Unleashing Influence: How Tucker and Orban Captivate and Inspire with Dynamic Leadership

Rachel Abrahams

Tucker kérdése Magyarország miniszterelnökének, Viktor Orbánnak: nem lett volna egyszerűbb, ha egyszerűen vádat emelsz a politikai ellenfeled ellen, ahogy az Egyesült Államokban szokás?

Ez a lényegre törő interjú most elérhető az X platformon. Az adás során Tucker rákérdez arra, hogy Orbán politikai stratégiáit és módszereit hogyan befolyásolják a más országokban előforduló jogi lépések. A beszélgetés során a nézők betekintést nyerhetnek abba, hogyan látja Orbán a politikai ellenfeleik kezelését, valamint a hatalom megtartásának kihívásait. Az interjú során szóba kerülnek Magyarország politikai tájai, a demokratikus elvek és a jogállamiság, valamint a különböző politikai kultúrák közötti különbségek.

Ne hagyja ki ezt az izgalmas beszélgetést, amely során Tucker éles kérdései és Orbán válaszai érdekes és provokatív nézőpontokat kínálnak a politikai világ mindennapjairól. A diskurzus mélyebb rálátást nyújt Orbán kormányzására és az aktuális politikai helyzetre Magyarországon, valamint a globális politikai trendekre. Az interjú nemcsak az érdeklődők számára hasznos, hanem mindazoknak, akik szeretnék megérteni a politikai stratégiák különböző aspektusait a mai világban.


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  1. @j.taylor3670

    Whoopsie! The bilateral agreement between Hungary and Iran provides for top-level economic and technical assistance between the two nations.-Newsmax


    i like that tucker on x logo in the right bottom corner, looks so cool

  3. @pdaniel8

    I'm surprised. Ticker is even more pro-Putin than Orban.And Orban is a scared man.

  4. @danielvisan5172

    Viktor Orban is a great nationalist just like Vladimir Putin. Viktor Orban if he had same military size as Russia he would also do the same to his neighbors as Putin or worse. Tucker, as a season reporter, should be able to see this and look to also present the other side of the story, that of Hungary's neighbors and Viktor Orban's claims. I wounder on who's payroll is Tucker that he presented a one sided story. From Oregon, USA.

  5. @sb3424

    Where is the full interview!?

  6. @Sybille-bz

    Thank you Tucker Carlson for your Great job 👍🏻 Greetings vom Germany ♥️🇩🇪🌏🕊Make Peace not War 🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊

    #FreeJulianAssange 🙏🏻♥️🕊

  7. @meggi963

    Why not put on full interview?!

  8. @counterculture_pirvu

    It is good that you just visited Hungary and that you already ate their BS about Transylvania, Romanians always being the majority there, even under the Austro-Hungarian Empire (because their history, archeology and roots it is there before the Hun hoards coming in Europe).

    Before making a conclusion, you should visit both sides (prefferably in Romania not from Transylvania, but from the other regions of Romania not affected by Huns and their propaganda (cause they like to lick Hungarian butts a lot, given the Hungarian propaganda along the centuries when they had).

    The Bukovina region was also Romanian (and also has a lot of Romanians, not just Huns), but the reason why they have sings and things in Hungarian it was because before the world wars it was occupied by the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but if you look up, Hungarians are a minority compared with Romanians, in Bukovina (we almost come close to Ukranians as an ethnic group).

    Furthermore, both Bukovina and Transylvania CHOSE to unite with Romania after WWI, (even poles and other nations from Bukovinq wanted this). And then Russia deported thousands and thounsands of Romanians, bringing in Russians, but even so we are still a big part of the population and some are speaking STILL in Romanian.

    So if you are going toncover Romanian history, at least have the dignity to do not go to an empire thatel stole our lands, while we all know that Huns and Germans were not the original inhabitants of the Carpathians, BUT the Dacians, with which Romans fought with in the Daco-Roman wars, which we lost and which made us weak and caused us to never recover back properly and got destroyed by the colonisations of the nations coming from north or east (inlcuding Huns).

    Dacians are the direct forefathers of Romanians (that is how we also had Dacian treasury and objects which we gave to Russians in WWI to never get it back until today but somehow ended up in world's museums).

    You can check that we are the descendents of Dacians by blood tests, archeology, history. Huns were not near the Carphatians in Roman time, they were recorded on Roman maps much more north and they came when Roman Empire fell or was about to fall. But on those maps you can check that Dacians WERE there (and it was peoples/nations, not countries, so there really is no confusion).

    One Byzantine commander (forgot his name) mentioned the Dacians AND that the Vlahs (another name for Romanians) are the sons of Dacians or that they are also called Dacians, while he recorded that they attacked the Roman Empire along with the Huns and other barbarians.

    So visit history and both sides before compromising on Germano-Hungarian BS. It would be wise to ask someone who loves the country, not some corrupt in power like our corrupt current president (Iohannis). You should ask the one who would be most probably our future president, George Simion or Claudiu Târziu, people who fight for this country and have common view with the Romanian nation and its interests.

  9. @grindcorizer6818

    It's way too long an interview. Please Tucker, next time keep it a bit shorter. By the way, Orban is the real deal in the fascist EU. Viva Hungary!!!

  10. @MIRSouz

    Dear Tucker Carlson, in order to understand the Soul and Spirit of the Russian people, you and I do not need an intermediary in the person of dear Orban

  11. @mynamedoesnotmatter1

    americans gain much of this conflict, all nato countries are buying all gears of war from planes to almost everything. They are also curbing russian influence. So what is this american spending taxpayers money all about. This is investment for america. The reason this war come about due to american influence tryimg to cut off russian relations to ukraine. Stop bieng hypocrites.

  12. @andreykolkov2724

    Ну, если послушать всё интервью полностью, то становится понятно, что они оба гандоны ещё те.
    Они лишь сожалеют, что не смогли додавить Россию в начале 2000х, и принять Украину в НАТО в 2008 году, пока Россия была слаба. И сокрушаются, что теперь уже с Россией сделать ничего не могут.
    Такова натура всех засранцев с дикого Запада …
    Они понимают только силу, да такую, что бы у них поджилки тряслись.

  13. @peter_oso

    Defetism, appeasement, lack of any solidarity; cruel egotistic rhetoric

  14. @hongry-life

    Too much editing, cutting, flashing. I'd like to see a normal interview.

  15. @ritarita1239


  16. @user-pf2wc5ry4h


  17. @Solaris-ig7hh

    #Orban is the most important person in Europe to block this sick, left-green and #woke one world ideology that destroys all western states! I hope the #AfD wins in Germany and, together with Hungary and other real conservative forces, can save Europe from ruin!

  18. @healingbyqurannow

    Tucker is a true patriot who is trying hard to show the American people the truth.

  19. @mmm-mq3zr

    Two men that don't hate their countries right there…

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