Rep. Boebert: This is leading to impeachment

Rachel Abrahams

All right, now let’s bring in Colorado Congresswoman Lauren Bubba.

Congressman, thank you for joining us. You know Joe Biden now is deciding he’s going to go to Maui and he’s going to spend five hours in and out again two weeks after the serious devastation. Yet, he seems more concerned about foreign countries than he does Americans. What is it that he knows he’s going to win Hawaii anyway so he doesn’t have to waste too much time or money there?

I think so. It’s really unfortunate the pattern that we have seen with Joe Biden. Anytime there is a disaster in a certain area, he goes on vacation, he spends his time elsewhere and never addresses the actual problem. This is something that we have seen for two and a half years now. Whether there are train derailments, natural disasters, a wide open Southern border due to his policies, or now what we are seeing in Maui. Joe Biden instead went on vacation and spent his time elsewhere rather than addressing the problem and being with the people who are suffering in Maui. Maybe it’s political, maybe he thinks that he doesn’t need to gain any electoral votes in Hawaii, but this is a severe devastation and the people of Maui are suffering. They are being taken advantage of by their own local government, saying that they will be offered 700 for the devastation of their properties. All of this is absurd and certainly, Eric, you know more than anyone, we should not be tying funding or aid for Maui in with Ukraine. Ukraine has been Joe Biden’s number one source of focus his entire administration, and that funding needs to and we do not have an audit there so far, and we certainly do not need to tie that funding with Americans.

You know, I saw a couple of videos of locals Hawaiians, people who live in Maui, saying, “Don’t come, President Biden. Don’t come if this is what you’re going to do two weeks later.” And, by the way, you’re right, he went on two vacations since the devastating wildfires wiped out Maui. He went on two. They’re like, “Don’t come. There’s another issue, and if we can put this up, we have a full screen here. What we’re finding out is that the Biden Super PAC, which is called Future Forward…”

We have so much to look into with the Biden crime family. We have already been very aggressive and have uncovered many details revolving around this Biden crime family business. It does not surprise me that we are seeing this $12 million game Super PAC. Why would they stop it there when lying to the IRS and trying to cover up millions of dollars that are being funneled to and from the Bidens? Certainly, this is something that I expect Chairman Comer to address in the oversight committee. I’m very thrilled with the work that we have been doing, and I know that this is leading to impeachment one way or another. Either we are going to have articles of impeachment come up in committee and go through this process, or Eric, I will demand an up and down vote on the house floor for impeachment of Joe Biden. We cannot stand to have a compromised president in the White House.

Yeah, we’ve talked about that before in the way, I guess Kevin McCarthy’s weight is because he needs to get the full caucus of the Republican caucus behind the idea of impeachment. It just blows my mind. I’m guessing it blows the mind of everyone watching right now who is a conservative, saying, “You mean there are GOP Congress people who would actually vote not to impeach Joe Biden? Why in the world would that be?”

That is why I want to bring this to the floor for a straight up and down vote to put everyone on record to see where they are. There is no one in their right mind in the GOP conference that can look at everything that we have uncovered in the oversight committee and say that this man should remain in office and should not be impeached. We need to force the issue at hand. If there’s anything I’ve learned in Washington, DC, is that nothing happens without forbers.

And we saw that shift and Jamie Raskin impeached President Trump twice on nothing. There’s a lot more than nothing here. Very quickly, Congresswoman, we now found over the weekend, I think Chairman Comer released these emails that show Hunter Biden said that he was unavailable to go to a meeting because he was joining a meeting to talk about President Biden’s impeachment. Now, think about that for a second. How Hunter Biden was going to be a witness in Joe Biden’s impeachment. I mean, how incestuous can these Bidens be?

As far as I see, the DOJ was advised that this would be total career suicide if they were to pull the trigger on any of these cases. This is nothing short of corruption. For him to be involved in conversations regarding impeachment is the same as Joe Biden being involved in the phone calls that we saw with Hunter Biden and these shady foreign business deals that he was only put in position for because of his father’s position in the United States government. There is nothing that this family does that does not scream of corruption, and that is why we have to have actual accountability. The DOJ, they’re not afraid to charge anybody, including President Trump, and we’re actually even seeing that they might be afraid to go after Hunter or Hunter Biden because of repercussions. But they have to be held accountable at every chance that we can. The American people want fairness. They are tired of seeing these incestuous business deals within our foreign government, and it’s time that we lay the gauntlet down and show the American people that we’re actually doing something.

