Unlocking Empowerment: Seize Control and Ignite Your Potential!

Rachel Abrahams

In a compelling episode of Dave Smith’s “Part Of The Problem Podcast,” Tucker Carlson delves into the collapse of corporate media. The discussion reveals insights on the shifting landscape of news and the challenges facing traditional outlets. Carlson and Smith examine the implications of this decline, touching on the influence of major players and the intersection of media with politics.

As they explore topics ranging from government agencies to the role of social media platforms, the conversation sheds light on the growing distrust in mainstream narratives. Carlson shares his perspective on the broader implications for democracy and public discourse, making for a thought-provoking dialogue that resonates with anyone concerned about the state of journalism today.

Stay informed with Tucker Carlson for exclusive updates via text, and join the conversation around the critical issues facing media and politics. Tune in for an important discussion that probes the very foundations of how news is presented and consumed in our society.

#TuckerCarlson #DaveSmith #MainstreamMedia #CIA #FBI #Twitter #X #DonaldTrump #ElonMusk #JoeRogan #control #corruption #JFK #politics #news


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  1. @CeltDude70

    Anyone else see Tucker's "backyard" blink off to black @ about 9:11 in. I thought he was filming in his home…

  2. @user-gj8kz2gn7o

    yeh we are so fully infiltrated it is not even freakin funny…..for decades and decades…

  3. @user-gj8kz2gn7o

    OMG, so true, so true. Thank you Tucker!!!

  4. @CriticalThinking1776

    I agree with most of what Dave Smith says besides his middle east takes, he has no idea how the Islam world works and what their true intentions are and if he did, he would change his opinion QUICK.

  5. @marrietvisser6195

    The Sectret Societies are destroying your country. They are so stupid forgetting they also live in it.

  6. @marrietvisser6195

    The UN and the CIA is the worst thing that happen to the world.

  7. @jizim8947

    The deep state is destroying the world and America is leading the charge.

  8. @MrHyde11976

    Governments have been corrupt for a millennium. It started with the Titanic & the men who died on that ship & wanted to do away with the federal reserve in this country but it was well corrupt before that too going back to the civil war

    Governments r the biggest racists on the planet we know this because they label us as the racists. Understand everything is a label everything has been a label. Now we r all white supremacists with white privilege. The world aint buying any of it & they r truly desperate. Watch for their false flags

  9. @thintalk5280

    Dave, turn up the trebble. Too much fog, bro

  10. @je__.

    the western civilization existence rely so much to individuals like Dave Smith and Tucker Carlson 👏👏

  11. @IstariAzul777

    I never liked tucker .. looking back it was just the corporate shill media job. Was hesitant to even listen to him but wow he’s become a favorite and seems one of few real journalists anymore


    X is pronounced as…ten.

  13. @davidcook5731

    Perhaps the deep state doesn’t believe that the majority should have power to run things Should say Elon Musk only have an equal vote to some half wit? Nothing is simple about democracy

  14. @angrycloudz234

    People know they just don't care, the CIA showed people how they play in the movie" Made In America" with T.C

  15. @danascherer1970

    You want to lose weight, teaspoon of olive oil up to 3 times a day. Great health Organic real lemon daily, Lemon is Alkaline forming in the body. But acidic in the mouth. Use a straw. Alkaline diet online you can find these days. With a value of each food. People go to fruit which is acidic and sugars. simple stuff, baking soda is alkaline will fix the gut. Whole grains you need very little it is not digested, Wheat is a filler, never been a food. Oats are digested and good for you. Lemon cleanses body, it is the neutralizer of the body. Olive oil from South Africa is best, More of what works in it, due to the struggle of surviving in that environment.

  16. @danascherer1970

    The federal Gov. needs to be investigated, Someone has to be above them?? it's an outrage what they do. They are criminals.

  17. @danascherer1970

    Truth, thats what we want, thank you. I say plenty, but true. The CIA can bite it, they are not gods. Do something about all the terror in the world. Do something positive. leave speech alone and media. Media shouldn't be taking money from people who want to control them. That is the mistake they started. by allowing it.

