Sam Bankman-Fried Reveals Surprising Prison Insights with Diddy and Uncovers the Shocking Betrayal Behind His Finances!

Rachel Abrahams

Sam Bankman-Fried is serving a 25-year sentence and is now in the same cell block as Diddy. In this exclusive interview from prison, he shares insights about his new life behind bars.

Join us as we delve into various topics, including what prison life has been like for Sam, his past experiences, notable encounters with fellow inmates, and how his perspective has shifted since incarceration. We’ll also discuss his political donations and the implications for the future of cryptocurrency in the context of the current political landscape.

0:00 What Has Prison Been Like?
2:28 Was SBF on Adderall Before Prison?
4:42 SBF Meeting Diddy in Prison
7:01 How SBF’s Perspective Has Changed Since Going to Prison
9:37 The Democrats Refused to Rescue SBF Despite His Large Donations
15:24 The Future of Crypto Under Donald Trump
21:17 Does SBF Have Any Money Left?
24:42 Tucker Confronts SBF About His Effective Altruism Cult
31:13 Will SBF Ever Actually Get Out of Prison?
36:41 Why All of SBF’s Friends, Family, and Co-Workers Abandoned Him

Stay tuned for this compelling update!


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  1. @tottiemitchell6737

    Looks like SBF was put in solitary for having this interview. I am very curious as to what was Tucker's purpose for this interview? I read Michael Lewis' book Going Infinite that hit the press just as the FTX trial started. SBF has a special stuffed teddy bear pillow named Manfred from his chilldhood which he took to the Bahamas. I always wonder if he got to take it to prison. I also read Zeke Faux's Number Go Up about the crypto scams that took over the headlines. Zeke's exposure of pig butchering is fantastic and frightening. I am VERY skeptical of Trump's advocacy of crypto but then we do have fiat currency and something has to emerge to take its place… gold.

  2. @charmainebusch9544

    I believe Sam should be freed/ pardoned frm prison

  3. @JackDataAnalytics

    I would be more empathetic if he wasn't lying through his teeth and took ownership for his decisions.

  4. @rlcmark

    Why are the criminals getting a nice interview while those who suffered are kind of ignored? Tucker!


    The take away from all this is don’t be a scammer and end up in prison kids.

  6. @RobinReedCoach

    Wow, “when the crisis began“ he says. Stole billions of dollars and he callsit a crisis. What a scammer.

  7. @thehumanity0

    If Jeffrey Epstein was still alive today, he'd be on Tucker Carlson, cozying up to the Right and angling for a pardon (if Trump didn't give him one already) – let that sink in, we all know it's true.

  8. @bdogfishing

    Big tucker Swanson money head per usual

  9. @V-1forlols

    Free my boy, he ain't do nothing wrong.

  10. @ct00001

    Tucker has officially jumped the shark bro

  11. @matuto2007

    This is the prince of the scammers. The King of the scammers is UNICEF. Even Madoff was small compared to UNICEF.

  12. @Vub.

    33:49 i was expecting SBF to say "My @$$h0le"

  13. @UncleChisel

    Money was given to THIS GUY?!?! LOL

  14. @CyanG3D

    Bro, you caused generational trauma for a lot of people. There’s no way he’s trying to lie his way out of this.

  15. @Vub.

    This is so HILARIOUS. Imagine not knowing him and watching one of his interviews where his company was booming. Then immediately watching this interview after, lol. Like "hey, yeah im jail now for life".

  16. @yeayeawhatevasureokayy

    Let him serve 5 more years and then free this guy. World can make use of his intellect. Better than letting it rot away in prison for 25 years.

  17. @louisstennes3

    Putting all politics aside, even the BEST minds in the FBI, SEC, etc., that want to do the right thing and keep the public from getting scammed by schemes these "brainiacs" come up with just simply don't have the smarts to stay one step ahead of these guys. I hate to say this but we should make a deal with this guy if he would empty his brain and tell the FBI how these schemes work. He's not a violent person and I bet he doesn't even know how to use a gun.

  18. @milkinobama

    -does podcast in hopes it will make people be on his side

    -everyone in the comments makes fun of him and tells his to rot in prison

    -gets sent to solitary confinement for doing podcast


  19. @medistream

    he stored his millions somewhre thats why hes semms so happy

  20. @love4jill

    Please interview Richard Heart… He is a crypto founder that beat the SEC and navigated the rules.

  21. @tinaferr

    What's with all the Diddy jokes. Grow up

  22. @James-hf7pn

    What prison is he in

  23. @bigwig5395

    34:27 went from crypto to the muffin economy 🤣

  24. @jaqueitch

    People who were dumb enough to invest in an un-vetted instrument with an unknown guy pretty much deserve their consequences.

  25. @alexkapa654

    Week intelligent people with lot of ambition….not easy to resest

  26. @YoutubePoliceUnit

    Lmao certainly the Doj thinks you’re a criminal!

  27. @Rogue_Leader16

    Update: SBF landed himself in solitary confinement for this stunt. Rot you little worm

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