I’ll tell you what folks, the way to get accountability is to have people like Congresswoman Lauren Bobert on the House oversight committee and James Comer. We appreciate you doing what you do, you’re a bulldog, and we like that, Congresswoman. Thank you for being here.

Thank you so much, Eric.

The oversight committee has so much to look into with the Biden crime family. We have already been very aggressive and have uncovered many details revolving around this Biden crime family business. It does not surprise me that we are seeing this $12 million game Super PAC. Why would they stop it there when lying to the IRS and trying to cover up millions of dollars that are being funneled to and from the Bidens? Certainly, this is something that I expect Chairman Comer to address in the oversight committee. I’m very thrilled with the work that we have been doing, and I know that this is leading to impeachment one way or another. Either we are going to have articles of impeachment come up in committee and go through this process, or Eric, I will demand an up and down vote on the house floor for impeachment of Joe Biden. We cannot stand to have a compromised president in the White House.

Yeah, we’ve talked about that before in the way, I guess Kevin McCarthy’s weight is because he needs to get the full caucus of the Republican caucus behind the idea of impeachment. It just blows my mind. I’m guessing it blows the mind of everyone watching right now who is a conservative, saying, “You mean there are GOP Congress people who would actually vote not to impeach Joe Biden? Why in the world would that be?”

That is why I want to bring this to the floor for a straight up and down vote to put everyone on record to see where they are. There is no one in their right mind in the GOP conference that can look at everything that we have uncovered in the oversight committee and say that this man should remain in office and should not be impeached. We need to force the issue at hand. If there’s anything I’ve learned in Washington, DC, is that nothing happens without forbers.

And we saw that shift and Jamie Raskin impeached President Trump twice on nothing. There’s a lot more than nothing here. Very quickly, Congresswoman, we now found over the weekend, I think Chairman Comer released these emails that show Hunter Biden said that he was unavailable to go to a meeting because he was joining a meeting to talk about President Biden’s impeachment. Now, think about that for a second. How Hunter Biden was going to be a witness in Joe Biden’s impeachment. I mean, how incestuous can these Bidens be?

As far as I see, the DOJ was advised that this would be total career suicide if they were to pull the trigger on any of these cases. This is nothing short of corruption. For him to be involved in conversations regarding impeachment is the same as Joe Biden being involved in the phone calls that we saw with Hunter Biden and these shady foreign business deals that he was only put in a position for because of his father’s position in the United States government. There is nothing that this family does that does not scream of corruption, and that is why we have to have actual accountability. The DOJ, they’re not afraid to charge anybody, including President Trump, and we’re actually even seeing that they might be afraid to go after Hunter or Hunter Biden because of repercussions. But they have to be held accountable at every chance that we can. The American people want fairness. They are tired of seeing these incestuous business deals within our foreign government, and it’s time that we lay the gauntlet down and show the American people that we’re actually doing something.

Thank you so much, Eric.

The article raises important questions about the accountability and actions of the current administration. What are your thoughts on the issues discussed in the article? Leave a comment below.


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  1. @thatguyjoe007

    So nice to see that Republicans in DC are still talking about impeachment. More talk, that's what we need.

  2. @genius2005


  3. @merialusher5890

    Yes. But when.! How much longer?

  4. @bobbadham261

    Every1 knows Brandon n his mob are all bent as hairpins but yet nothing can be done only threaten impeachment? Getting way boring now!!

  5. @ritchieschrein

    new look for Lauren looking good

  6. @Htxtonytony

    I think it’s funny lol because the local and state officials both thanks Biden for his immediate response to help i think within like hours AND fema MAX’d out what they can give which is $700. Now more may and should come but that’s fema that’s not Biden. So here again we see PERSONAL ATTACKS AND LIES lol smh

  7. @bobleonard99

    Who is more delusional?
    Mike Lindell talking about election rigging or
    Lauren Boebert talking about impeaching Biden?

