As Lent begins, Jonathan Roumie from The Chosen reflects on the transformative power of prayer and fasting. In this insightful discussion, he shares how his journey to portray Jesus has been a profound response to his own prayers, the weight of representing such a significant figure, and his personal observations of Lent. Roumie also delves into the significance of fasting, particularly in relation to notable figures such as Mark Wahlberg and Chris Pratt, and discusses the impact of spiritual awareness on one’s faith journey.
He addresses critical questions, including why Jesus confronted the Pharisees and how biblically accurate The Chosen truly is, revealing how the Gospels have profoundly influenced his life. Additionally, Roumie highlights the crucial role of confession, reflects on public recognition, and explores the challenges of spiritual attacks. The conversation touches on the surprising threats posed by prayer to powerful entities and emphasizes Christian resilience, referencing historical events like the bombing of Nagasaki. Join us for this thought-provoking dialogue that unpacks the essence of faith during Lent.
0:00 The Call to Play Jesus
9:35 The Weight of the Role
18:41 Understanding Lent
24:59 Fasting with Mark Wahlberg and Chris Pratt
37:16 Enhancing Spiritual Awareness
40:06 Jesus’ Anger with the Pharisees
46:03 The Accuracy of The Chosen
48:29 Life-Changing Gospels
51:36 The Martyrs of Libya
1:02:02 The Role of Confession
1:05:36 Public Recognition Experiences
1:12:34 Facing Spiritual Attacks
1:18:17 Prayer’s Threat to Powers
1:19:37 Resilience After Nagasaki
1:24:38 Roumie’s Collaboration with Hallow
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What’s the name of the prayer app? Anybody know?
Loved this!!!
that segment on the Takashi Nagai was the most beautiful thing i've ever heard.
1:18:38 I'm in Yurp, and Hallow works here. And there are ads for it. Well, in my algo… Love the app 🙏
Never seen the show. Just some shorts. Definetly going to!!
I'm just finished with Audio Bible, "The Word Of Promise". 100 hours audio book. Rated 5/5.
Highly recommended. Check it out, you will not be disappointed. Guaranteed!
Repentance only counts if you truly mean it when you repent and God knows if you truly are repentant! If you know you'll do it again, then your repentance doesn't count! You have to change that behavior for which you are repenting from!
Wow I must find that story of Nagasaki. I never heard that before and Ive always been a bit of a history buff and loved watching WW2 stories.
I really enjoyed this interview
Everyone knows who truly honestly runs this world. THE FREEMASONS. They control all of our ancient history ancient relics. Control the education system . Designed it w Rickefeller. Control media . Control both sides of Every single war past n present CONTROL agriculture control big pharma. So why no one mentions it Ever. They control Justin Trudeau the UK prime minister and the French girl/man leader. They r prob being blackmailed so must do as Freemasons tell them to do . The warmongers r there puppets. HUMANITY NEEDS TO STAND UP AGAINST THE FREEMASONS THAT DO BLACK MAGIC N COBTROL FROM US IN FEAR. WE NEED TO TAKE A STAND AGAINST FREEMASONS THAT HAVE CAUSED ALL THE SUFFERIBG N HARDSHIP INTENTIONALLY DESTROYING COUNTRIES TO TAKE THEM OVER THATS WHY THEY HATE TRUMP. AM I RIGHT. ITS THEM . PEOPLE MUST KNOW THE TRUTH ABOUT THEM
You would be surprised what makes you break a fast. I did a strict liquid fast for 13 days. By day 10 I actually told myself that the one thing that could make me break my fast is boredom. You for real get so bored of drinking and not chewing that the urge to cave in is insane. You’re no longer hungry by day 6 and it’s smooth sailing ….. until your brain is like …. You haven’t chewed anything in 2 weeks…..
That was tough! It was another mental hurdle.
But MAN, was my spirit more awake than my flesh. I was very in tune with the Holy Spirit.
Faith v Belief
The early Christians prayed 5 times a day.
