Unleashing Bold Insights: Tucker and Chris Cuomo Engage in a Captivating Debate on JFK/Epstein Files, DOGE, Joe Rogan, NATO, Transgenderism, and DEI!

Rachel Abrahams

What does it truly mean to be an American? Join the thought-provoking debate featuring Chris Cuomo as he engages with Tucker Carlson on a range of pressing issues.

In this video, you’ll witness:

– Chris Cuomo acknowledging Tucker’s insights
– Joe Rogan’s impact on media
– A conversation about the dynamics between Andrew Cuomo and Eric Adams
– Solutions for New York’s challenges
– An in-depth discussion on transgenderism
– Speculations surrounding JFK’s assassination
– Revelations from the Epstein files
– Fascinating insights on UFOs
– Bill Barr’s potential role in the Epstein cover-up
– Debates around Elon Musk and DOGE
– Questions regarding the future of NATO
– Allegations of Ukraine selling American weapons on the black market
– Strategies for Trump’s approach to ongoing conflicts
– The influence of billionaires and mega-corporations on governance
– Immigration discussions
– The impact of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives on American identity
– A comparison of transhumanism and Christianity
– The divisiveness versus unity of Trump
– A thoughtful exchange on abortion
– Freedom of speech explored in under 300 words

Join us for a captivating exploration of what it means to be American today.


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  1. @scooterdogg7580

    The belief that Russia is going full force in Ukraine is idiotic and dangerous delusion

  2. @ballsdeep994u

    Cuomo will always be wrong more than he's right.

  3. @Dennisthamenace0

    Anyone else yelling at their TV Cuomo is a dumbass 😭

  4. @jtronmills

    Not a big fan of Cuomo but I do appreciate his willingness to challenge and be challenged keep it up Chris.

  5. @73turbonium

    Didn't you assault a person because they called you Fredo

  6. @mukuldeshpande

    Cuomo seem to have learnt nothing. No wonder he was fired

  7. @JohnTheo-kd4zb

    Chris your part of the division and your still promoting division. You bang in about how bad trump is, it’s pathetic

  8. @JohnTheo-kd4zb

    Chris coumo, it’s hard to describe you; all you do is disagree for the sake of it, with these word salad replies: you think Zelenski is some kind of saviour he has sent so many Christian soldiers to their death, his a straight out dictator. I try to like you Chris but you’re a lost soul. All you do is hate on trump and spew crap. You are really lost

  9. @papafiob

    It as great watching Cuomo interview Tucker on Tuckers own podcast 😂😂

  10. @tracyelmer6597

    Fuck this sounds like me Tucker vs my family in UK 😂

  11. @maryfranceshenrybell1289

    Cuomo it’s not a trained investigative reporter. Because if he was, he would remember that brother killed elderly people in 2020 and he wouldn’t back him and his mayor run.

  12. @LisaPhelan-w9l

    Cuomo cudnt move away from Epstein files quick enough…. what does he know I wonder?
    & for the record Chris, WE CARE!

  13. @JohnTheo-kd4zb

    Chris coumo, it’s hard to describe you; all you do is disagree for the sake of it, with these word salad replies: you think Zelenski is some kind of saviour he has sent so many Christian soldiers to their death, his a straight out dictator. I try to like you Chris but you’re a lost soul. All you do is hate on trump and spew crap. You are really lost

  14. @FreeFallin1989

    I can’t watch any of these NY people! They destroyed NY!

  15. @kellibuzzard9431

    Notice Cuomo's sleight against Megyn Kelly. What a 🤡.

  16. @73turbonium

    Cuomo can't speak truth because his brother is in politics

  17. @TheFilmsArentAlright

    U two can afford whatever instability trump’s “vandalism” may cause for poor peeps in the shot term. It’s not that i disagree with the philosophical and geopolitical goals of trumps recent moves, but the working class that elected trump doesn’t feel confident they will be supported during an impending economic instability.

  18. @PhilipsWood725

    ‘Tis truly incredible to see two intelligent people civilly discussing their agreements and disagreements. What a lost art! Bravo, fellas!👏

  19. @pendragon6449

    Cuomo basically saying race is a social construction not based on gentics…. 🤯🤡🤣🤣🤣

  20. @btynes69

    Hint hint it’s Israel behind JFK and Epstein files not being released!

