Uncovering the Astonishing Secrets of the USS Liberty, Europe’s Resilient Comeback, & The Intriguing Mystery Surrounding Brigitte Macron!

Rachel Abrahams

Join Clayton Morris from Redacted as he delves into controversial topics, including Brigitte Macron, false flags, and the underlying mechanisms of global politics. This thought-provoking discussion explores a wide array of subjects, from the exploitation of Portugal by the European Union to the bloody consequences of female leadership. Morris shares insights on medical malfeasance in Portugal, George Soros’ involvement in international conflicts, and notable meetings involving Trump and Zelensky.

The conversation doesn’t shy away from the more disturbing aspects of current events, covering topics such as the persecution of Christians worldwide, Biden’s alleged UFO false flag operation, and the tragic history of the USS Liberty. Morris also raises questions regarding the assassinations of figures like JFK and explores the potential concealment of advanced technologies by the government.

From critiquing societal masculinity in America to discussing the implications of a Trump presidency, this podcast offers a riveting examination of our times, including the unsettling rumors surrounding Brigitte Macron and a hidden human trafficking network operating within the U.S. Tune in for an eye-opening exploration of how the world may really work.

Chapters include:
– Why Morris Left Fox News for Portugal
– The Exploitation of Portugal by the EU
– The Dangers of Female Leadership
– Medical Malpractice in Portugal
– Soros’ War with Russia
– The Killing of Christians Worldwide
– Biden’s UFO Operations
– The USS Liberty Incident
– The JFK Assassination Mystery
– Concealed Technologies
– The State of Masculinity in America
– The Inquiry into Brigitte Macron’s Gender
– Human Trafficking in the U.S.


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  1. @sophiagertz1083

    I love Russia. I love their Russian culture and their beautiful Tartarian architecture. Try and duplicate! Just try!

  2. @Theotherlostprimarch

    I can’t wait to see the paid shills try and convince everyone in the comments that the Liberty was simply a “friendly fire accident”. Good luck, lol.

  3. @Space11Mars

    USS LIBERTY i have no Idea what this is about. Educate me. Signed Gen Xer America 🇺🇸

  4. @mayowankenobi

    It occurred to me last year…EVIL DOESN'T NEED A REASON!!!!

  5. @Toddis

    Do those ALP tins have a storage compartment for your used ones?

  6. @carrier7399

    Satan is having a hey-day, especially with sexual abuse of the innocent!

  7. @anneliehaarhoff821

    No surfers allowed in the ocean in South Africa as well. The absurd regulations. MSM around the world parroting the same narrative

  8. @johnflano6973

    😮ABSOLUTELY AWESOME STUFF!! CLAYTON MORRIS⭐ with TUCKER ⭐ 🎬 ⭐ 🎥 ⭐ Greetings from Beautiful Gorgeous Bangkok Thailand 🇹🇭 🌴🌴 Wish you guys could bring your shows HERE 🤗🙏🌺🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴

  9. @1rjbrjb

    For a Communications Major trust fund talking head who never had to struggle a day in his life, Da Tuck is pretty glib about calling people "stupid". I discern no evidence of brilliance or erudition in Tuck – he is reasonably articulate, which is basically his whole job and he can string together coherent sentences most of the time.

    But if you are going to call half the sitting members in congress "stupid" you should be manifestly brighter than Tuck.

  10. @johnjones8888

    38:39 who? I hate when Tucker does that but doesn't give the name…….

  11. @PhillyBirdGang1

    YouTube is censoring replies to comments! 🤔

  12. @shonnamay8331

    Clayton it is a truth, they are Denomic.
    Seriously contolled by a darkness which cant be seen.

  13. @gatalain145

    As for the slow walking and non disclosure, I am one of many who think it's because Israeli would be ousted and they are the ones saying no… I wish one of you would beat on the story of trump sending money to netanyahu already, that is bs whether you support him or not.

  14. @ronstachewicz4265

    I suspect: Slow walking the discolsures, espesially the Ebstien files is because the balance of power
    would be tilted to the "Blue" The present Government wants to maintain its power.

  15. @pennypistol

    one of the most in incensing doings of our politicians is using people, American citizens, to fund their demonic plans.