The Muslims adopted praying 5 times a day and the Catholics swapped praying 5 times a day, checking in with who we really are, for confession. Confession was a control feature added when our faith was corrupted. You can also consider the 250 times the Greek word for faith in the Gospels has been mistranslated as belief. Believe nothing. Simply keep the faith. Blessings. 🙏♾️❤️
Principle v Value
"Marvelousness is simply afoot." 🐝♾️❤️
Order v Control
P.s… Revelation was not in the early cannon. Indeed any serious bible scholar will tell you that it was clearly not written by John or indeed a very smart person at all. Revelation was more likely the ramblings of a fool. Revelation was only included for political reasons and they sacked a Bishop and replaced him, to make it so. Revelation is complete nonsense and corrupts the message of the Gospel. Revelation should be considered an early Christian work of fiction. 😜
Imagination v Fantasy
Tucker! Next get Jim Caviezal!! His story will blow your mind!
Oh my God. The importance of the role of Jesus. Archangel Michael before the universe. The word through him the universe was created. Baby cheeses. In the holidays of kingdoms and politics. And jokes and movies and the Virgin Mary. How did this main universal miracle happen. He stopped being Archangel Michael. He became one cell in the navel and after 9 months all the angels rejoiced. And the fallen angels did not rejoice and the devil was the first to lie. in Eve's mouth. from a snake. was ready to tempt with words 40 days in the desert to destroy everything created equally the universe of God their father. He will also gather the harvest of all the descendants of the living and the dead 300 generations from dust to dust the book of life the hairs on his head are counted. He is the second after the creator and the first son the king of the heavenly kingdom. From the fishermen and Jews of the first century killed including by beasts in the coliseum. He is the idol of heretical teachings after the 2nd Rome synod of the cross and a corpse of two pillars. And not the Jewish serpent pillar from the desert and execution on a pillar from the house of a criminal on two nails probably. the last miracle the second coming of all angels and the destruction of all kingdoms and cities the invisible kingdom that all prayers and people are waiting for 2000 years. and the last century 1 seal war in heaven. the dragon is thrown down. woe to the earth and the living. politics entertainment lies and wrong choices.
16:29 Rome was just one of the several apostolic sees founded by the apostles. All the apostles were given equal authority later on after Matthew 16. So Christ founded the Orthodox Church, which Rome used to be, until the schism
54:00 this recently happened in the congo 70 people were killed because they were christian
The chosen reinvigorated my faith. Watching it was a religious experience in itself.
Watching 👀 from Sheridan Texas
This interview. Is the most heart felt and knowledgeable and kind from both of you guys
Folks tend to forget that The Chosen is backstory fanfiction. Excellently done, immaculate attention to detail, faithful to canon fanfiction, but fanfiction nonetheless. Good fanfiction points readers/viewers to the canon source, and The Chosen does that well. It helps that the subject matter is The Lord Himself, though 🙂
Thank you, Tucker for this interview and referral to Hallow. All you discussed together means very much to me as I wait for my favorite day of the year, Easter. I'm so happy that you are alert to His life and presence in our lives. Thank you for all of your work, such a gift to us.
How religion manipulates you
There is but two reasons for worshiping a God
The hope it can do something FOR you.
And the constant fear it can and will do something TO you
Absolutely beautiful ❤ thanks for this interview
Jonathan i continue praying for you and everyone involved in the Chosen. You are soft spoken and a wonderful blessed faithful man.
Neither of these guys know The Bible nor do the vast majority of commenters on this channel. Y'all illiterate.
Do not make for yourselves graven images! Exodus 20:4 and Deuteronomy 4.
THAT'S ONLY ONE reason to avoid the chosen.
Tucker needs to DOGE his producers. Deep Boyz do not know The Gospel or they would have preached it! And, lent is NOT Biblical/Godly. Lent is taken from the pagan ritual of weeping for Temuzz in Ezekiel 8.
Love Jonathan Roumie playing Jesus in The Chosen! He plays the role of Jesus so beautifully!🙏❤
Im an old man now but was a Penacostal preacher. After my wife died i went the wrong path. I now live with a lady who is my caregiver Della. We both watched the Chosen and now she reads the Bible to me because i can no longer see the words in the Bible.