What happens if a crucial ocean current collapses? | About That

Rachel Abrahams

“The current depends upon a delicate balance of salt and fresh water.”

The Day After Tomorrow: The Threat of the Collapsing Ocean Current

The Movie Scene

In the movie The Day After Tomorrow, a disastrous chain of events is triggered by the collapse of a pivotal force in ocean current. Surging sea water levels, giant tidal waves, and a sudden Ice Age are all results of this collapse.

The Threat of the Amok Current

Experts are warning that the collapse of the Meridian Al massive, a crucial ocean current in the Atlantic, could have dire consequences. It is responsible for circulating water in the Atlantic Ocean and maintaining weather patterns. Research shows that this collapse could happen as soon as 2025 if global emissions are not reduced.

While the movie may exaggerate the effects, the real threat of the collapsing ocean current is not to be taken lightly. The consequences could include disruptions in weather patterns, crop failures, and harm to ecosystems.

The Need for Action

It is clear that action needs to be taken to address the factors contributing to the weakening of the ocean current. The rapid melt of the Greenland ice sheet, CO2 emissions from human activities, and the imbalance of salt and fresh water all play a role in this crisis.

The Call for Action

The international community is working towards solutions, such as the Paris Agreement, to reduce CO2 emissions and limit global temperature increases. However, time is of the essence, and more intervention is needed to prevent the collapse of the ocean current.

What do you think about the threat of the collapsing ocean current? Do you believe immediate action is necessary to prevent further consequences? Leave a comment below.


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  1. @grindupBaker

    AMOC is down from 20Sv to 17Sv now. Scientists estimate it's unstoppable at 10Sv. "Collapse" or "tipping point" means it passes a point at which it becomes self-sustaining so continued slowing to a total stop is inevitable, unstoppable. It then takes about 100 years to finish slowing from 10Sv to a total stop with whatever climate effects that has steadily progressing. The point is that its slowing becomes UNSTOPPABLE at the "Collapse" or "tipping point" (estimated 10Sv) and not at all that it STOPS at the "Collapse" or "tipping point". This from Stefan Rahmstorf leading expert with many AMOC papers published.

  2. @grindupBaker

    If the AMOC stops then the Gulf Stream will slow down a tad less than 50% because the gyre wind will keep blowing. However (HOWEVER) most by far of the heat it carries north will stop because the gyre wind blows water around without a big change in its temperature but AMOC overturning brings water north thats many degrees warmer than the water south. Well it's 17Sv carrying 900 terawatts (800 billion electric kettles) so the temperature change it brings must be 900,000,000,000,000 / (17,000,000,000 * 4120) = 12.8 degrees (the water departing south must be 12.8 degrees colder than the warm surface water flowing north). The Gulf Stream is 35Sv but that wind driven 18Sv bit isn't dumping much heat into the north, nowhere near the 12.8 degrees of the AMOC overturning.

  3. @davidgeyer3988

    Please check your fact the rotation of the earth causes this current.

  4. @kimlibera663

    Bunk. Gulf current will not collapse. This is because it moves via the rotation of the earth.

  5. @LuvLight44

    The Great Mother they shouldn’t have made dams. The water will go back where The Great Mother put HER water

  6. @bobleclair5665

    The planet pretty much regulates itself

  7. @showme360

    At 35 gigatonnes of CO2 being released each year, I don't see any relaxing of the emissions. After all the meteorite than finished the dinosaurs was estimated to be around 600 – 1000 gigatonnes, we matched that in the last 20 years, and are on target to reach the 1000 gigatonnes by 2040 all be it slower. Its the migrations of billions of people from the equator to the North hemisphere that will be be the biggest problem for humanity!

  8. @tonka5

    Global famine coming

  9. @Pinkynthe

    And Biden increases tariffs on green tech from local cost provider China! Biden failed to convince Corporations in helping him on green tech, and now he taxes others who did it. Is he help?

  10. @angelsplace

    Professor Kevin Anderson explains AMOC collapse better on utube.

  11. @cjever6625

    A great video to make will be about the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement which will be a decade old next year. How much have we done?

  12. @nativespiritindian8278

    day after tomorrow. we warned you all now red kachina comes again.

  13. @degagnemarc

    Little correction on, "We are not at this point yet !". I don't know how one measure the start of something, but on my side, if there are sings, it has started! Yes we are at this point now, It's starting and every sings are there. In 2021, Canada had It's worst crop yield and so as other food countries. Droughts and floods, fires, tornados where there was none, hurricane stronger than ever, climate going from drought to floods over and over again. Yes there is other factors contributing to the rise cost of food but the main one is availability. Food cost is just going to rise rapidly and as other goods as rebound.
    No food does mean the crash of this type of economy we live in and the good comfort of modern living we enjoy so mush and take for granted.
    In 2023 we had our FIRST full year 1.4 °C above pre industrial levels. Ok it does take at least a decade of repeated temperatures to say we reached it, but it as started nevertheless.
    And the gentlemen comment before me is right about the AMOC and the gulf stream. These are two distinctive currents, one influences the other but are considered different.
    I don't now what it will take for people to open there eyes!

