In this thought-provoking video, Ernst Roets discusses the current situation in South Africa, shedding light on the ramifications of taking diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) policies seriously. He addresses the challenges the country is facing and examines why these issues are often downplayed or overlooked by mainstream media.
The conversation covers a range of topics including the legacy of Nelson Mandela, the failures of communism, and the alarming rise in violence against specific demographics in South Africa. Roets also explores the influence of corporate media in shaping narratives, the West’s involvement in the country’s turmoil, and the historical origins of the Afrikaner people.
As he continues, Roets delves into Europe’s role in the ongoing propaganda war, reflects on the perceived animosity toward white populations, and highlights notable figures like Elon Musk and Donald Trump for their viewpoints on South Africa.
The video culminates with Roets discussing his commitment to staying in South Africa despite facing treason charges for openly addressing these critical issues. Join the conversation to gain deeper insights into the complexities of South Africa’s socio-political landscape.
And now he's being investigated for treason due to this interview. The communists don't like the people having a voice, thank you Tucker for giving us a platform.
I hope the world will not turn a blind eye to the blatant infringement of basic human rights! South Africa needs your help!
No accountability here, all boer propaganda.get them with another person to debate and you will see how he crumbles
Great interview, Welldone Ernst!! Thanx Tucker for the platform
-from a Proud Afrikaans South African 🇿🇦
The likes of Ernst stands to divide the country nothing more nothing less.. the reckless story still happening now ??
How many Afrikaners are in squatter camps and not allowed to work OR to receive aid. All donations to churches MUST go to the black communities.
Two white men talking about this without a black South African even just from the ANC is the problem we have with Western Media. Tucker I expected better from you.
The guys on the bridge were from my town, Amanzimtoti, they couldn't get into the residential areas but did ransack the outer malls etc. I wasn't in South Africa at the time and I feared for my Mother and young sister, I am so grateful that my friends and neighbors protected them. So yes we do need to have organized communities
Please afford the ANC, right of reply… so as to get a balanced view…!
My uncle and aunt were shot through their bedroom window while sleeping on their farm. My uncle survived the attack, suffering seven bullet wounds as the bullets entered and exited his body. Tragically, my aunt succumbed to her injuries in the hospital a day later.
Their five-year-old twin sons and three-year-old daughter, awakened by the gunfire, rushed to their parents' room. There, they discovered a horrific scene with their parents surrounded by blood on the bed and floor.
South Africa was the test run of what is happening in the West today
I know the answer to Tuckers whiteness question. Spiritual seed enmity .
Thank you for this interview, Tucker! I love that the Ernts spoke about the story of Piet Retief and the battle of blood river and the promise we made to God and how God helped us. We still observe this day every single year and pray that God keeps His word to our people ❤
God in Your light we see the light!
Im surprised the Zimbabwe situation hasn't happened in Australia with the aborigines. South Africa wasn't hard to predict. I was told by many blacks that they will be coming for your farm one day. I bet they come for the farms that have rhino on them first.
The shameless lying 😂😂😂 from minute one. I dare you come here and simply look around you. You needn't speak to anyone. Just observe
I dare Tucker to speak to someone other than someone who has been proven to lie about the country. Interview white South Africans. These ones who live lives 100 times better than ours. The ones who are safer than us. The ones who are still running the economy.
If anything Roets says is true, how do white people make up less than 1% of annual murders, the lowest and single digit unemployment, earn 4x more than black families in the same jobs amongst many other skewed indexes that simply tell you your so-called victims live amazing lives in comparison to the people who are allegedly oppressing them
Anti whiteness is promoted by the Soros foundation, by the jays, etc. etc. Most Afrikaners are very ignorant of the “root” of this hatred. USAID promoted all these things with the WOKE agenda, BLM agenda etc. Everyone also too afraid to mention the facts. Its against the law.
My grandfather was one of the first chairmen of the ANC. After 1994 the government tried to legitimize themselves by employing scholars and community leaders. He saw immediately where they were going and jumped ship, its a damn shame that no one listened to his warnings.
