Bill Maher EVISCERATES ‘Barbie’ Movie for FAUX FEMINISM, Briahna AGREES

Rachel Abrahams

Bill Maher Criticizes Barbie Movie for Preachy Feminism

Comedian Bill Maher recently took to Twitter to express his thoughts on the new Barbie movie, criticizing its portrayal of feminism. In a lengthy tweet, Maher wrote:

“Okay Barbie, I was hoping it wouldn’t be preachy, man-hating, and a #zombielie. Alas, it was all three. What is a zombie lie? Something that never was true but certain people refused to stop saying it. Spoiler alert: Barbie fights the patriarchy right up to the Mattel board…which takes place in 2023. Is this the kind of feminism we want to see in movies?”

Elon Musk Supports Maher’s Critique

Notably, Tech Giant Elon Musk responded to Maher’s tweet, agreeing with the sentiment and questioning why such “lies” are being pushed in the media.

Shared Criticisms and Controversies

Maher’s review was met with a mix of support and backlash on Twitter, with some users defending the movie’s feminist themes while others echoed similar criticisms. Many pointed out discrepancies in the portrayal of feminism and gender dynamics in the film, questioning its accuracy and impact.

Discussion on Realism and Representation

The Barbie movie, despite its comedic elements and entertainment value, sparked important discussions about feminism, representation, and storytelling choices. The movie’s handling of feminism, gender roles, and power dynamics in society raised important questions about the messages we convey through media.

Readers’ Opinions

What are your thoughts on Bill Maher’s critique of the Barbie movie? Do you agree with his assessment of the film’s feminist themes? Share your opinions in the comments below.


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  1. @stevenbratz7333

    What patriarchy where? You mean sewer and line workers? Oil field or construction site? You mean every hot, smelling, freezing, dangerous job that you might break a nail or cause your mascara to run patriarchy?

  2. @jortalportal2834

    How can we get Bill off the air? I don't like him. Racists are everywhere – why can't we have some standards? Why can't Black male voices get a break in the media?

  3. @AlvaSudden

    Bill Maher: "I'm irrelevant and jealous. Plus I didn't understand the movie because I didn't want to." 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  4. @DSkehan2004

    I can’t believe they messed up the Barbie movie.

  5. @GaryHighFruit

    Men are not dominating. Yes they dominate in areas because they have the drive to do so. They do not dominate WOMEN tho. Women CAN do what TF they want. They just don't wanna DO stuff. Women don't even KNOW what they want. Don't put that on men.

  6. @TrueBlackJew

    I can't believe the line about Native Americans was so casually thrown in to this movie…. that's disgusting. clearly greta is just another privileged white woman who thinks she's an ally for all minorities but in reality she's actually an agent for promoting capitalism and racism, whether she realizes it or not. imagine if Roots or Boyz n the Hood was like this towards Black people… People used to say only white men were the problem (a simplistic take on a complex issue). Well now it's also white women adding to that problem but screaming at you how much of an "ally" they are for oppressed peoples without actually knowing any real history about those diverse groups.

  7. @jennmello8829

    Anyone who thought this film was man-hating, woefully missed the ENTIRE point of the film 🤦🏽‍♀️

  8. @MauricioGarcia-yv2in

    😂😂… They hire an actress to play a living doll with hard politics and no genitals…. 😂But… I've already seen her 😺 in other movies….

  9. @ForeverFalling153

    Clearly a second Barbie movie is already needed. Lol

  10. @dannysullivan3951

    The sun is setting on Bill Maher. He posed as a liberal, but he was always just an old fussy white guy.

  11. @RonaldKragnes

    Barbie is like the movie Avatar. The movie looks so visually interesting, but is a terrible film. 2/10

  12. @theekim6625

    If the same movie swapped genders (something that supposedly if VERY fluid) the problems would be obvious. Fun to see men have few allies against misandry.

