MUST WATCH: JD Vance Reacts To Liz Cheney Endorsing Kamala Harris

Rachel Abrahams

Quick breaking news update: Liz Cheney has officially endorsed Kamala Harris, sparking controversy in the political world.

The War Mongers’ Endorsement

It is an interesting turn of events as every failed war monger in the established DC machine seems to be rallying behind Kamala Harris, while the peacemakers are supporting Trump and Vance. It is a true testament to the saying “blessed are the peacemakers.”

Liz Cheney’s Controversial Endorsement

Liz Cheney, known for her hawkish views and support for military intervention, has thrown her support behind Kamala Harris. This move has raised eyebrows and sparked debate on the role of war hawks in politics.

The Call for Peace

It is crucial to prioritize peace over war and to question the motives behind such endorsements. Will Kamala Harris’s foreign policy align with the interests of the American people or the war machine?

What are your thoughts on this endorsement? Do you believe in the importance of peacemakers in politics? Leave a comment below and share your opinion.


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  1. @JacklyJones

    When you have kamala hillary nancy now liz well they all belong in the swamp

  2. @ssmaw123

    Elon Musk, Trump , Tulsa, RFK , all left from Democrats. Smart and valuable people left Dems. So, Dems can keep Liz and Adam for free. Dems can keep forever.

  3. @WilliamYohey

    Liz Cheney get a life 😮😮😮😮

  4. @survivorsurvovir8571

    She she should be removed, go to the left with all of the losers

  5. @survivorsurvovir8571

    Liz should cross over to the left , she is a Rhino and needs to go

  6. @frankcastle5294

    Vance 2028…2032….2036….onward!

  7. @Temple29

    Lay it down brother JD.

  8. @dubyadeetango3667

    Cheneys want Walz to be the new buffoon to outdo Dick’s hunting mishap.

  9. @StephenKiely-y3j

    I was waiting for JD to spit his water out when he heard that news

  10. @MichaelWeitz

    You do know the Republican voters voted Liz Cheney out of Congress. In other words who cares what Liz Cheney thinks.

  11. @gandyprimc6731

    You're not peace maker's but the opposite JD Vance can get voted off the Senate and grow a pair

  12. @epo7429


  13. @naimcgrath1401

    She doesn't endorse criminals. Go figure.

  14. @edwardcricchio6106

    Let's go over this one more time so we all understand why the Cheney family has endorsed a Democrat in this election. In 2016 during the Republican Party Primaries, Donald Trump went up against what the Republican Party had planned. Jeb Bush was supposed to be the nominee. It was his birthright, it was believed by the Old Guard Republicans. During the debates, Trump got nasty towards the Bush Family and called him Sleepy Jeb or whatever. Trump also began to question the motives GW Bush used to get the country into the Second Gulf War. Once he did that, he was questioning the Bush Presidency and to an extent his VP Dick Cheney. This really upset the Bush/Cheney loyalists (see Nicole Wallace and the Neo Cons). Trump had no right to take Jeb's rightful position in the White House they felt and how dare he question Bush/Cheney motives for getting this country into another war in the Mid-East (see Halliburton and weapons of mass destruction). Trump was stepping on the Bush/Cheney legacy. Democrats were fine with that in 2016 because in their eyes, Bush and Cheney were war criminals. But all of a sudden the Democrats are in love with the Cheneys. By 2024, Dick Cheney and his daughter are pushed out of any power they might have had left in the Republican Party. To save any face they have left, they decided to endorse the Democrat nominee. It has nothing to do with saving the country, democracy ending or all that other nonsense the Cheneys are claiming. They are desperate to save their political standing within a Republican Party that no longer genuflects to the Bush or Cheney families for that matter. Democrats it seems, have forgotten their hatred of the Bush/Cheney era only because their hatred of Trump is even greater.

  15. @edwest17

    Liz Cheney didn't even care about her gay sister do you really think she cares about your family?

