Tucker Carlson to Joe Rogan: We “don’t know” where nuclear technology comes from

Rachel Abrahams

Tucker Carlson’s Questionable Claims About Nuclear Technology Origins

Speaker 1: All right. Continuing our analysis of Tucker Carlson’s recent appearance with Joe Rogan. Yesterday we looked at, Tucker Carlson trying to tell Joe Rogan that Darwinian evolution by natural selection has been debunked. It’s no longer true or it never was. It’s not believed. It’s been totally debunked. That was a lie. Today we go to the wild claim from Tucker that we just don’t know where nuclear technology comes from. And what’s very interesting about this is it seems to be another example of because I don’t know, it must not be known or because I don’t understand it, nobody must understand it. It is fascinating to see. I continue to wonder, is Tucker just saying this stuff because he’s identified an audience he’s trying to appeal to now that he’s been fired from Fox News, and he needs to say this stuff in order to appeal to them. Or is Tucker Carlson saying this stuff because he believes it? Let’s take a listen. Then we’ll discuss in.

Tucker Carlson’s Insinuation about Nuclear Technology Origins

Speaker 3: Years more advanced analysis. How much would.

Speaker 2: We be able to detect?

Speaker 3: Well, so I think we’re pointing to the same question. I mean, I have no doubt that the US government has technology that we don’t know the details of. That makes sense. Sure. But like, where did it come from? Right. I’m not even sure this is a separate question, but related links, should we really know where nuclear technology came from? Actually, when you really. Yes. Like the Manhattan Project. Yeah. Like we know the Manhattan and we know something about the Manhattan Project, but like, where exactly did that you know, came from? Germany. German scientists working on. Okay. Yeah. The one part of that one, it’s a separate conversation, but the one person I know who’s really pushed that was writing a book on it, who’s a trustworthy person or a friend of mine. I know you know him. Said to me, actually, I spent a year working on this and I one of the closer I got to like, well, okay, but what’s the Genesis like word that where did this what was the what was the Isaac Newton apple on the head. Oh gravity’s real moment. Yeah. For vision. No. Not clear. Weird. I don’t know the answer, but here’s.

Factual Explanation of Nuclear Technology Origins

Speaker 1: One so he doesn’t know the answer. So again, none of this is true. So here’s how it all happened. Research into nuclear physics started in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It included scientists like Henri Becquerel, who discovered radioactivity. Then Marie and Pierre Curie studied radioactive materials. And with that, we generally understood the process that underlies nuclear technology. We then got to the breakthrough in nuclear fission. Tucker brings up fission. We just don’t know. It’s well documented. Typically attributed to Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann in Germany in 1938. We have that information. Lisa meitner, a colleague of Hahn and Strassmann, then was able to expand understanding the mechanism behind nuclear fission. And then she, along with her nephew Otto Frisch, described how the uranium nucleus could split. It releases a ton of energy. And then that’s the basis for this technology that we now can use for weapons or for energy generation. It’s an extraordinarily well documented history in scientific and other journals and lab notes and personal accounts. So as usual, it’s sort of like, what on earth is Tucker Carlson talking about?

Questioning Tucker Carlson’s Motives

Speaker 1: And I, as people know, I’m an open book on Rogan. Rogan and I have corresponded privately dating back a long time. I’ve been on his show twice. I’ve lately been critical of a lot of his stances when it comes to, primarily medical stuff, I guess I would say, but it’s not personal in any way. And in this case, Rogan skepticism when Tucker says, evolution has been debunked and Rogan goes, what are you talking about? What do you mean, it’s been debunked? I haven’t heard that at all. And that’s the right reaction. The right reaction is. Tucker, what the hell are you talking about? How is it that you. This is what you’re now espousing, since you’ve been fired from Fox News and are trying to build the Tucker Carlson Media Network on, or whatever it is that he’s doing. So the same question we ended with yesterday’s the question I end with today, does Tucker Carlson really believe the things he’s saying here, or is he saying it because he thinks it’s going to help his business?

Readers’ Opinion

But it is bizarre. And I’m curious what you think. Do you believe Tucker Carlson’s claims about nuclear technology origins are accurate? Or do you think there’s a different motive behind his statements? Leave a comment below with your thoughts.