  21. @JulieBoesch

    “I have to serve”….. what? Sexually harass women…well…I now I understand his need to run for Mayor when he was Governor. Chris….the Cuomo time is OVER !

  22. @dnazarian7

    Cuomo just talks in circles and constantly diverts

  23. @tracyelmer6597

    If Putin really wanted Ukraine he would have flattened it with 5 minutes

  24. @fylink

    I am from Russia and I agree with Cuomo. Russia is not so "complicated". It's corrupt since 90-s. Just a little example: when I took the driving test, everyone except me paid $100 to pass their license exam.

  25. @WeThePeople-hk2rb

    Dave Smith is the only guy to come close to calling this guy out like he deserves, I mean this guy is a snake. Try to catch him saying something bad about the CIA, it'll never happen

  26. @LastManAliveProject

    All signs point to a different countries inteligence agency, on more than one of these subjects 😉

  27. @Linda-ol1zz

    Wrong Chris, check out the Muslim areas of Dearborn MI or Minnesota. Where’s the assimilation??

  28. @georgespix7125

    Has anyone else noticed that China is the new Rothschild bank where no one can go to war, without their financing and approval. So now, when we want finance a war with Ukraine or war with Russia we must beg a loan from China to finance it. Worse After getting congressional approval to go to war. Which china can refuse to grant saying perhaps but not at terms you can accept as you are bankrupt,have nothing left to mortgage and are unlikely to repay.

  29. @lost94133

    The entire cuomo clan should be run out of politics and ignored from this moment on

  30. @wakkablockablaw6025

    You guys are crazy. I'm conservative but Cuomo was very reasonable, charitable, and charismatic. I disagree with him on a few points but I can clearly see his humanity.

  31. @1ICON1

    I HAVE HUGE RESPECT FOR BOTH OF YOU…i used to really not like you on cnn- chris..buy now i love your spirit – huge respect-..your actually a really realy cool dude

  32. @EazyRyder69

    I rarely comment…
    This was amazing. THIS is what we need more of. Growth, civility, and honest conversations are what will lead the coming "times". I'm Canadian and my introduction to you was through social media clips that would pop up during the last Trump Presidency. I saw the a hole you spoke about in this interview, but things change…we can ALL change. Now you inspire me not only as a man but as a conscious being.
    This dove deep, but was organic, fun and never left the realm of being anything other than respectful. Integrity ran high for both!
    With the highest of gratitude, God Bless and Thank You.
    -A Canadian Friend

  33. @tallynwittal573

    This guy got paid millions to do the news 😂

  34. @deadoperatordead

    Great conversation gentleman. This type of chat needs to happen much more often!!

  35. @jasonarpy

    Hard to listen to a treasonist

  36. @TheFilmsArentAlright

    Why r u morons in the comments incapable of seeing the value of this conversation ?? Credit should be given to tucker; his willingness to engage with Cuomo is a net positive.

  37. @adsadafafas

    One of my favorite interviews! I absolutely agree with what Chris said at the end, "Conversation is the cure." It's been fascinating to talk with family and friends with differing opinions from my own, not because I now believe anything differently, but because it's at least given me an appreciation for others' perspectives. May our nation find peace along with its identity.

  38. @bobbybrush7185

    Tucker won't say the quiet part out loud, and Cuomo is too dumb to pick up the clues — JFK and Epstien were both Mossad operations.

    The US govt, media, politicians, etc. are not covering for CIA, but Isreali intelligence influence/ operations in the US, both past and current…
    🤫 but don't tell anyone.

  39. @lisapark2001

    Oh man !! Cuomo knows shit about Russia and Ukraine conflicts. He sounds so stupid and better shut up , 쩝 😢 Cuomo lost this debate in every level 😅😅😅

  40. @littlemac844

    Did Chris take his Ivermectin Routine before this episode? Dave Smith asked.

  41. @colby8018

    If anything is going to be the catalyst for the end of our nation it will be a conglomerate of reasons like this.
    There is obviously no reason that there should be unchecked agencies within the executive branch. A majority of Americans believe that our government murdered JFK, MLKJ, and Bobby; yet all these institutions have not even received a slap on the wrist and continue to plot against the best interest of Americans.
    That is not democracy, and as long as our government propagandizes our population to re-write history we will be slaves to the winner created the history books mentality.

    Sorry for lack of punctuation.

  42. @quail106

    This is the best thing I have watched in along time.

  43. @Musicandufos

    Bruh race is made up.. what!????

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