Joe Rogan on Government Regulation and Open Source Sites
Let’s jump over to that Joe Rogan guy because here he is talking about how the government is going to go out of its way to regulate everything. There will be new open source sites, sites built to protect Free Speech, but the government, the machine, is going to do everything it can to clamp down. As Eric pointed out, we don’t know exactly what that will look like, but I think we’re starting to get some hints.
If the open source movement does take hold, if people recognize this as a real serious threat and start using sites like mines or various open source social media networks, don’t you think the government would try to regulate that as well?
“The threat always is that they’re going to come in and do that,” Rogan said. “And that is what they’re threatening to do.” There is energy in Washington by people trying to figure out how to regulate or ban open source. But interfering at that level carries consequences. For example, running a software program on everybody’s own computer to monitor everything they do or having an agent built into everybody’s chip. The question then becomes, what do you do when someone is running unapproved software?
Even as we decentralize things, will the machine try to figure out how to take us out? Why is the machine so against Bitcoin and decentralized exchanges that have nothing to do with the government? Rogan compares the government to the mafia when it comes to getting their piece.
Mark Andreessen’s Perspective
The conversation in the clip is with internet legend Mark Andreessen, a billionaire tech guy who has done a multitude of sites. While he passed on locals, he raises important points about decentralization and government regulation.
Why Is the Machine Against Bitcoin?
The idea of storing a decentralized form of value and exchanging it without government involvement seems to be a threat. But why is that a concern for the government?
Readers, What Do You Think?
As the conversation delves into the potential impact of government regulation on open source sites and decentralized platforms, what is your opinion on the matter? Do you believe the government should have a say in regulating these technologies, or do you support the concept of decentralization and privacy? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.
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And they will crush crypto.
Evil is lurking everywhere around the world
Welcome to the police state
Prepare for "The Chip Wars"
Gobalism, read your Bibles, we have been told all of this would happen – but we, as Christians have the Great Hope of Jesus and His return
Governments suck
If you think the people in control give to shits about money, you are very very dimwitted.
The government doesn't work for me so I'm firing them and I'll say whatever TF I want about them and expose them. Also you can't stop open source. We save whatever we want disconnect from the internet and periodically put the info out there. Also this man's a stupid idiot and liar talking about bit coin. The government doesn't get their piece when cash is exchanged. Bit coin Is not decentralized at all and very traceable. It's a form of memory. Where as cash has a disconnect and you don't know whether they'll pay taxes on it or care because they are not your problem.
The more lazy and willing to outsource our lives to the government or corporations the worse things will get. Cheap food and mind numbing games and entertainment is how you keep the masses neutralized so the elites can do whatever they want. Thing is if you make yourself independent of all of their systems they can't control you. This requires discipline, real education, hard work and being a critical thinker.
The answers by Joe Rogan's guest clearly show that the tech movement has run its course it is time for these enemies of privacy and Free Speech to be dethroned there is nothing Elite about the tech people they don't create anything of real and Lasting value One EMP would destroy everything that they created in a single minute they have literally built an Empire of Ash whose only purpose is to infect everyone's life and Rob you of all privacy and control your every move if they had their way they'd even control what you think anyone who doesn't see that the tech industry itself and the Innovations they are constantly heading in the direction of are in no way shape or form helping our society become Freer and more functional they're helping our society become more closed down and less functional the longer they are allowed to exist big Tech has to be erased and a return to sanity is the order of the day all you have to do is track the increase in mental illness right along with the increase in Tech Innovations it's not hard to figure out that our society's not headed in the right direction and what one of the largest contributors to that down slide is
Man has the elongated skull
If you ain't going to stand up and tell them it ain't happening, then you may as well be silent, because the other half of the country is ready to gut them alive. Period
When the Elite found out that computers can manage people better than government officials they can save billions in Campain Finance by investing in software that will limit what Americans can say, see or do on the internet. Can you imagine our world managed by AI? Corrupt governments, corrupt Intelligence Agencies, and corrupt banks could all be exposed. The Elite will never let AI fully manage human resources! EVER!
Sounded like support for bitcoin since its decentralized
They'll knock off the internet. Very predictable. God wins in the end.
I watched Joe rogan's face and his face asked a question
They don't get there piece well don't drive on there roads or use there airports or there power grid. Oh you want access to all that but you want it for free.
Not going… going NOW. Looking at it in the face right now. Look at all the angles. They are super busy.
Revolt revolt revolt
The disinformation and foreign propaganda act