Dr. Richard Bosshardt: Redefining Excellence in Surgery Beyond Conventional Norms

Rachel Abrahams

Dr. Richard Bosshardt, a board-certified surgeon for nearly 40 years, expresses his deep concerns over the alarming decline in medical standards influenced by DEI ideologies. His trust in the medical profession has been shaken by these changes.

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In this video, Dr. Bosshardt discusses:

0:00 His battle against DEI in the medical field
4:47 The left’s agenda to divide surgeons
11:03 The reasons behind his ban from the American College of Surgeons
20:41 The reckless lowering of surgical standards
30:02 The impending crisis facing future surgeons
38:23 The troubling shortage of qualified surgeons
40:57 The widespread misreporting of surgical errors
46:05 The shift from scientific practice to questionable methodologies
51:57 The silence of other surgeons on these issues
58:44 The controversial topic of transgender surgeries on minors
1:05:49 Proposals for reforming the medical industry

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  1. @suzanneelmore5528

    i had a surgery that was done at age 39. I am white & he was much whiter.. I was very very physically fit but had a massive pre-existing conditions. I had worked in medicine and had major Life Saving Open heart surgeries which had a 90% scoliosis rate in girls b/c they used to do side entry and it was pretty barbaric in hind sight for aesthetic reasons. I was studied through age 21 & my spine watched by my doctors. Even post 3 children I had no marked change in the stability of my spine. I was working long Hours doing Hospice. I refused to ever work in hospitals. Not because of my personal experience. I had trauma from being surprised by my final surgery which was huge & I was so lucky to have the same surgical & cardiac team as I did as a child. I had surgeries as an adult that make others that people consider major that were nothing to me. At 39 I had issues with missing guitar notes and head aches. I had lateral cutaneous neve syndrome that showed up one night after a 24 hour Hospice shift w.o an assist with a Patient who had been released from the hospital a mess. I had to do 3 single person bed changes & sponge baths & she had to be turned every half hour b/c she had bed sores and I chose home care because of my nursing rounds . It was horrible to me to give so little time or care to a patient not based on need. So I was very frightened and I had been staying with my father who kicked me out in the middle of a snow storm b/c I smoked out the window b/c my crutches were bothering him so I couldn't go outside but I had no Idea why I suddenly lost sensation in my leg. I no longer had Scrubs so I had nothing for him to take credit for & we all know about revolving door Moms or Dads. yeah unfortunately my spine was my Moms wost frear My Dad had everthing & it was always worse for him. . i will finish above.

  2. @mwithers13

    Scary shit man. Get your health in order folks

  3. @Dan-n-Butters

    Just read the title ssid to say i had to quit listening because i get so abnormaĺly pissed off!!

  4. @MariaTrollip

    I was refered by a medicross dr to a govt hospital for a gallbladder ultrasound. Nooooo a young white dr decided to do a ct scan and then discovered the pain in my right side down is both kidneys the right got s stone and the left got a growth. He booked me for surgery 17 february but sent me to urology where the dr saw nothing wrong. Back to dr department God sent a senior dr on my path as he also saw nothing wrong and sent me for a colonoscopy and I got diverticula. I must just cut a few wrong foods and Im fine. I was beyond angry and the senior also. Anyway I never saw the young clever one again. Nearly went under a surgery to remove WHAT????? The frere hospital in east london. People dont get care there they get treated cruel in wards

  5. @StaceyParenti-kk4lc

    I was literally cut open when I could feel them pinching & testing me, they didn’t want to deal with it, they cut & when I screamed thankfully they knocked me out quickly. No lawyers wanted to help me against a hospital of course. It’s like expecting an officer to arrest a “Fellow” officer!

  6. @Jayne-bt5en

    Could Dr Bosshardt return to the Board of Surgeons now that President Trump.has signed an Executive Order eliminating DEI?
    EXCELLENT INTERVIEW! DR. B. is very interesting to listen to! I en̈joyed every minute.

  7. @HappyBunnyNS

    In the UK we have too many incompetent doctors who don't care how many tests they order to cover their behinds or how much it costs because they are temporary staff from other countries.

  8. @monicaclark9581

    Scary times. Insanity rules.
    Many won't agree, but the Scriptures discribes the times we are living in is called the end times or the
    last days.
    I Timothy 3: 1-7.
    Satan is causing unprecedented trouble on this earth, because he knows he has a short time left, before he is removed from the earth. Revelation 12: 1-12 & 20:1-3

  9. @AutonomousOne

    I had a surgery years ago and my surgeon was amazing, compassionate, pragmatic and beyond skilled. My surgery was a complete success. Years later my Dad ended up having the same surgeon for a completely different surgery. I was so thrilled knowing my Dad was in skilled wonderful healing hands. It never once crossed my mind that our surgeon was black. We are not black but we are beyond blessed to have had such a dedicated medical professional take care of us.

  10. @CCave-wj6xy

    The idea of racial concordance and the like are very obviously born from a female mind. The advent of female 'equality' in our society has increasingly denigrated said institutions & society.

  11. @momsmushroomsjodyfoster5786

    If Surgeons can become qualified just by watching. Then I am qualified to fly a plane just because I’ve flown. This is absurd and reckless.

  12. @GeorgiaGypsy

    I was going through tests and CT scans, as well as MRI. I was dumbfounded when I went to the Neurologist who was a complete idiot. I sat and read my paperwork of my brain scan,the concern was possible Multiple Sclerosis. My report said, “ No inter uterine changes!!! WTF! The neurologist obviously had not read the report, when I called him out on it I was escorted out of his office and told to never return. This was in 2017. I couldn’t believe that the transcriber who interpreted my scan and put that in my report was not fired. The place where my scans were done also told me to never return! I very loudly stated in the lobby, “ Well in case you idiots didn’t know, the last time I checked my uterus was never located in my brain to begin with “! Complete incompetence, by the Neurologist and the office that did my scans. To this day, I still don’t know what is happening to my body, but the bright side is…at least I Know Where My Uterus is Located!!!

  13. @momsmushroomsjodyfoster5786

    It’s a known fact that people make more mistakes the more tired they become. It’s ridiculous to expect anyone to work for 36 hours straight. Especially a person who has another person’s life in their hand.

  14. @momsmushroomsjodyfoster5786

    I could be wrong, but I feel like there’s a code of secrecy amongst medical professionals similar to the police force? Normally, they cover up for each other to protect the whole.

  15. @TNDCBaby

    This man has just told you all that the quality of residency and med school for EVERYONE has gone down and here you are harping on and on about DEI
    You need to be worried about all of the mediocre white dudes who are slipping through because white men are still the majority in these programs and they have never been all A+ students.
    There are fewer black residents and surgeons than there have been in the last 20 years but sure let's pretend that there is a flood of new incompete minority doctors being let in.
    Just anything to excuse your racism.

  16. @elenag2965

    They’re no longer in it, to save lives; they’re in it for the money. 😢

  17. @holybaloney7666

    Could White doctors refuse coloured people because of the fear of lawsuits?

  18. @rajeevvarma7946

    Such DEI hires usually go into administration, that way they don't do much except control others.

  19. @momsmushroomsjodyfoster5786

    The claim is just a way to get more blacks in as doctors and surgeons. And that’s fine if they understand the material and they’re qualified. I don’t want a white surgeon if he’s at the bottom of his class. I want a good surgeon regardless of his color or his heritage.

  20. @candacefarmer9269

    Sorry but it's a bunch of Satan bunch of crap 😔 We don't need ones like this in our country

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