  18. @jwbnscacpt

    Tucker hit the nail on the head at 12:15. People don’t want to believe half or more of their knowledge is based on lies. It took me a while to wrap my head around the fact our government is corrupt and most of what I learned pre 2008 was based on a big lie to wake up. That was a huge life changing decision to accept, and for a while I denied the truth right in my face. Thankfully more and more people are waking up.

  19. @briarstick6500

    Oh theybwilp lose more tuan control because God has entered the game and He said He will repay HIS vengeance AND HE WILL REPAY SO THE EVIL PEOPLE BETTER GET READY GOD DOES NOT LET EVIL WIN

  20. @richcotton4974

    Eisenhower's speech is good. Also, the farewell address given by every president from Washington to Regan is remarkable, and I recommend everyone read them. George Washington himself warned against corporate lobbyists.

  21. @calebgillett6091

    please run for press secretary if Trump becomes president

  22. @robertpace8338

    Bob Woodward was and is an intelligence asset. Once ONI, always ONI.

  23. @ElRooster_

    Sooo…. what are we going to do when he doesn't get in?? Trump 2024!!

  24. @WithaHardar-mn9mp


    Before you start opening your mouth and pretending you care I suggest YOU READ THE HISTORY.
    here is a jump start:

    Bidens thinking and principle are flawed.
    There are NO Pal territories.
    All of Judea and Sumeria belong to Israel.
    The fact a racist hate group like the PA lies about this means nothing.

    This was settled by international courts and the UN 75 years ago.
    Israel got a fragment of what we were promised AND WE ACCEPTED IT.

    The Arab states evicted every single Jew, 850,000 of us, confiscated our lands and property and forced us from our multi generational homes.

    We gathered in the tiny slice of land given us and built our nation.
    Then suddenly in the 1960s Arafat, backed by the KGB attempted to come in after we built a powerhouse nation and say:
    "No no no, this is actually Pal land".

    This outright fabrication was meant to destabilize the only Western democracy in the region.

    This is exactly what the Soviets did all over South and Central America, Africa and Asia.
    They attempted to take over countries with so called 'freedom fighters' and make them puppet states in the Soviet hegemony. This is why the US fought in Viet Nam.

    It was Russian proxies basically invading the world for the Soviet power base.
    Most of this settled out and the countries either became Communist, like Cuba, or fought and regained a democratic government.

    Due to the infectious and pernicious nature of anti Semitism the hate against Israel lingered.

    The Arab world wouldnt take on the Pals and so Left wing Jews took on the SUICIDALLY STUPID idea that we were responsible for them.

    The world ignored the fact that THEIR "CAUSE" WAS A COMPLETE LIE.
    No one cared about the history or facts, all they knew was there were Jews to hate and they were willing.

    Now decades later the lie of a Pal people and Pal territories has been screamed enough and enough people WANT IT TO BE TRUE that it is widely believed.

    Left wing Jews diseased by the European Ghetto Sickness of appeasing pogromists in the hope they will be spared also push this lie.

    Many of these naive, cowardly do gooders were among the slaughtered on October 7th.

    2000 years of Inquisitions, disabilities and attacks didnt convince them.
    Neither did the holocaust.
    We must pray this last massacre opens their eyes at last.
    If nothing else it has reminded Zionists that there is NO APPEASEMENT POSSIBLE.

    What ever the cowardly Left surrenders now will just be a stepping stone to some new demands.

    Our PM has courageous realized and embraced the truth:

    They and their culture make anything else pointless.

    We wasted years on dialogues and bridge building and all the other fancy Left wing names for cowardly surrender.

    We must not only destroy Hamas and Gaza. We must destroy the lie that these people are like us. THEY ARE NOT.
    They are raised on hate and lies and pushed forward by a poverty imposed at gun point by Islamic religious fascists. They are born to be martyrs and martyrs they will be.

    So the idea of stealing MORE land from Israel is not only MORALLY WRONG it is also pointless.
    They dont want peace, they dont want a state, they want to kill Jews.

    Generations of sand farmers filled with hate and resentment for our success can only get relief by bullying and murdering Jews for THE FAILURE OF THE ARAB CULTURE.

