Chris Christie SURGES Past DeSantis In GOP Primary! | The Kyle Kulinski Show

Rachel Abrahams

Chris Christie is showing unexpected strength in the New Hampshire Republican primary according to a recent Emerson College poll. Trump still leads with 49%, but Christie has surged into second place with 9%, surpassing DeSantis at 8%. This is higher than Christie has ever polled before, even in past presidential runs.

Christie’s Aggressive Campaign Strategy

Christie’s aggressive and direct approach, particularly in his anti-Trump stance, seems to be resonating with voters. Despite having similar policies to Trump, Christie’s willingness to challenge the former president sets him apart in the race.

Northeast Republicans vs. National Republicans

Northeast Republicans, like those in New Hampshire, are often more moderate than their counterparts in other regions. This may be contributing to Christie’s success in the state, where his moderate approach is well-received.

Potential Roadblocks for Christie

While Christie’s surge in the polls is impressive, it remains to be seen if he can maintain this momentum. Trump still holds a strong grip on the Republican base, and the outcome of the numerous legal challenges against Christie may impact his campaign in the future.

Overall, Chris Christie’s unexpected rise in the New Hampshire primary race poses interesting questions for the future of the Republican Party. What do you think about Christie’s chances in the primary? Leave a comment below and share your thoughts.


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  1. @dominicdipentino9548

    Let's keep this real; Trump will be on that ballot. The rest of it is really just gravy. However, it's important to note that Christie is the only one in this bunch who has any backbone. The others don't DARE speak against Trump. If they can't stand up to Trump, how do they expect to stand up to the entire world? This is the office of the Presidency; not social director of student council.

  2. @dougcooley4711

    Chris Christie is the only hope for the Republicans to win in 2024.

  3. @sajp8859

    Although Christie will gain in the polls, Trump will still win the nomination—even if found guilty and constitutionally prohibited from serving in government. That is my prediction. What happens after that? A Soft Civil War, in which various state legislations will refuse to accept the REAL results of the 2024 election (which will actually be a ’Soft Succession’).

  4. @sajp8859

    So DeFascist is circling the drain. What did the mini-Hitler expect? People are going to let his racism flourish? Let him actually create his own paramilitary police force to help him harass and intimidate anyone he chooses—including school kids? 🤣😂😆🖕

  5. @jamesyount2423

    No one has a chance against Trump in the GOP primary but it's good to have Christie in second place. Gives him a pulpit to talk shit about Trump loudly and often on the national stage.

  6. @chrisk5651

    They’re directive to Christie last don’t act like you’re from Jersey!!!

  7. @Jay-z3d5x

    I would genuinely be fine with Chris Christie as president. I would vote for Biden, but I think the country would be okay under Christie. Would be nice to have our first openly fat president

  8. @lucienleja

    Republicans would be wise to back Christie…..he is not my cup of tea but he takes serving the public seriously …

  9. @lightbladex100

    No Republican member has dared standing up against Trump's criminal charges for a long period of times except CHRIS CHRISTIE.

  10. @Glicksman1

    I'm not a fan of Christie's for many reasons based upon his horrific turn as Governor of New Jersey. However, if not Biden who is far and away the best one running for Pres. in '24, and we had to have a Republican next time, then Christie a thousand times before Trump or DeSantis.
    This does not mean that I agree with or trust the great opportunist, former Trumpie, Christie. Only that in comparison to T and DeS, Christie would be the lessor of three evils.

  11. @Dana__black

    Republicans supporting someone telling the truth?

  12. @CaptainUncomfortable

    His 30 minute Town Hall on that TV station he actually sounded really, REALLY good. I didn't like how he sucked up to the gas/oil industry, but the dude sounded pretty damn good

  13. @simonsobo4644

    In other words, having something resembling a spine might be a GOOD thing. The longer Christie can stay in the race, the better. Personally, Christie isn't nearly as terrifying as trump but he's still untrustworthy. I still remember the traffic jams he created in Fort Lee, NJ because the Democratic mayor wouldn't endorse him for reelection.

  14. @scottankers6690

    49% of Republican voters in NH are brainwashed morons.