  13. @negusnutrino8863

    The barbies were smart enough to know how to beat the Ken's. Femininity, the same things that been toppling men since forever😂😂😂

  14. @fluffythepitbull

    It was satire. People are taking it far too seriously and need to lighten up.

  15. @jiminycrint

    Barbie has made $1.3billion at box office. Nothing you irrelevant reactionary bores say has any effect whatsoever!

  16. @ExplainedThroughRap

    Ken is the compelling character because the Kens are playing women, they become radical feminists trying to form a matriarchy and they settle for a small step forward that the patriarchy (Barbies) allow them to have.

    The Barbies (representing men) are playing the patriarchy, and use their power to turn the Kens (women) against each other.

    Ken is the oppressed one fighting for more rights in this film, this is why he's supposed to be the lead. Of course the point is that in the real world the roles are reversed.

    People think it's anti-men because they think Ryan Gosling is playing a man in this film. It's actually quite pro-man in that the men (Barbies) are fairly well intentioned and nice people that recognise they've abused their power.

    I enjoyed the film

  17. @thevanbeard

    Thank you for this review. That way I don’t waste my time watching this trash.

  18. @Schiff252

    I am a fool for clicking the link to this video. No wonder Americans are so distracted from any aspect of substance in the political world. Charlatans are attributing politics to innocuous entertainment lol

  19. @MoralGovernment

    She forgot Ben Shapiro's name and refrained from describing him as a Jew. lol

  20. @maitedz

    You talk to fast

  21. @bungalowgal8713

    The fact that anyone is having a lengthy conversation about Barbie has too easy a life from living in Wonderland. Imagine what the women in China, Iran and Iraq, or Afghanistan would talk about. Try to get outside your small protected little world.

  22. @autumneagle

    Imagine Barbie and Ken go to the real world, where they see the world is more a Patriarchy and Barbie hates it. But Ken relates to Barbie how her experience there is his experience in Barbie land.Then together they upend the Patriarchy, return to Barbie land and upend the Matriarchy but equality anong the sexes is the lesson

  23. @Outlier999

    It makes fun both of feminism and male sexism, exaggerating both to demonstrate how each side sees the other. Everyone has something to laugh at. That's why the movie has been so financially successful.

  24. @pinkprincess7280

    What a twisted world that we unfortunately live in .. and the lack of intelligence became dominant over this world .. the movie tells us at the end that Barbie and ken lived in harmony when they understood each other .. men and women must live in harmony not in conflicts and challenges.. also femininity is the representative trait that makes women soft , kind and thoughtful and masculinity makes the men strong , protective and sober.. Unfortunately nowadays people have no intelligence nor good principles to understand the basics of life 💖
    Cute movie by the way 💖

  25. @LuzdoSol00

    This argument it's nit hold any water. It's a doll for crying out loud.
    How would a pink doll inform the politics of today? Luckily, the question is what the definition of a woman was on the cards. God forbid!

  26. @fizzyizzy8261

    Ridiculous drivel in pink from beginning to end.

  27. @fizzyizzy8261

    Just as I suspected.

  28. @jesusmcphuck6510

    I will never watch that piece of woke tripe ever. Ryan Gosling must have been desperate for work when he agreed to take on the role. This is a guy that usually knows better. 😩

  29. @hannahwhittall7142

    This is so over sensitive and misses the point. The film is not supposed to be realistic and it makes fun of women and men – get over it seriously.

  30. @Gerard519

    1.18 billion revenue and going up.
    It’s a hit and it’s just a movie, guy’s

  31. @spunkitydoda

    Barbie likes GI Joe better than Ken.

  32. @nkrugjohn

    You are getting a thumbs down every time I have to watch a double ad before your video plays

  33. @michaelfriscia8166

    Not an issue of patriarchy it's an issue of competents and women are generally incompetent compared to men.

  34. @MtHoodMikeZ

    I like Bill, but he’s off base here. But I get it, it’s how he makes a living.

  35. @AM-qz6cm

    As if p@triarchy is a bad thing.

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