"90% of the people who died was black innocent south africans"
Anyone who likes Mandela does not know the truth or is truly evil.
There is NO SUCH THING AS STOLDEN LANDS. FROM ANCESTORS ETC…. BC/ They stold it from someone else. BUT, If the land was bare NOT USED . & another group comes & developers that land. Then that land should be their's. As long as no one else Owns it. Meaning they paid for it. Or were the 1st to homestead that land. In SA. When the Dutch landed. That land was not occupied. It was baren of other people. PERIOD…..
John 8:32❤
This podcast is laughable. Facts don't seem to matter at all. No wonder why this guest came to this show.
Mandela was a terrorist.
more black people die everyday than white people.
Most important podcast of the decade. Everyone has a responsibility to shout down and ridicule these anti-white beta’s & liberal women.
Wow. Thanks for bringing this to light Tucker. Now please sont leave it it there. Go talk to the other side . Dont just look at it from one angle. Go talk to someone from the other perspective. Give us a balanced view of things.
Such a rubbish interview😂😂😂😂also Afrikaans being bought to come and comment on this here.😂😂everybody in South africa is a victim of crime….93 people are killed in South africa everyday and I can tell you that 90 of them are black….what genocide….just go to America
The common thread is that all are afrikaners and have left the country, they know there guilt
Thank you, Tucker, and especially to Ernst for sounding the alarm and spreading the message about what is really happening in SA.
How on earth could any normal person charged anyone for treason for telling the truth!!!!!!!! Unbelievable
Thank you, proud of you Ernst! Keep fighting Brother
Make South Africa Great Again
As a coloured south african who believes in self sufficiency, I have to believe in self determination. I came upon this video expecting to be extremely irritated. But at the end of the day these people should not be forced to live in the SOuth Africa that most us have made excuses for. They want better for themselves and their children. I know it's a simplistic way of looking st this but it's really in the simple explanations that one can best understand
They have seen the cesspool of crime corruption debauchery immorality that south africa has become. All these things have even become our culture so to speak. It's the culture of the different races who refuse to call south africa out on its BS pretending we are all one. I was saying to my husband the other day that south africa has given us nothing. Besides it's God given beauty, this country as an institution has given us nothing. We pay tax but don't get the things we should get. Like Healthcare, electricity, water,policing and an effective justice system. Not good roads, not good services. Our country is run through by illegal foreigners who are running cartels here. Our home affairs is making our passport a joke. This country gives us nothing. We pay for Healthcare, we bought a borehole to get water cos in my community there has been no water for over 10 yrs, we got solar because Eskom is not reliable, we have no special status to get us jobs so we even work for overseas companies on overseas time. This country gives us nothing but stress, our children exposed to disgusting cultures and poor education. Everything we got we have to make it happen for ourselves. And these people,the afrikaner/white population don't want all that rubbish for themselves and their children. So yes they want Trump and the international community to assist them getting the volkstaat and protect them from the govt and. mob attacks. All my security at home is to protect me and my family from the govt and mob attacks so I get it. We live separated from our neighbour's and even family cos some are problematic and we don't like the way they live and we don't want our children to be influenced by that mindset. So yes I can understand wanting something better for u and yours.
I understand.
I'm 100% certain that they will get what they want cos they have a united mind about it. And it will prosper cos that's the people they are. Efficient
I'm even sure that capexit will happen because once precedent is set, its pretty easy after that
The sore part in my heart is that we could not achieve all of this together. But I know it's not possible. It just not possible. Unfortunately
South Africa has fallen, every day is a struggle for survival unless you're a political elite or a tenderpreneur. Hopefully we can have an independent Cape. I believe that bread will cost one thousand rand very soon….
Amazing interview. I literally had zero idea about South Africa history.
Sad what has happened to the original settlers of that area. Hope you can find peace.
Maybe it is time to sanction South Africa back into the Stone Age
Thank you for making the world aware of the horrible path South Africa is on. It has to be stopped