Captain Sherry Walker Unveils the Surprising Truth Behind Recent Plane Crashes: A Groundbreaking Perspective You Don’t Want to Miss!

Rachel Abrahams

Sherry Walker, a seasoned commercial airline pilot with nearly 35 years of experience, shares her concerns about how Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives have compromised safety standards in the aviation industry. She expresses apprehension that pilots now feel hesitant to leave the cockpit due to fears about their co-pilots’ capabilities when left unsupervised.

0:00 Why Are All These Planes Crashing?
4:26 DEI Pilot Training
12:41 What Caused the Plane/Helicopter Crash That Killed 67 in DC?
15:06 FAA Corruption
19:21 The Toronto Plane Crash
22:02 The Next Generation of Pilots
31:15 Transgender Pilots
42:11 Vaccine Mandates in the Air Travel Industry
55:10 Punishing Christian Airline Workers
1:05:10 The Corruption of the Pilot’s Union
1:10:43 Radical Leftist Ideology Is Killing People
1:19:16 Self-Flying Planes


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  1. @paulsandhu3241

    They are purposely dropping the planes because they don’t want people to fly to push their global agenda. Flying will only be limited to the elites. This is the plan of the WEF.

  2. @macmckenzie1242

    I would rather fly with a pilot controlling the aircraft than a computer full of bugs.

  3. @bryanfowler2039

    This is a direct result of DEI hiring when you start hiring people based on there color or sex instead of skill this happens

  4. @codebreakerbeautiful

    An hour and twenty two minutes to explain there's too many stupid people with too much time and too much money. Wow.

  5. @ReignLight

    Same thing is happening in healthcare fast track to fill DEI and the candidate is incompetent.

  6. @ReignLight

    Tucker no one should get a job based on DEI. By the same token no American Citizen should not have access to training and placement in jobs because of their race or gender.

  7. @macmckenzie1242

    Qualified women make excellent pilots!

  8. @BuildingMontana

    This sounds just like what happened in law enforcement esp the unions.

  9. @misse909

    Mediocrity, narcissism and ignorance is rewarded now while skills, humility and wisdom is ignored.

  10. @ericschroeter8111

    George Carlin was a visionary and his monologue re governments and corporate was accurate. Nothing wrong with not trusting anything government says – you HAVE to think for yourself otherwise remain a victim.

  11. @ljthirtyfiver

    Nothing this person said is new to the industry. I fly with some gentleman who have been at my workplace since 1999, yet still with a few more years to go til retirement and still can’t fully hold every weekend off in a month or holidays because they’re still not senior enough . Meaning there are senior captains who joined when they were even younger and earlier than some of the veterans I’ve had the pleasure of flying with. Dei is a problem it should be merit based indeed. It’s the only valuable thing this person said . Other than that the industry ebbs and flows prolly more than any other . And there will be times where extremely young people are hired and in my opinion this is just geriatric behavior from older pilots who can’t stand to see young pilots in the flight deck and potentially sitting in the captains seat making over 400k a year for what could potentially be the next 30 – 40 years . I’d be jealous too . Safety is always a concern but that’s what this industry is.

    My point is at some point in the 90s a buncha a young guys got hired early too. But they didn’t flow to the left seat til after a decade and maybe a furlough or two, maybe even with an airline shutting its doors. Now the industry is more stable, flying is more accessible now than it’s ever been, credit cards and credit apps fund everything and it’s not American culture to fly some where for the weekend to get away. So growth is underway, mix in the fact there’s a fraction of airlines leftover, and they know how to remain open furlough isn’t as likely as it use to be , these old guys that had a decade taken away from them are salty and can’t stop slandering young pilots who are just trying to figure out.

    Safety is paramount is on the top of everyone’s mind. But there need for this unnecessary hysteria. These old guys can either impart knowledge or stay home.

    Also if you’re not vaxxed and walked because of it. that’s your choice. Sorry it came down to that but you chose that.

    Also also ….read the pilot blogs. Airline pilot central, Reddit etc. not many pilots (veterans who’ve been flying for years) likes this person . She’s got beef with an entire pilot group .

  12. @GrowSomthing

    id fly on her plane anyday

  13. @jackmehoff9595

    A extremely intelligent woman speaking facts. Any job that makes one responsible for other people’s safety should be merit based, end of story.

  14. @melanieshoemaker9197

    Bless you for not taking the evil jab! Easy info to get at Children of God for Life!