  15. @mikebond2169

    I will vote for Chris Christie cos the man is honest! Worst than Trump is Ron Dedevil!😂

  16. @torkelsvenson6411

    Not surprising at all, if you're a Republican against Trump then why would you support someone who avoids making arguments against Trump?

  17. @CarnageRulez469

    Surprised that Chris is doing so well. Don’t support him at all, but honestly good for him for sticking to his guns and fucking with Trump. Dude has more balls than DeSantis ever did.

  18. @IaneHowe

    The options are a worse younger version of trump or a snake in the garden that used tomrun with Trump got burned and decided to take advantage of a possible Trump fall to try to win.

  19. @augustinaunaeze7520

    I don't like a candidate who wants to be a dictator and who wants to ditch the UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION.

  20. @apollothirteen9236

    He's put more people in prison than any other federal prosecutor. We need more people in prison.

  21. @hangdogit

    Looks like NH doesn't like the sound of President Ramaswamy — can't fathom why. Haha.

  22. @johntorres4573

    Desatan isn’t going anywhere and Florida hates him

  23. @MichaelThomas-ll1hw

    I’m not a Republican at all, but he’s at least a respectable candidate

  24. @AudaipaulBhagwandas-l5l

    Strange that in a country where the citizens assume that their country is the greatest they can’t see their choice for the next president is immensely less than mediocre

  25. @humbertojimenez3475

    Chris Christie was the first major Republican to endorse Trump. That endorsement helped trump tremendously. Christie should’ve known, like the rest of us did, that Trump is corrupt, narcissistic and selfish. Yes, he endorsed him anyways.

    He’s found his courage a little too late. He cannot trust his judgment, nor his word please do not celebrate these guys.

  26. @gavingryte

    Christie is going to win the nomination and very possibly the Presidency, if one can believe a genuinely intelligent person can win the GOP nomination. There isn't anyone else in the GOP nomination race that can compete with Christie's combination of debate skills and charisma. You can't win the GOP nomination on intellect. But Christie is both the most charismatic and the best debater over anyone else in the GOP race right now. Biden and the DNC need to prepare for going against Christie, not Trump, in 2024

  27. @gabyjelly2001

    U wrong bro ,he’s running to win

  28. @mariahgrimes207

    Desatan- runs ad with child in maga gear teaching him to “build the wall”
    😂😂who is indoctrinating whom here??
    Trump is like a tatoo you got as a dare, then regreted it for the rest of your life.
    And removal is very, very, very expensive and painful 🤕

  29. @michaeldpa1333

    Christy has appeal in the North East, North West and West Coast.

    Half the "Realistic" Republican Party knows Trump is heading to prison.

    DeSatin doesnt have much traction outside the Southern and Mid-West.

    After Florida continues with its "Absent Govenor" sufferage DeSatin continues to loose traction.

    My bets on Chris Christie. The big Republican donars want "Normalcy".

    Christie is the last chance "The Old Republican Party" has left to dislodge or tame the MAGA crowds.

    Im a Biden guy and the only Republican that concerns me running against President Biden is Chris Christie.

  30. @seculair2996

    Remember Kyle said: You are objectively wrong if you like fall and you should be ashamed of yourself..

  31. @trishonya

    He’s speaking common sense maybe that’s why…some are ready to hear the truth!

  32. @alexpastor8582

    desantis is dead in the water!!!!!

  33. @toponeroc

    Vivek Suck balls is an embarrassment to all Indians😂

  34. @andrewmcfarland6681

    I mean an orange 🤡 was elected President….so never say never

  35. @vio2112

    I'm not entirely sure why, but I like Christie. I'm not saying I like his right wing policies, but as a person I like him. He seems authentic and I always find myself paying attention when he speaks. Of all the Republicans running, he's by far the best.

  36. @001SpecialAgent

    Yup. Love Kyle but disagreed from the beginning that Christie's is a "kamikaze" campaign. He'll get shot at and he very well might be shot down and out-flown by Trump, but he's after winning this thing.
    Quite a stretch of a metaphor for the two most over-weight candidates, I know

  37. @jackrosario9990

    If Chris Christie wins the Republican nomination for president he won't carry new Jersey!

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