  14. @JB-np5xi

    Our friend the atom 30+yrs ago and we would not be where we are today.

  15. @skxj

    Ok hold up, they tell us we have to keep CO2 out of the atmosphere to keep global warming at bay. Now your saying if CO2 is captured by cold water and held out of the atmosphere that is causing global warming. So which is it ?

  16. @pantherman4699

    Meanwhile, China is just burning coal and dumping into the ocean, but "we all have to do our part". You get THEM to do their part, and we'll talk. Our <2% CO2 emissions are nowhere near China's 30%.

  17. @misterfunnybones

    How much fresh & sea water Arctic & Antarctic ice melting from sea water ice & land-based glaciers will it take to convince people that things are changing?

  18. @leohorishny9561

    It needs to happen, otherwise concrete steps to affect anything will not happen for decades.

  19. @DerekFolan

    The current would depend on gravity ? Tides. So unless the land is changing to funnel water off somewhere else like man made lakes, massive canals ? The rotation of the planet might change if the weight of the water starts moving in another direction, so then tides could maybe wash over countries or your country could end up suddenly bigger as the water goes somewhere else. Hot water rising towards the surface has zero to do with current movements. Like if Ireland was positioned on the Pacific equator it would be underwater, if you view the earth without water its not round at all

  20. @tophat2115

    could be, might be…don't hedge, the human brain says, nothing to worry about then… this needs attention especially if you live on this planet

  21. @haydndoucet4172

    When the Beaufort gyre releases it could stop the AMOC. Recently 2023 it changed and looks like it wi release, but they’ve been saying that since 2017. So it could any day or year. It holds 40% more freshwater than it had since the 70’s. It holds as much freshwater as the Great Lakes.

  22. @kennethsnyder9236

    Oh, I don’t know? What do you do when your moon is gone? Boy oh boy what do we do?
    “We’re all doomed, what are we going to do “? I am going on a limb and say we better get out on the water and start splashing around. The fish need aeration.

  23. @amyntazoe9831

    And there's a war going on,. Where are all the environmentalists at.

  24. @08wolfeyes

    Well, the Amoc has already begun slowing down.

  25. @matthewporter1376

    If we are the problem then let's limit how many people there are? What's the holding capacity of earth? 1B? Maybe less; the people that call earth home should love her like a mother.

  26. @chinookvalley

    Sad how people aren't willing to look at the facts. If you think that God created the Garden of Eden, you don't want to contemplate the fact that YOU are killing it? Let's see how your God judges you for your morals and actions.

  27. @felixthecat2786

    Why don't they just allow scientists to explain how this works instead of the pretty blond report who says "like" and
    "Um" 70 times.

  28. @FarmerRiddick

    The children and grandchildren born today have a likely chance of experiencing the negative effects in their old age tomorrow.
    Thanks mom and dad, grandma and grandpa for the gifts of struggle and hard survival.

  29. @justbecauseOK

    If you dont like climate science then please do not comment here. We who do believe the scientists will be picking up the pieces for you. That will probably be a little bit humbling for you.

  30. @sotonpo

    Sad News

  31. @sotonpo


  32. @sotonpo


  33. @sotonpo


  34. @sotonpo


  35. @99suspects

    What happens when CBC reports on real confirmed facts and data? Hell likely freezes over

  36. @gokulkrishna4011

    Is it possible it can happen faster

  37. @social3ngin33rin

    2100 is really close
    But 2yr is much closer

  38. @rodneypantony3551

    The Bronze Age Collapse, collapse of Babylonian, Persian, Greek and Roman civilizations, near extinction events, cyclical climate change, man made climate change, Book of Revelation and ancient doomsday genre and so forth might be aggregated as a field of study to make modern systems more robust.The Bronze Age collapse, which occurred around 1200 BCE, was caused by a combination of several factors. While the exact reasons may vary in different regions, some of the major contributing factors include:

    Invasions and migrations: Various groups, such as the Sea Peoples, invaded and attacked the established civilizations, causing widespread destruction and destabilization.

    Internal unrest and conflicts: Many civilizations faced internal struggles, including social unrest, economic disparities, and political upheavals, weakening their structures from within.

    Economic disruptions: The collapse of trade networks and disruptions in resource acquisition led to economic instability, affecting the prosperity of the ancient societies.

    Climate change and natural disasters: Environmental factors, including droughts, famines, earthquakes, and other natural calamities, played a role in destabilizing societies and making them more vulnerable to external pressures.

    Collapse of centralized authority: The fall of powerful empires and centralized authorities left regions fragmented and susceptible to external invasions and internal strife.

    Technological shifts: The advent of iron technology may have provided a competitive advantage to certain groups, leading to the decline of bronze-dependent civilizations.

    It's important to note that the Bronze Age collapse was not a singular event but rather a complex and interconnected series of events that resulted in the decline and disappearance of several ancient civilizations. The specific combination and significance of these factors varied across different regions, leading to the end of the Bronze Age and shaping the subsequent history of the ancient world.

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