  8. @RonKris

    Here we have more TALK of impeachment, but nothing else. The R's keep talking the talk, but not walking the walk. I think they are afraid of the Dems. There has been verifiable proof of 'high crimes and misdemeanors for at least a year, but nothing…

  9. @avlisk

    Imagine a place where Biden can get anyone to vote for him. It would be a Clown World.

  10. @JenX_1973

    Impeachment will never happen. Republicans are all talk, no action. They’ll just keep writing “strongly worded letters” to Biden, Wray, Garland, Weiss, and Smith. That’s all they ever do! Republicans will keep promising impeachment, just to appease their base, and then run the clock out on their majority. If Trump wins in 2024, and Democrats win back the majority in the House, and keep the majority in the Senate, don’t think for one minute that they won’t hesitate to start impeachment proceedings AGAIN against Trump. They will go after him again, until they finally get their way. But yeah, Republicans, keep being “civil,” and keep “taking the high road” against the Democrats. Keep on bowing down to them, keep allowing them to get away with their crimes, don’t hold them accountable, and keep letting them do whatever they want. That’s the way to put them in their place! And I’m sure the Democrats will return the favor, and they will totally be nice and civil to the Republicans in return!

  11. @georgehage3841

    I am sick of hearing about Biden’s impeachment from republicans. They are barkers and not bitters. They should have already fought for Trump and won. On a national level, the republicans are worthless in fighting for right and protecting justice. BIDEN WILL NEVER BE ImPEACHED OR BROUGHT TO JUSTICE! TRUMP WILL BE IMPRISONED FIRST!

  12. @kle777

    Did she get tired of looking like a Sarah Palins clone?

  13. @robwlosiak7398

    Hey we could …
    Hey don’t make us…
    You know we’re able ……
    Hey we just might ……
    Let us threaten it once again …..
    You know we can impeach ,,, yet ……… it don’t happen for months , and story after story. Crime after crime.

  14. @robwlosiak7398

    Just when is the impeachment gonna happen and stopped being talked about. …. pppfff when ?

  15. @lloydb4130

    Call an ouster on McCarthy if you have to to get it done. The waffling Republicans like him and Comer wfho love to take up investigating and TV interviews need to take action….

  16. @benjaminrizzo6573

    Say what you want!!! Biden has his hands in the Cookie jar grabbing the Ukraine cash!!?

  17. @robertparker7582

    Our beautiful warrior, Mrs Boebert. She looks even prettier with the new hairstyle. Don't have to worry she'll change her stripes – she's solid.

  18. @yeshua31617

    Lauren looks a million times better without glasses

  19. @777kemosabe

    Speaking of Family's corruption, look at your own Bimbobart

  20. @believer2734

    This is leading to impeachment, blah blah blah. YOu people keep saying this and it does nothing but infuriate us as you do nothing but flap the lips. It’s time to step up and do something besides talking about it.

  21. @carlscalise4880

    It should of led to incareration a long time ago

  22. @genethomas1172

    I hope! Our country can't take much more of this

  23. @Payton20ADZ

    Boebert needs a shrink

  24. @zangetsuzabimaru

    The GOP members against it aren't Republicans, they're RINOs and are aligned with the Democrats. People like Romney, McCarthy, and McConnell.

  25. @mikerautenkranz769

    In any given subject, Joe Biden's FIRST action is to LIE. When will you folks realize this? Do not forget to add TREASON to the charges against Joe Biden.

  26. @ezo4

    Epic disaster, destroying the USA

  27. @mrpreparedallthetime1099

    Leading to impeachment? Just impeach and remove this illegitimate president! He's lied, stole, cheated, and gained things he should've never had! He's the biggest disgrace for a human being and a president!

  28. @fusjon1

    TRUMP NOW AND IN 2024❤

  29. @miker5140


    Do it now

    All talk and no action,

  30. @middleamerica646

    “Impeachment”? It should be imprisonment.

  31. @toddjahn1355

    Great job Lauren keep it moving
    From Michigan home of corrupt governors senators and government

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