Dershowitz: It’s an outrageous indictment

Rachel Abrahams

“It’s an outrageous indictment and it should be dismissed but it won’t be because it’s in Georgia.” – Alan Dershowitz

Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz Critiques Trump Indictment

Assessing the Recent Trump Indictment

Joining us now to assess is Harvard law professor and author of his new book “Get Trump,” Alan Dershowitz. Dershowitz critiques the recent indictment of Donald Trump, labeling it as an act of creativity and stretching of the law. He questions the validity of the grand jury process and claims that the indictment should be dismissed.

Questioning the Timing and Validity

Dershowitz raises concerns about the leak of the charges prior to the actual indictment, suggesting it was a deliberate move to manipulate public perception. He also questions whether the predetermined outcome of the indictment will help Trump’s case, highlighting the need for a fair trial.

In your opinion, do you believe the Trump indictment is justified or politically motivated? Leave a comment below to share your thoughts.


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  1. @robertoviana514

    Let's talk about the charges. They are outrageous. No one in the history of America has ever been charged with these charges. I mean…. "Conspiracy to remain in office", Really. You could charge anyone who campaigned for a second term for that? We are living in a Tyranny controlled by the deep state, period. Just like Russia, China, North Korea.

  2. @iamkesha.

    Dershowitz don’t support what Dems are doing but will keep voting for them. I wonder if it is because his name is on the list.

  3. @bean-spiller

    Money beats out reputational concerns for ancient lawyers with no relevance.

  4. @Gutenmorgenside

    Dershowitz trying to get some attention. Stick him in the same retirement home as Guiliani.

  5. @bean-spiller

    “Trump is the poor man’s idea of a rich man, the weak man’s idea of a strong man, and the stupid man’s idea of a smart man.”

    ~ Anonymous

  6. @thetruth-xb4yh

    wait a minute–reasonable doubt-in all 4 inditments there is reasonable doubt

  7. @willettacartermolina3375

    The reason she says 6 months is because they have decided he is guilty already.

  8. @bertg.6056

    The Democrat's desperation has led to this awkwardly creative indictment.

  9. @patriciagartland6793

    Well, Alan are you going to do ANYTHING to help–or just pontificate

  10. @jimmcc1140

    Throw out this trail or CONDEMN America.

  11. @used369

    Trump and RFK Jr 2024 !
    The ONLY Ticket that Can UNITE and SAVE America !

  12. @used369

    Didn't you and Lawrence Tribe,,, "Do the SAME THING" during Gore v Bush in Florida ?
    Picking Florida Counties to "FIND" Missing Votes for Gore ???

  13. @oliphauntsneverlie6227

    You know what outrageous is? Dershowitz voting for Hillary or Joe despite knowing all he knows about them.

  14. @JoeBidenpedophileinchief

    the entire Grand Jury system should be eliminated if it has no real power or authority in the process. if they are simply pawns who share the beliefs and goals of the prosecutor then they are nothing more than tools in a kangaroo court to unjustly accuse people and to imprison anyone the prosecutor doesn't like regardless of their innocence.

  15. @janpacana6293

    Lol. Moronic. Crimes are crimes. Otherwise let's get rid of laws, courts and judges.

  16. @微笑莊-r6u


  17. @henry-bo3np

    The indictments are BS, and everybody knows it. President Trump 2024 100%! 🙂

  18. @wil1685

    Alan will say anything for a buck LOL

  19. @Lacey_Face

    Tgis woman is a real pip. She supposedly charged & convicted a gang, while sleeping with the leader of the rival gang, and ia allegedly involved with a Black Panther. How can she be consorting with criminals & be an AG too?

  20. @musicteacher5757

    The Fulton County jail that Trump is supposed to report to is so horrible that the Biden admin is investigating.
    Fani isn't doing her job. She's too busy trying to decide the 2024 election because SHE'S AFRAID THE VOTERS DON'T AGREE WITH HER!
    DeSantis would have fired her!

  21. @jasonhinds463

    It’s almost as outrageous as letting the Epstein clients remain free to keep raping kids. There’s no justice.

  22. @Papsmeartopreventcancer

    Alan, i hope that you are only joking when you said you’d vote against Trump.
    How can you even vote for any candidate from the democrat party when they are so corrupt and compulsive liars?

  23. @ralphsimon2631

    "The prosecutor lied to the American people". Question…How do we as the American people know she was lying? Answer…Because she is a Democrat and her lips were moving.

  24. @terrymoore5058

    ever hear of disbarment ,counter sueing, prosecutorial misconduct, this is all done to scare citizens to give up our rights Obama used his power to destroy the tea party .Dershowitz voted for the people who have caused all this hillary and obama ect and he will vote for them next time too

  25. @dougfresh1341

    The more they hate Trump, the more I love him.
    Trump 2024!!

  26. @VelcroKittie

    He has just released a Book. You don't need to know anything more about what he says in this "interview."

  27. @VelcroKittie

    She's not charging Trump with lying or anything remotely related to Freedom of Speech. She's charging him with attempting to overturn the perfectly legal and fair results of the 2020 election through numerous means and channels, involving the numerous co-conspirators. Derschowitz is talking out his rear end.

  28. @jg2276


  29. @canman5060

    It is a indictment with a specific purpose of trying to put a complete stop on Donald Trump once and for all regardless.

  30. @JennyB957

    A dumber America. Election interference.

  31. @tonyv1695

    Professor Underpants rides again!

  32. @yannakwee3126

    God bless. Professor, you are one of the kind even though you are Democrats but you are stay and truth to the law, is very hard really to find a Democrats who can speak truth and honestly this day.
    Thank you Professor 🙏

  33. @Tyranix97

    (1:50) Right direction. … (2:30) The bias is real. … (3:18) Agree.

  34. @darlenegoodall7797

    That DA is a political hack. She follows the rest of democrats to get reason for it. Just hatred.

  35. @jimbakker8028

    Fani Willis van Fulton County in Georgia for president 2032

  36. @marcstewart7802

    Our political system is failing our citizens. Waste of money and time.

  37. @vampgirl92496

    At this point these indictments are all hinging on biased, hate Trump judges who have already made their verdicts.

  38. @dutchymon

    They treating billionaire Trump like a poverty stricken parent behind on their child support.

  39. @vince1229

    Check the signatures of the 2020 mail in ballots in Georgia and the swing states and throw the ones that arrived the day after the election out of the count. Biden only got 57 million votes even with the ballot harvesting, voting machine tampering and putting Biden ballots through the counting machines multiple times.

  40. @jeffersonpierson2042

    They want to use this to nock president Trump of his game. Do they not know this man.

  41. @Rebelheartbea

    I don’t trust Dershowitz. He wrote the book “get trump” giving a roadmap to what they are doing.

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