Darryl Cooper Unveils the Fascinating Legacy of Jonestown, the Impact of WWII, and Winston Churchill’s Transformative Role in Shaping Europe

Rachel Abrahams

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Darryl Cooper is widely regarded as one of the most insightful and transparent historians in America. His latest endeavor tackles the often-taboo subject of World War II.

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Stay tuned for engaging discussions on various topics including the Israel-Palestine conflict, historical analysis, immigration in Europe, the Civil Rights Movement, and much more!

0:00 Ticket Information
1:20 Israel-Palestine Conflict Overview
12:39 The Jonestown Cult
32:10 Insights on World War II
45:04 Evaluating Winston Churchill
1:17:17 The Rewriting of History
1:24:39 Immigration Trends in Europe
1:42:25 The Civil Rights Movement and BLM
1:48:17 Geopolitical Figures: Orban, Putin, and Trump
1:58:30 The Role of Christianity
2:10:58 The Impact of Hate


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  1. @TuckerCarlson

    The Big Tech companies censor our content. But you know what they can’t censor? Live events. That is why we’re hitting the road on a fall tour for the entire month of September. We hope to see you there. You can get tickets here: https://tuckercarlson.com/events

  2. @gustingdis

    He is right. It is very unsatisfying to only understand one side of a story.

  3. @thewrightoknow

    I have never heard of this Historian and find his analysis being sculpted to fitting an agenda that I don’t understand coming from you. I have never heard of any well established historian referring to him! What is your agenda?

  4. @KratosM4000

    lol this guy is an actual nazi sympathizer

  5. @rileycooper8478

    Many years ago I came across a story making the claim British intelligence had knowledge of a potential Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. The intel was supposedly withheld in an effort to bring the US into war. I don't know if this was true or not, but hearing more about Churchill it may be. It's ironic our politicians compare Zelenskyy to Churchill. Another attempt to drag us into war for their self interests.

  6. @TheCutter9

    Not sure what’s grosser, this guy’s pro-Nazi take or Tucker just lapping it all up.

  7. @symbolicof

    Couple things I wanna say. Firstly the first kind of big wave of migration into the UK, including from Muslim countries, was post war to help rebuild Britain. Credit where credit due. The Indian army of which 1/3 were Muslim, fought for Britain. The Arabs as a whole, fought for Britain in WW1.

    So its unrealistic to now have riots against people who are 2nd/3rd gen born in UK now. I get the need to prevent further immigration but indiscriminately including from Poland, Romania, etc. These things must be addressed.

    Finally, whilst people on the right in the UK, like Jayda Fransen, make good strong valid points, is fair and elequent in what she says. Though I disagree. But people like Tommy Robinson and EDL are nothing more than drunk footbal hooligan thugs. Thugs that have proven strong Zionist backers. This has been said even by ex Britain First leader Jayden Fransen. She, by the way, correctly identifies that immigrants are not to blame but are a deliberate cause. Cause from our wars. She identifies correctly, that it is not fair to target immigrants without correcting our foreign policy simultaneously.

    Tommy Robinson is in favour of Israel's occupation and genocide in Gaza, and now Lebanon. But what will happen to the immigrants it will create? The same thing British bombings in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, and Yemen created. Mass immigration, some of it to western countries.

  8. @dankernut3750

    Here is a salient example of what’s so dangerous about Tucker. He lets this idiot come on his show and spew out the most insane things about Churchill in WW2 without challenging him at all because Tucker knows it’ll make good content. Tucker doesn’t care about the truth, he cares about views and money.

  9. @Ze3g0

    This video is on youtube

  10. @kirkwitney2919

    LOL interesting view, but then if you read Mein Kampf im sure the view would change. They started deporting jew and realised it was slow and expensive thats why they started murdering inocents. Churchil had to keep the war going to defeat these murderers. Britain is a small island and the British held the Germans of on their own (Its called the battle of Britain). Yes the Americans came in and Im sure Britain would have lost if they didnt. Chambalin was weak, and basicly gave poland to the germans, Britain had a pact with poland that they would protect them. WW2 was a nasty violent disgusting war, and both sides did what they did. He didnt mention the bombing of britain and the hundreds of thousands of civilians that were killed. Im sorry this guys view isnt my view but hes entitled to his view. But i didnt see video of the alies murdering inocent women and children. War is ugly.

  11. @H1kkiMouse

    Next Tucker Carlson video: "Hirohito did nothing wrong – those Chinese children in Nanjing provoked the Japanese".

  12. @1Chasg

    The Churchill stuff is absolutely ridiculous and full of inaccuracies.

  13. @carl902

    53:16 "What was the motive?"
    [smirk] "redemption?"
    Zionism ie Strakosch owned Churchill from 1938-1940. Churchill's advisor was Lindemann.

  14. @carl902

    33:00 post WWII consensus

  15. @Unlitedsoul

    Wow… Darryl Cooper is an idiot. There isn’t a single statement of fact in this entire interview. Not only this, but his statements regarding the Zionists and Churchill smack of antisemitism. No one should take this guy seriously.