  15. @terrioestreich4007

    Look how the progressives have highjacked every possible aspect of our country- and ruined everything they touch. Unbelievable

  16. @777pilotforfun

    DEI is spelled die in aviation. I fly with people from all over the world from every background. And both sex’s Yes only two. They earned it and made our standard. This dei has to end

  17. @shawngarber8155

    Sherry Walker, Texas Ranger Pilot extraordinaire. I sent this to my brother not knowing who impactful it would be. Thank you Sherry and Tucker

  18. @davidc126893

    She is not a very good instructor when it comes to explaining a V1 cut! It's not just flying the airplane after the engine fails, it's making the decision to continue vs. stopping. Im a 40 year airline captain.

  19. @TYBG85

    1:07:30 any union pushing DEI or affirmative action is not operating in their members best interest. That kind of crap is Union busting technique 101. When You put a bunch of different groups with different interests all in one union It makes it really hard to maintain a union. I'm in a union and I watch very closely for BS like that.

  20. @fratzogmopars

    Idiocracy wasn’t just a movie.

  21. @JJ-gd7gf

    I retired in 2018 and couldn't be threatened into getting a COVID jab and never did, still haven't. When I worked, I was in a middle management leadership position and was expected to rally the troops every flu season by getting one myself and still got the flu almost every year. I took a stand and haven't taken a flu shot since 2007 and had what I suspect was the flu once since then.

  22. @brass2930

    Really enjoyed it, despite being a bit scary/worrisome topic.
    Thank you

  23. @92essink

    I proudly never took it. I lost work for it too. I now make more than I ever have, and I stood firm in my beliefs.

  24. @L0B36Y7T8

    The disease of the cold war haunts us. The Soviet put out this plan openly during the 80s about how to collapse the west.

    The soviet union collapsed first, but not before the disease was seeded.

    Now we are here, preparing for the funeral of our civilization.

  25. @jswyman-ll3dr

    One word…..Unbelievable

  26. @dillonz167

    My Union did almost the exact same thing.

  27. @jessicatrevino2597

    My goodness this is beyond serious!!!! 😢
    Every single things she said captivated me and caught my attention.
    Tucker, thank you so much for bringing awareness and bringing Captain Walker to speak truth.

  28. @oteroair

    Ask what an A&P gets paid, vs cost of becoming one and 24-7 libility you live with. Then how long they stay in the industry.

  29. @browntree1948

    After a career in electrical engineering, I semi-retired and found part-time work as a dispatcher at a flight school, scheduling training flights and maintenance 20 years ago. I recall that Southwest Airlines had some of the most stringent requirements for flight crew with 2,500 hours of flight time as a minimum. Now, as Ms. Walker mentioned, most of the carriers have lowered that to 1,500. The same is true for many aspects of our society, including education. The dumbing down of America is not just a joke anymore.

  30. @damiangrouse4564

    Tucker, now do mechanics…shortage and probably many of the same issues as pilots.

  31. @bertruttan129

    I went part 103, got tired of all the DEI crap and stupidiy present now. No aviation career for me. Just fun flying my gyrocopter.

  32. @orthopraxis235

    For the past 9 years, I could fly free anywhere one certain major airline flies, including it's smaller regional airlines. I have flown 3x. The last time was when they stupidly delayed our aircraft because a few passengers refused to wear their masks as they were told, so they delayed the plane to intimidate those passengers into compliance, instead of concerning themselves with more important things. Following the covid insanity was where air travel ended for me. In the ensuing years, the idea that a pilot could have a health issue from a vaccine or could be NOT QUALIFIED to be a competent pilot, but yet was hired on because of DEI, that made my decision.

    Not just the pilots, but the ATC, the maintenance , as well as the people making the aircraft…all of these factors make flying commercially a pure bad gamble. So many things have to work within a standard in order to takeoff, keep an aircraft in the air, and land safely. When those things start being missed, skipped or left out, eventually all the holes line up and there is a crash. It is only a matter of time before lower standards likely cause more crashes. I hope not, but that would be what one would logically conclude.

    It's so difficult to train yourself to become a pilot, not just the knowledge and skills training, but the mental training to make smart risk based decisions (go or no go, go around, following checklists). These are things that only willing (those that are willing to work hard and sacrifice for the training) and competent people can do. DEI takes both of those important things (willing – because it's so easy for DEI student to get free financing for their pilot training, and competent – because we know DEI hires are not the most competent, by definition) and removes them from the Pilot training equation.

  33. @emilymvance

    I respect Captain Walker and her observations—-
    DEI is a problem—-Have not been on a plane for Years— and this adds to my lack of desire to go up—-

  34. @Im-d3ad-s1gma

    The FAA is totally out of control. Elon needs to look at the mismanagement there.

  35. @skyshacat

    She is SO spot on!!!

  36. @PentaRaus

    Just another symptom of the female vote. We never discuss the root of the problem, just tip toe around it.

  37. @1965dv

    Customer service agents ALSO came together!

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