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  1. @Knowledge.m3

    According to mojendaro site, and the glass floor there, people think that the Hindus describe nuclear war in the baghavadgita, hencw why "I have become the destroyer of worlds"

  2. @triggerout1239

    tucker is either a planted bot or that we as Americans have came down to such a point that a percentage of us believe the goof

  3. @rishab0B

    Being a centrist it's hilarious to see the craziness that ensues when half wits from both sides try to debunk things based on feelings.

  4. @snyperghost2262

    How dare you forget Enrico Fermi!!! He invented nuclear reactors and without him, the development of nuclear power plants would have been setback by like 50 years

  5. @jwbjpb1338

    Tucker showing his ignorance once again and it’s more and more clear he is a Russian plant

  6. @EliCass-kr9ty

    And when Tucker said on the other podcast, saying that when we created the atom bomb the all US thought that we was.a God, No….he thought that! He thinks he comes from a race of God. People like him are like those that thinks they a from a race of supiral one , instead of believing the we all are unique in our own special way, and we all have good and bad quality. That simple…

  7. @glade6076

    When the media goes against someone then it’s time to listen to that person .

  8. @sailexw6414

    E = mc^2 has left the chat.

  9. @pgiando

    But conservatives don't believe in higher education so…

  10. @pgiando

    Tucker 'Dunning Kruger' Carlson

  11. @musicmix-bm7mu

    I hate hate our culture.! Sis man 39.

  12. @tommtom8662

    Tucker is correct regarding Darwins theory…it's absolutely senseless

  13. @jon5784

    Tucker is hinting that this is alien technology. Tucker works for the government, CIA most likely, Rogan as well. They're given topics to discuss and this one is meant to support the alien disclosure agenda. And there are aliens yes, it's true, but they're actually fallen angels. And he's right, nuclear technology is from these beings, but they want you to think they're aliens from another planet, when in fact they are fallen angels attempting to keep you knowing who God is.

  14. @davidprieto1641

    Everyone has an opinion. We know nothing. Only what we've been taught and read.

  15. @garryferrington811

    Oh, FFS. People actually take these clowns seriously?

  16. @Liam-zw1ek

    Treasonous Tucker and his incompetence and ineptness, laid bare…

  17. @lbnoronha

    Ok now i'm divided here, in one hand Tucker Carlson was this system puppet that followed "their" orders, on the other hand later he was banned (a medal to him – in my view – since beeing banned form the main stream is very positive progress – means you are no longer a puppet) But then this absurd claim about something anyone aware of science should know (you don't need to be a genius to know this part of science) and he fails that big time… Whait a minute, stop all that…. He want's views, he wants controversy, he is seeking the alogarythm… Saddly, once again i think this is all about the money… Very sick… Unless he is a moron… Nahh he's not, money just plain money, controversy generates more views… Very sick, very poor minded, shame on those who give him stage to say such absurdities. Stop it, it's not worth the time there's many brilliant people with good values up there to be given stage. Cancel stupidity for mankind sake will you?

  18. @Geraint3000

    Like overhearing a pseud and an idiot in a pub.

  19. @dannykrinkle4726

    "The carts won't roll backwards. No one can really explain that. Odd."

  20. @zachmorgan6982

    He has a trans woman's laugh

  21. @zachmorgan6982

    I both find Tucker to be very sincere in what he's saying Even If it's totally Crazy I think he believes it and also simultaneously 100% being a f**** actor I Don't Know which one it is but I Don't think you can fake that FACE I Don't think you can fake his type of Ignorance and the gusto with which he goes at it I Don't think you can. And I have a theory that a weird laugh can really tell you a lot about a person it can really tell you when they're a little bit off in the head and they laugh weird that sort of like a autistic sort of thing

  22. @nealart

    Maybe Joe got him high?

  23. @podskizee

    As a conservative who reads basic history and has a basic understanding of military deterrence, I have no fucking clue what Tucker is talking about. He parrots left wing talking points now which is very odd to watch.

  24. @thisbridgehascables

    Tucker is either running a long term trolling campaign or he’s a moron..

    We don’t know where nuclear power technology came from?? .. the science and creation of the atomic bomb. We can’t have the bomb without technology creating the concept of power from a reaction.

    This is why conservatives are dangerous when they try to make science seem magical or works because of god or aliens..

    Tucker will soon complete his grift transformation to a flat earther.

  25. @didiersavard6809

    TC will say and do anything to make money and become powerfull so he goes for the uninformed and the conspiracy type.

  26. @WackyJack322

    Tucker always keeps saying "We" when he really means "I".

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