  16. @TimSwann-v2j

    Tucker has a know that by giving people like this a platform he endorses a complete revision of history and should at the very least give people an idea what is the most believed interpretation of history and standing alone dosent mean he is a truth sayer and even trying to say that you could be imprisoned for the info he gives you even the slights look shows you that is a complete lie, so Churchill is a villain and Hitler is just misunderstood. So millions of peopled died because England declared war and the Germans didnt organise, so your message is give in to the bullies. Natsi bombs dropped on civilians, British bombs like every one else fell every where to say taking the fight to them was wrong.DO you think if what you think he should have done would you be allowed to be doing what you are doing.

  17. @chrisdragone9794

    The WWII conversation has some of the dumbest claims I’ve ever heard lol

  18. @jedi77palmer

    This guy is a total hack and I'm disappointed that Tucker had no push back questions of any substance.
    Lost a lot of respect for Tucker and his seemingly lack of integrity. 👎
    Makes it hard to listen to anything else he may have to say

  19. @TimSwann-v2j

    I find it hard to believe so much of this and that other people will even harder. Copper the top historian in America, NO published history papers. He comes with preconceptions witch include taking what the NATSIS said in there Propaganda as the truth .Maybe the give away is his past lots of time on his own rather than being in a real discussions with historians and academics, his excuse is that they are all wrong but he has managed to cut through there lies and see the truth, really .

  20. @jamesamelia2812

    Tucker, you made a big mistake interviewing this guy!

  21. @Rmcaw

    I really want to take Tucker Carlson seriously but when he has guests on like this, who makes borderline ridiculous claims based purely on his own biases, rather than actual historical evidence. Making insinuations that Churchill went to war for Jewish financiers. He seems to completely forget the Nazi doctrines of Lebensraum & Volksgemeinschaft.

    Yes Nazi Germany wanted a deal with Britain , but anybody with any political sense, who saw what happened in Austria and the Sudetenland would know that any deal with Nazi Germany would start with the dismantling of the Royal Navy, but end up with handing over empire and the eventual installation of a puppet government in the UK.

    The fact that Tucker doesn’t push back on any of it just makes me think either he’s oblivious to it or just does it for shock to get views, either way it doesn’t sit well with me.

  22. @bran7134

    I don't even need to watch this. Tucker has had nothing but great interviews up to this video. I've read enough in the comments to know that he's allowed himself to go off the rails and I can't continue behind anyone who gives Hitler a pass of justification on the gross, irrefutable evil he committed.

  23. @ruffkuntry2574

    If this video doesn’t prove how big of a racist nahtzi Tucker, this guy, and all his followers are, I don’t know what will.

  24. @abrahamromero9285

    This guy is an Idiot!! If you know, just a tiny bit of ww2 you know. Also his dates are super wrong why are people believing this guy!!

  25. @MehraLibra

    Great job tucker. Now you are promoting neo nazi ideas. What's next ?

  26. @astounder580

    Oh, Carlson is already chatting with the Nazis. As expected.

  27. @mb3799

    Dominic Green (Washington Examiner) is very upset about this interview. You should invite him on to share his concerns. Let us know if he refuses, as I suspect he will indeed refuse the invitation.

  28. @spanglestein66

    So true ….read “ The phoney war “ by Peter Hitchens…..Christopher Hitchens brother
    Very much from a similar perspective as Darrell’s approach

  29. @letthereberock8637

    What the actual fuck am I watching? How the hell do you find so much “grey” area in arguably the most black and white conflict there is?

  30. @MrEspirum

    Wow, this is some kind of disgrace. this Cooper just justifies Nazism. it seems to me that Tucker gathers the stupidest people on his channel. and for us it is good, we will know them by sight.

  31. @andrewbradley1753

    The stuff about Churchill is absolutely insane nonsense. Giving this guy airtime is an affront to the people who fought and died fighting nazism and hitler. You should be ashamed of this not applauding this absolute lunatic.

  32. @disaintoscar

    Keep in mind…this is one of the guys who got fox sued almost a billion dollars for knowingly lying about election results which made him lose his job and testified anyone in their right mind would have or should have known the statements were false. Anyone who takes him serious is actually slow.

  33. @TrampConnoisseur

    Couple of tools tooling around for two hours

  34. @zmeu_md3831

    Tucker is comparing Putin to Trump and says Putin is a 1980 liberal 😂😂😂 looooool

  35. @hypocrisy_planet

    Who is “they”? Who are “they”?I watched the whole interview and both men talk about “they” a great deal, but the answer for who “they” are is never answered. Who are “they”?!

  36. @malachi-

    People who think America should welcome all immigrants have been brainwashed, we have never been an "immigration first" country, that is just what "they" said it was.

  37. @Shultz464

    Regardless of the Jews and libtards moaning and seething in the comments. This was a splendid talk guys. Keep it up💯💯

  38. @malachi-

    "CULTURAL MARXISM – The Corruption of America"

  39. @vodyanoy2

    What the fuck is wrong with Tucker Carlson? Platforming Holocaust deniers now?

  40. @BuckClucks

    Man this guy stinks.

  41. @Vicantropo

    Churchill or Britain didn't win 2 world wars… was the USA… at least the WWII 💁🏻‍♂️

  42. @Independentthinker-d5q

    To say that Churchill was the villain of WW2 is insane. Cooper is either intentionally leaving out historical facts that don’t support his incorrect narrative or is just an idiot.

  43. @hollow_1115

    so are we now saying the holocaust was a “mercy killing”

  44. @allabouttruth4547

    David Irving is the only respectable Historian on the second world War. Everyone else is afraid to say anything that goes against a certain group of people.

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