Foreign Relations and Israel
[Applause] [Music] don’t go after your allies [Applause]
Thank you congresswoman Pramila Jayapal for attending a far-left conference in Chicago where she described Israel as a “racist State” and called for a two-state solution. She is now apologizing for the remarks about racism. This comes just days after congresswoman Ilhan Omar said there is no way she’ll be attending the Israeli president’s address to Congress next week. Let’s bring in civil rights attorney Leo Terrell who’s got a few thoughts about this.Leo Terrell’s Thoughts
Let me be very clear, that was a very strong anti-semitic statement. She is head of the Congressional Progressive Caucus within the Democratic party and as a prerequisite, you have to be anti-Israel. This woman hates Israel along with Omar and Talib and all the members of the progressive Wing.
Democrats and Israel
Democrats have always portrayed themselves as being the true friends of Israel. However, the far-left is making divisive statements about Israel, causing a conundrum within the party. The Democratic party has created a monster within its own party by allowing attacks on Israel, and the issue reflects itself in the outrageous comments made by the congresswoman.
The Concern about Jayapal’s Comments
The draft statement circulated around Capitol Hill expressed deep concern about representative Pramila Jayapal’s comments about Israel. It stated that efforts to delegitimize and demonize Israel are dangerous, anti-semitic, and undermine America’s national security.
Leo Terrell’s Response
Not good enough, the statements issued are not sufficient in condemning the anti-semitic remarks made by Jayapal. The lack of condemnation from prominent Democrats reflects the issue of identity politics within the party, which hinders meaningful action against divisive statements.
What are your thoughts on the controversy surrounding Pramila Jayapal’s comments about Israel? Do you believe that the Democratic party needs to take a stronger stance against anti-semitic remarks? Leave a comment below and share your opinion.
Palestines are covers for Hamas!!! Israel has every right to defend themselves!! Israel was Attacked !!!
The squad are traitors to USA! Deport all of them now!!!!
Leo ❤❤❤👏👏
Free free Palestin
Pathetic fools supporting her.
Rasheeda tàlib is an attorney in Michigan and should be disbarred🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
She looks like she has dowsymdrum seriously look at her get these American hating losers out of our country now these people would never ever be allowed to server in Congress let alone even be in this country back in the day back when America was great before we were infiltrated by these evil losers
And yet another race bitter is going to get away with falsely accusing not just a person but an entire country of being racist….. you know I don't want Donald Trump to be president but each day stuff like this comes out I hope when he is president again he does take revenge and I'm not that kind of person to begin with but I'm sick of this crap
why do palestinians have representatives in US congress?
The Squad supports Iran agenda which is anti-American.
They should read the bible and see what God says about Israel. Or do
they think he's rascist too?
How is it attack, it is talking ,debating a issue, Israel and USA are separate countries first of all , if USA can have bad policies that can be debated, so, does Israel bad policies should be debated! Second, USA needs to USA, to use , tax dollars of USA citizens in USA , to give free college education and free health care ! Israel who gets USA tax dollars offers free college and health care to their citizens !
how did these fools ever get voted into office???
Yup, these are Lucifer’s slaves.
The three blind mice..
Why do American voters elect such anti American politicians
Are there no true Americans running for political office
I really feel sorry for America because it has no president, Biden is sick and Trump is crazy
You demonic democrats are on the wrong side. Israel has been there since the promise. It's not Arabs, it's Israel. All Israel
Where do all the democrats get their funding from? A foreign power?
Turns out the people who shout racist the loudest are the biggest racist of them all.
🇮🇱Shalom Israel 🇮🇱
This is why the devil loves Lilith so much because she deceived the world just like these women
Put Omar and Rashida on earoplane back to Mogadishu to see their Grandparents.They love and woship Osama Bin Ladin,Fara hidid and what Boko Haram is doing in west africa
This group of Democrat party are dangerous and are the early birds of Islamic hostile takeover of Western countries. They work in tandem with…. Just check what is going on in France. FBI should look into it before…
Leo Terrell is a “civil rights lawyer” just like Trump is a law-abiding citizen…
Pound sand you anti-Zionist.
This people are funded by terrorists countries like qatar, pakistan ect…..
You don't fit in Congress Rep Jayapal your are going to be too dangerous to serve in Congress the best thing to is excel or Centured from Congrees
Rep Jayapal a Democratic she be expel or Centured from Congrees for saying Isreal is a Racist state you are too far gone to served in Congress
Rep Jayapal is a disgrace one she says Isreal is a Racist state and the other she is Horrible in Congress when you question you don't respect others People in the People House
It's a matter of time when the Squad will get Voted out of Office on the next election
Send her back to the hole she crawled out of! Racist murderers!
Send her back
I can’t believe this is crazy
when people are oppressed for decades you creat Hamas… period freee Palestinian🇪🇭
في كل ارسلني واضح ولا كن مشكلة الاخري لا اخد بشيء حبل بصياصة المحدوفة قاطع كل مال ارسلني في الدولتي لتبعني اعلانات بينات ان كان ليموت لا اخد كل البنوك اسلام اعلانات بينات عداوة واضحة المحدوفة قاطع كل الحقوق لاخدها
I am sure he'll be heartbroken!
Shame on these 2 anti- israel women posed photograph with US flag behind them !
We need to get these democrats out of office and never let them back in again.
Three shits
The squad kind of sound like a certain Ger man from about 80 years ago.
These are Democrats… Vote for a Republican.
Remember when Barack Hussein Obama became president and he flew that big jet over New York City knowing that it was scaring the f*** out of all the people thinking they were going to get bombed again, Barack Hussein Obama was Islam's Black flag over America in the White, most people that know that don't want it to get out, Ayatollah Khomeini your Islamic people flew the Black flag over the White House in America
Israel is a racist,check YouTube how they treat Palestinians.
It's all over except on your network
Deport these group of 4 big mouths- we dont need them anyways ..
Let them get fired — this group of 4 no- brainer is all but just ranting. They havent done anything for The USA