  16. @olagamartinez7242


  17. @tanjajohnson4659

    I have more confidence in gas station sushi than Lying liz.

  18. @duffbaker9554

    She has officially crossed the line forever by coming out of the (political) closet and can never go back in, no more facades. Finally!!

  19. @nelsonortiz2768

    You said it career, We need term elections only eight year max New blood every time being in politics, is too tempting to make money being honest and serve, the country is what I’m looking for what’s best for all of us not a few of us

  20. @MichaelWinkelman-rm1hp

    I'm not the least bit surprised that the democrat party would accept the endorsement from a war mongering war crime family like the Cheneys. 🤦

  21. @joeschaeffer5296

    Look at the shills go!

    Imagine seeing these two without the makeup😂

  22. @MaryCrutchfield-h5u

    She has always been a rino, just like her husband, the party. He speaks the truth. They better get their kids and grandkids ready to fight.

  23. @stellacatfish

    Liz is one of the most miserable individuals in politics. Her old man wasn't a hero.
    That prisoner was just that. A prisoner.
    Now lets all celebrate heroes of America!!!!

  24. @vinitasingh2625

    The republican party should kick liz Cheney out of the republican party she's a waste.

  25. @terrym5786

    I love Liz Cheney. She supports our Constitution. She has integrity. Trump and Vance have none.

  26. @PuzZLeR_00

    Ah, Vance. You said it so perfectly.

  27. @mgmmac36

    what sane person wants war?

  28. @nathans3241

    Liz Cheney was a wolf in sheep's clothing, now exposed. When I heard her hatred and disdain for Donald Trump, I could not believe that a so-called Republican member of Congress would have reason to blast a man who did so much for our country. Cheney is a RINO elitist snob! Very disturbing.

  29. @pking4hjg

    Peace by sucking up to dictators.

  30. @OhioSawMan

    Her support for Commiemala is just old school Dems to realize what is happening, and support Trump/Vance in 2024 so that our Freedoms remain intact. If Trump locks up Dick Chaney, first day in office, as The War Criminal that he is, al8ng with his Daughter and their pal Commiemala, maybe 2028 can see a return to the old Dems we knew. To get to Tulsi 2028, we first need Trump/Vance 2024.

  31. @nickreno2201

    Being Muslim this is insulting because Dick Cheney had prisoners tortured and humiliated

  32. @JudyTuhy

    Kamala Harris gets endorsed by former creepy types that getvrich out death of vets. Almighty God is going to right by her.

  33. @poichong7026

    Liz Cheney she’s a bad woman

  34. @mennisdink5175

    Liz Cheney, what can I say other then that she learned from the best

  35. @pasqualespano1877

    Liz Cheney had ridiculed and bad mouthed Harris like no other. Her derangement for Harris has now spread to Trump. A dirty hypocrite who needs to be imprisoned for her crimes against humanity

  36. @Vmx12.17

    Liz Cheney has seen the light. Open your eyes. Trump is a Traitor!
    Trump has lost many good allies because of his hate. Wake up and see the light. Trump has made the Republican party a Joke!

  37. @Bahare-n4x

    Trump 2024❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  38. @thomasdill5711

    Excuse me, how is it that you all are labeling anyone, especially Liz Cheney a warmonger? Please give some context to this. Is it because of her father who helped get us into the Iraq War. First off, Liz is not her father, second it was virtually the entire Republican Party under W who were happy to jump to false conclusions and feed lies to the American people. The only the similar to the Republican Party of this decade and that of the early 2000’s is their propensity to lie. There is no decency in today’s Republican Party, they are totally clueless. They don’t value people, they have no knowledge of how our economy runs, they are baffled by monetary policy, only understand the spending side of fiscal policy, and are ignorant of how countries must work together. Your idol DJT lost in 2020 because he literally offered no platform other than hatred. It is a page right out of Hitler’s playbook…make sure you have a group of people that you can blame for every problem your followers have.

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