. Vote Blue!!

  12. @dimitriosfotopoulos3689

    Gaetz has no game, and no shame. He is nothing more than another Trump fluffer.

  13. @melissaharrison7542

    I believe they are afraid that Jack Smiths coming for those coconspirators of tRumps that helped him plot January 6, 2021, his fake electors scheme, his Insurrection & attempt to overthrow our govt in order to overturn a free & fair election that tRump knew he lost!!!! They're becoming deranged in their delusional desperation!!!!

  14. @kbradford2270

    So this is hilarious matt gatez trying to make demands for somebody to show up to a crap BS session that is full of BS and if I'm not mistaken they was a few GOP Congressman ignored such subpoenas write Jim Jordan

  15. @kbradford2270

    To know Matt gaetz this man is Running Scared to Death he knows things are starting to get close to his doorstep oh, I know this tale of this man oh, he doesn't have a poker face at all. He's more of the I got my eyes caught in the headlight look

  16. @shellyhooper2125

    This fake news reporter is

  17. @neal7668

    Looks like Matt didn't get the pocket pardon that he requested.

  18. @tarajoyce3598

    DOJ should have to explain why Gaetz's was not prosecuted.

  19. @TruthSchmuth

    Brought to you by the party of slavery, groomer pedophiles and fetal butchers.

  20. @williammaurer9450

    Gaetz is a cruel sociopathic twisted and dangerous creep of the worst kind who craves camera attention to sooth and inflate his damaged & hungry ego. He's a very very sick Creature. The Republican Party is loaded with them, in all varieties, as they like to brag: 'it's a large tent.'

  21. @benn4764

    Remove Jack ass and P..ssy garland 2023!

  22. @user-wp5dd9cx8y

    Matt gaetz is showing their dictatorship behavior when you are attempting to arrest the prosecutor in charge of Donald Trump's case.

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