Unlock Peace: Essential Strategies to Prevent World War III

Rachel Abrahams

In this compelling interview, Vivek Ramaswamy engages with Tucker Carlson to discuss the ongoing conflict involving Hamas and Israel. They delve into the complexities of the situation and America’s stance on these critical issues. Ramaswamy offers his insights on the implications of U.S. policy and the geopolitical ramifications of the conflict in the Middle East. The conversation sheds light on the evolving dynamics in the region and poses thought-provoking questions about America’s role and responsibilities. Tune in for the full interview on Tucker Carlson’s page.


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  1. @TheCreepypro

    hope we do avoid this war

  2. @braveheartfemale1

    Victor, Tucker and Trump are my favorite 3 people in the country to listen to 🙂

  3. @Lucky_Chase

    He is speaking pure gibberish.

  4. @Peacefulnessxxx

    So how can we avoid any wars?

  5. @bearcatXF

    Ramaswamy has never spent a day in any nation's military but he's here to tell you about special operations.

    He doesn't know what he's talking about and doesn't understand the conflict himself.

    Why – even 100 years-on – Americans don't actually know what's been going on in the Mid-East is due largely to biased reporting by a bought-and-paid-for media.

    America has only just ended 20 disastrous and pointless years in the Mid-East and Afghanistan.

    And now the Neocons want us in Ukraine to "overthrow" Putin and help Israel stamp out the remaining sliver of Palestinian Arab coastline. Both of which might trigger World War III.

    Go and learn now >
    If Americans Knew – What every American needs to know about Israel – Palestine.

  6. @Tvtoonsutube

    How I see it from Europe , this trio Trump Vivek and RFK to put US back in the category of real leadership able to project power simply by its politicians. Now Biden probably his living in his fantasy world in 19⁹0 , when US army was strong . Thank God that the light finds its warriors during these dark times of humanity 🙏 🙌 God Bless

  7. @SD-gy4eu

    Israel treats Christians badly. They conquer land in the West Bank and do apartheid and treat peaceful Palestinians like prisoners. We support a radical Israeli country that creates turmoil for us in the region.

    We should tell israel if you want to conquer West Bank and Gaza fine I don’t care to kill Hamas. But you need to treat peaceful Palestinians like citizens of Israel, or you don’t have our support.

  8. @droyston3631

    My concern is this man sitting across from tucker. He sounds a lot like Obama bin laden

  9. @LanceGrey

    The new kid is dissing "Neocons?

  10. @DC_Fedens

    I don't know man. I feel very uneasy when it comes to this guy Tucker.

  11. @wilsixone

    Well, like we've publicly discussed for a few years now, maybe there IS a plan that Israel has we are not privy to. I actually hope so. Why would Israel's plan be out in the open for all to see? It shouldn't be that way anyway. I am 100% Israel has plans for what they will do inside Gaza.

  12. @BrianMurphy-t3u

    The question should be do they want to stop world war 3

  13. @philiphunte7533

    I would like to know where all those rockets that rained on Israel were made? Has to be parts , scrap, serial numbers etc…..

  14. @healingbyqurannow

    Putin is rubbing his hands and smiling in the corner.

  15. @Uno.Numero

    Lying Joe and his fellow politicians don't care about the American Tax Payers they're more interested in kickbacks their receive from American Weapons Manufacturers. The Ukraine War has costed an American Tax Payer $.113 Billion so far and if the kickbacks are arranged at 10% then Lying Joe and his fellow politicans will make $.11.30 Billion and there are 100 sentators, 1 president and his team of let's say 10 makes 111 people to divide $.11.30 Billion amongst themselves.

    Now the Gross Student Debt Stands at $1.77 Trillion, even writting off quarter of it would bring great relief to Americans and their households, yet it is not being granted because the students will pay $.0.00 in kickbacks to Lying Joe and his fellow politicians. That's why Ukraine & War Criminal Israel receives only priority while students pay zero kickbacks and receive zero priority.

  16. @somuchfortalent

    let it happen. too many people on the planet.

  17. @billz9303


  18. @KancerKowboy

    Vivek isn't very trustworthy, he is too polished for his age considering the fact he is a complete unknown. What deep state rock did he crawl out from under?

  19. @connormack4373

    Did is say Kilometers? It’s over.

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