    Let's be realistic. People who murder gay citizens, murder their own daughters for "honor" are at best medievil, at worst primitive savages.

    All we Zionists can do is rigorously and mercilessly defend ourselves.
    It's all they understand.

    As for our cowardly and traitorous Left and their shills in media?
    If we are smart we will make it a crime to try to destroy Israel for any reason.
    We can call the crime "treason".

    Your reason for committing treason are irellevant.
    You get the same prison cell for good, bad or no reason.

    Everything the Left has done over the last 20 plus years HAS HARMED ISRAEL.

    It's time to put these criminals in their place.

    They criminalized Rav Kahane for loving Israel.
    It's time we criminalize and outlaw the Left for hating Israel and FOR STARTING THIS WAR BY THEIR COWARDLY APPEASEMENT AND NEGLIENCE.

    These are the true historical facts that the PA and Hamas lie about and the Leftists and their media repeat KNOWING THEY ARE FALSE.

    All we can do is be true to ourselves and to keep speaking truth NO MATTER WHO LIKES IT OR NOT.

  25. @hbarudi

    on twitter but also here on youtube too.

  26. @patti5007

    I heard that speech by Eisenhower….he knew what was happening, as did JFK and they took him out!!!

  27. @No_OneV

    I want Tucker for president, no joke he would make the world a better place. Man doesn't have a TV instead "we are book readers" All i needed to hear.

  28. @unapologeticamericanil

    Go back to 1901 on presidency. They knew the Phoenix was coming in 1902 and they threatened and then killed to get their people in place before that. Thats were they took total control of the US government

  29. @Aidantodd_

    Write in the google search ”why do people hate Trump”

  30. @matthartman7062

    The mainstream media may have fewer overall viewers or eyeballs, but it reached people who would have otherwise not sought it out so it’s less of an echo chamber. With social media, the eyeballs on the show are from people who specifically seek out the show, for the most part. Tucker was great on FOX News because he reached older folks who are otherwise not exposed to this kind of information. For the most part, Tucker isn’t revealing anything new, or anything that other people on social media haven’t been exposing for years. I think Tucker was much more effective on mainstream media, imo, though I hated that FOX News was benefitting from Tucker’s show. It gave FOX News a touch of undeserved credibility.

  31. @shadesofpurple7283

    I miss the days where reporters didn't laugh. I love Tucker but these topics just don't feel funny to me.

  32. @stanleymcomber4844

    Kennedy wrote letters that said the same thing Eisenhower said in his speech. Look them up.

  33. @nickwells20

    My Lord never repeat that again Tucker. "We aren't tech people, we don't have a TV in the house". A boomer couldn't even say anything that dumb tucker lol. Don't get butthurt because I'm a toxic male and I make fun of my friends and people I admire.

  34. @nickwells20

    Imagine the disconnect in the minds of people when Tucker was fired. The left celebrated and normal people were mad for maybe a day. Because we knew that the powers that be F'd up big time. They just encouraged Tucker to target the biggest market and he did. You can no longer lie about him and never turn on Fox news to hear the truth. His face and words are now in the heads of everyone that has been lied to for decades. GFY.

  35. @nickwells20

    Maybe because I was never on Twitter when that was it's name so I don't find it difficult to call it X. Just call it X by now. I think the general consensus is you can still say tweet. Take solace in that and move on lol.

  36. @pastormarkpowell

    Grace and peace in the Name of King Jesus of Nazareth.

  37. @beire1569

    the west with some larger form of free expression of opinion and thoughts means we can critisize and potentially weaken more about ourselves, maybe make us stronger because of that, still compare this amount of news getting out about the KGB like Edward Snowden 2.0 and the Kremlin in Russia or Xi stuff happening in China – why is this amount of attention not more uniform ? – this fact makes me uncomfortable and ponder is it all true what we are getting ? espacially through the algorithms canceling and filtering out news and voices.

  38. @DonsleyB

    Tucker getting off of FOX was the best thing that ever happened to free speech

  39. @thedon978

    We’re finally understanding…

  40. @georgiadawgs8260

    Tuckers laugh kills me… 😂🤣🤣 Im loving tucker on his own. Lmao

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