Transforming Politics: How Republicans Mobilized After the Hamas Attacks

Rachel Abrahams

What kind of person would prioritize money over the wellbeing of their own country? This thought-provoking video delves into the troubling reality of individuals who compromise their homeland for financial gain. It raises critical questions about integrity, loyalty, and the moral implications of such actions. By exploring real-life examples and personal stories, we uncover the motivations behind these choices and the impact they have on communities and future generations. How does one reconcile the pursuit of wealth with the responsibility to protect and uplift their nation? Join us as we examine the profound consequences of trading national pride for monetary rewards, prompting viewers to reflect on their values and consider the true cost of betrayal. Don’t miss this compelling exploration of what it means to put money above country!


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  1. @paulbedlek1190

    Donald Trump’s VP for four years. Then eight years of vivek as president. It would be the greatest twelve years in American history.

  2. @4givenembracd618

    I do not trust Vivek. I think most of what he says is deceptive lip service and he will flip back to his original leftist narratives when it’s convenient for him.

  3. @Uno.Numero

    Mr. Carlson,
    The following could be helpful for your pursuit against US providing weapons to Ukraine. I wrote this as a comment on another channel, I hope you finds this useful:
    Simple Mathematics: US pledged $.45.00 Billion to Ukraine, a war they know they or Ukraine cannot win, they implemented a propoganda and the global media went into action of dehumanizing Putin and Russians. Now you may ask why would US President & US Congress take away $. 45.00 Billion from their task payers while they haven't written off student loans of their own citizens. The reason is rather mathematical, if say out of the $.45.00 billion the weapon manufacturers give just 10% to the president and congress that would work out to $.4.5 Billion, while the strength of all capitol hill and white house is 100 senators which are elected into the congress of US along with 1 president and 1 vice-president, 1 defence secretary, 1 foreign affairs minister, 1 secretary of state, give and take a 10 here and there would work out to 115 members and if that $1.5 Billion is divided 115 calculates to $. 13043478.2609 each, lets say it works out to $.130.43478 Million per participant.

    The students whose loans are waivered will pay $0.00.

    Now you know why for US war is more important to it's presidents and congress than hard working students?

    Personal Profits before Citizens' Empowerment is what countries are suffering at the hands of their political leaders.
    Now they'll copy/paste the same for Israel and nothing more.

  4. @EternalBlade

    The CIA's choice for president

  5. @elainebowman4449

    He decided to go on Hannity – Sean ate him for lunch; he talks out of both sides of his mouth – for someone who hasn't been in politics too long, he sure acts like someone who has been doing this awhile.

  6. @TheSithTeacher

    The real question to ask any politician: why do you candidate? Because I don’t believe, they do you for the normal taxpayers. At the end, there is always a economical personal goal behind it.

  7. @butforthegraceofgod1002

    Tucker, next time you're talking to Zelensky please ask him that same question.


    He's too perfect, he says the "right things" too often. I'm not a fan boy of any candidate, this fella came out of nowhere. Am I the only person who feels this way?

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