  16. @PP-L-24

    There are a lot of problems with the European Union. It was a big successfull project. It is deteriorating because they inflated the whole stuff. It is not that it is a hundred % failure. Your guest is right of course right, that the people in Europe don't like the war in Ukraine. Btw, to the right of Zelensky there were two very posh with high heels. I am sure his advisors thought that Trump is a womanizer and that would impress him. People in Europe greatly underestimate Trump. Some comments you hear in Europe are extremely stupid.

  17. @Toddis

    Our unwaivering support of Israel, the hundreds of billions of tax payer dollars we continue to fund their war games with, that is one of the great threats to the United States

    They are smart people with a good economy, let them pay their own way, theyre just gonna pull us into more pointless wars and create more enemies of us

  18. @Canadianborn

    Edgar Cayce the famous American psychic said the USA has lost its way. And out of the East, Russia, will come the hope of the world.

  19. @Ktümmler

    We dont think female leaders are crazy. Best regards Denmark. 🤣

  20. @sophiagertz1083

    I’m glad others are aware of how bad women are in leadership roles. They have been outed. They are so much worse than men. I think women in politics and as CEO’s are a huge detriment to society. Never a woman president.

  21. @kaylathomason7787

    100% correct about Abbott. He has proven to be a weak Governor. We need a stronger conservative to run against him. He is pushing really hard on a school voucher bill and everyone is screaming no. He is making a lot of people mad for push this!

  22. @JW-qr5wd

    CANDACE OWENS investigative series on both and was amazing!!! She also was threatened a lawsuit about doing her series

  23. @scottleitch2957

    Sort of an embarrassment I did not know who Clayton Morris was, but just subscribed to his channel and looking forward to perusing his back catalog. Thanks again Tucker for all you do to get the word out on these amazing people.

  24. @pennypistol

    My dad did the same ,defending his family. People were often startled when he did whatever he quickly decided should be done. He let No one encroach on his family nor himself, and was also a staunch conservative and American patriot. It scared me a bit sometimes, but one was right.
    I do the same,

  25. @gatalain145

    I'm surprised tucker was unaware of the USS liberty thing and our govt killing our people….I would have thought he would be one in the know of that; well better late than never.

  26. @jakeshockley2735

    If either of these guys would interview Ryan Dawson, millions of people might start to realize how much of our collective conscious is based on propaganda.

  27. @nicholasbabcock9384

    Might as well just rename Ukraine to "new kazaria".

  28. @bodhisoha

    Everything changed with the war of 1812. Read about it and read about President Andrew Jackson. You will understand, and you will understand who George Soros works for.

  29. @archhager1822

    Great interview ….. thanks Tucker

  30. @peenatz

    I'm portuguese and didn't take the injection as most of my family. Majority took it infortunatly but not all😅

  31. @ProfessorPithy

    Epstein and Maxwell were Mossad and we’ll never get the complete list. The Americans resisting the release you can rest assured are on tape diddling kids.

  32. @Dee-743

    I am probably around your ages and I am happy to have your channels to hear common sense, nationalism (love of your country), speak of God, the evil satanic happenings, the lies we have been told, how we are being robbed as a nation, so many reasons you are a breath of fresh air in this insane world. Great episode.

  33. @pennypistol

    2 great reporters, most informed,Truthtellers, we can trust you, your word(s, therefore, I trust you both. When I smell lies in the news and the government, I can count on both of you and Natalie, Thank you!. Please never stop. God Bless you and your families. 🙏✝️

  34. @gatalain145

    The nj drone thing was a US govt psyop plain and simple, anyone thinking it's not has drank too much kool aid.

  35. @AnthonyAnthony-tk4ye

    “Spank me harder…!! Govern me harder!!!” 😜😜🤣🤣🤣🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

  36. @Throughtheeyesof

    That's the kind of conversation you would love to have with everyone. Brilliant. Love it. Thank you both.

  37. @petepop4319

    Cosmopolitan wealthy people live on the death of the common man while preaching the common man's freedom. Human leeches. The paint and the ease of their life's, seems attractive. Cliffs are also beautiful in their grandeur, as they crumble into the sea. They are the, End of Us.

  38. @dtroutmann

    Michael Faraday invented the transformer in 1831

  39. @evandavies1230

    Because Israel was involved in JFK

  40. @YoureNotReet

    I always get this guy mixed up with clay travis

  41. @tikibar1169

    October 7 was a false flag

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