Dennis Quaid and Megyn Kelly on the SAG-AFTRA Strike

Rachel Abrahams

I have actually taken a role of a bit part in something I’m not at Liberty to disclose it’s a very small very bit but they made me join the union so I too I’m a union I’m also on strike we’re on strike together alrighty then you’ll have to tell me about that off air so what are what are we doing on strike like do we should we go to the picket line together do we get to hold placards I uh I’m planning on going to the picket line in fact it’s a real thing with with streaming and everything it’s a lot of actors they depend on that residual money that comes in uh streaming I don’t think they have a business model for it yet and I think that’s been a a big problem but they they will get it and I think you know it’s going to happen it’s just uh question of chicken right now I guess because nobody wants to talk

Joining the Strike

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It seems like the issue of fair compensation for actors in the age of streaming is becoming increasingly important. Are you in support of the strike or do you think there are better ways to address the issue? Share your thoughts below.

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  1. @Sarah-vr7yh

    Masterbation is a Muscle Crime plan.

  2. @John-D.

    Megyn, are you an "Actress" or a "REAL LIVE Journalist?… I Believe, #2 πŸ™β€

  3. @nyernga

    As dumb as his brother…….probably take a limo to the picket line………..

  4. @ronroberti8082

    Who the hell cares if they stay on strike? They’re movies suck, the remakes of old movies really suck and yet they get paid big money for the crap they put out and they’re not satisfied with the money. Let them work for minimum wage, then they can complain πŸ€πŸ–•βš‘οΈ

  5. @Botman.com1125

    This guy sucked an Doc Holiday in Wyatt Earp, I loved the movie Tombstone with Val Kilmer!πŸ‘

  6. @paulgrimm

    Nobody misses you

  7. @happyhoildays2010

    I hope Dennis knows she was being sarcastic this doesn’t effect millionaires lmao 🀣

  8. @Outlier999

    Most actors don’t make that much and the overpaid superstars treat them and everyone else like dirt. They act like they are doing something important. As for the writers πŸ“‘ it is not always their fault but I would not pay them one red cent for the woke garbage πŸ—‘οΈ they have been inflicting on us for the past twenty plus years.

  9. @rsent4026

    Dennis Quaid is a jerk. He filmed at my apartment complex back in the 90s and one day while I was waiting to go in to feed my pets(via the only walkway open and standing behind the requested line so you didnt walk in during a shot), he bodychecked me in the shoulder pretty hard which threw me off balance-a woman a foot shorter than him- while striding out to his car. It was an 8 foot wide carriageway, I was to the far side. He had a minimum of a 6 foot wide opening available to him. I think he was in a mood and did it on purpose. No acknowledgement. No apology. He was also a jerk to my neighbors and had a bad rep around town (New Orleans) during the filming.

  10. @fowzi5592

    Those who consume interest will stand ΛΉon Judgment DayΛΊ like those driven to madness by Satan’s touch. That is because they say, β€œTrade is no different than interest.” But Allah has permitted trading and forbidden interest. Whoever refrainsβ€”after having received warning from their Lordβ€”may keep their previous gains, and their case is left to Allah. As for those who persist, it is they who will be the residents of the Fire. They will be there forever.

  11. @davidEdwardsTalk

    Were not these actors telling people to stay home (not Dennis particularly) …So millions of people lost their business and livelihood because actors used their platforms…
    Ask me if I care about millionaire actors are not working…..

  12. @benrose7534

    Oh yeah behind the green door

  13. @vueneladamron5241

    Not a lot of people missing the hollywierd crowd

  14. @willdenny6953

    Dennis would do you Kelly. Aren't unions a bit too WOKE for you ?

  15. @lightgiver7311

    The average person, plumbers, electricians, house builders, those working in manufacturing, offices work hard all year long to make anywhere from $40,000 to $100,000 a year. They get 2 weeks' vacation. Actors may work three months and make from 1 milion to 40 million a year. Excuse me if I don't have sympathy.

  16. @shaddouida3447

    Anna Kendrick says β€œthere are so many talented, hardworking people in this union, even if you might not know their names.”

    β€œI don’t want to watch film/TV written or performed by a computer, I want to know the people behind what I watch are compensated fairly for their hard work”

  17. @shaddouida3447

    The studios have reached out to the WGA’s chief negotiator to schedule a meeting on Friday to discuss negotiations.

  18. @555Trout

    Eat Megyn.

  19. @kylermichael3972

    Well streaming services will now increase even more!

  20. @82saw3

    I love watching ridiculously rich people act like they’re on strike

  21. @einsteinofthemovies6273

    So is Dennis Quaid cancelled now for daring to have a rational conversation with Megyn Kelly?

  22. @shaddouida3447

    The studios are beginning to have internal discussions on creating committees to examine topics pertaining to the WGA’s deal.

    This could potentially lead to negotiations restarting between WGA and AMPTP.

  23. @johngalt1027

    The movies mostly suck and the writing sucks and acting pretty much sucks too.

  24. @michaelbutera6617

    That's what happens, bad things when everyone is covering up what's really happening behind the scenes.
    All of America's real Americans are trying their best to save the children and at this point in the world Karma is coming back around!

  25. @bryanbrown8079

    Nobody give a fuck about actors problems


    The majority of ENG news personnel are members of this union as it includes them with actors

  27. @daviddavis9727

    Just as long as they got my car

  28. @strykerx24

    I only care if it's the next anchor man movie and if she's in it for the fight that breaks out

  29. @wazscupfishes

    Industries die…. i had to get over it… so should everone else.

  30. @shidoin5398

    Pay actors construction worker wages and construction workers paid actor's. Wages. The entertainment industry is so over compensated for doing nothing beneficial to the U.S.A.

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