Elon Musk denies report that he would be donating $45 million a month to Trump campaign #shorts

Rachel Abrahams

Mr M clarifies donation rumors

“Are you still going to donate to Trump? You still donating $45 million?”

I’m sorry, at no point did I say that I was donating $45 million a month to Trump. That was a fiction made up by the Wall Street Journal in a form of a news article.

What is the truth about my donations?

The truth is, I have not disclosed the exact amount of my donations to any political candidate. It is important to fact-check before spreading false information.


Before believing everything you read, make sure to verify the information from reliable sources. Don’t fall for fake news.

What do you think about the spread of misinformation in the media? Leave a comment below.


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  1. @RMHMimi

    Don’t donate get a decent haircut.

  2. @warpedbeyondhelp

    This immigrant bought the election for Trump. Do you remember that he was offering a price for anyone that would vote for Trump? Is that the way we want our country to go?

  3. @jordankay8578

    Instead he bought the entire residency n usa

  4. @supersidecar8901

    When Elon was donating to the Demonrat party he was a great man. Now they can't stand him.

  5. @XoxoMoot

    The man of chaos! Satan!

  6. @LoganKepaa

    I wonder if he played a major role in the elections so trump would win? Hmmm😜😜😜

  7. @speaknoevil957

    Why do rich people lie so damn much?!

  8. @Prayforpeace1109

    Lol then he has a government position installed by trump

  9. @sarak4418

    The mefia is a trip

  10. @sarak4418

    Like he gone tell it. Yall waisting your time 😂😂😂

  11. @Soufle5506

    Its called Legalized Bribery…

  12. @sjmtc3450

    Trumps near broke. He needs a billionaire around. How else is he going to payback all the millions he owes. For starters $85 million to the woman he was found guilty by jury to have sexually assaulted. His appeal was denied dec 30,2024. Musk lives at maralago now btw. Keeping his eyes peeled on trumps business dealings.
    I suspect he'll try to buy him out
    He needs to go take care of his 12 kids by 3 baby mommas

  13. @titomarcosmartini7760

    Esse é o cara que esta causando uma revolução na física e nos Estados Unidos da América 😮😮

  14. @sergebourque6239

    Ils le suivent bien trop de près, c'est exagéré. Il n'est pas susceptible. Il est même souriant.

  15. @themadviking5746

    Even if he did , so what . Sorros gave Obama 4 billion , did you care bout that ?

  16. @mdsayad2062

    And I'll solve the last mysterious unsolved book just for you

  17. @mdsayad2062

    Just for their home safe and sweet home our history will remember you

  18. @mdsayad2062

    If you want to have some great heart person then please donate fpr gaza

  19. @Rosemary46840

    The way they lie 💀 trump said out his own mouth at the podium that Elon pays his that much a month lol

  20. @ddw886

    Hes working trump like a fool

  21. @Yroc5000


  22. @MayitaAlvarez

    He didn't donate to Trump, HE BOUGHT HIM!

  23. @ishtar0077

    He called them liars to their camera 😮 when?

  24. @placitas52

    No, I just bought some tax deductions.

  25. @jabster58

    Notice he said fiction why not just say they lied

  26. @lindak1965

    Main stream media at it again but we don't need you we got some of the greatest patriot YouTubers not only keeping us informed but right there on a live showing us from the front row what's going on.

  27. @demon2others

    Like Trump needs that money.

  28. @KennyP-zh5uy

    He donated 100 and blew him

  29. @jimskarks7249

    I'm giving a lot more than that.. and most important my time.

  30. @achillesAND

    Is the same didn't do it directly to trump because is not allowed. Instead he used a super pack

  31. @MD.parwezAlam-v3m

    In America. Who did not donated. Eg. Mark jukerb

  32. @juanagonzalez748

    So he can dónate many many more if he want

  33. @QueenAnaya-x7b


  34. @HardMoneySean

    Elon doesn’t have to pay trump. His endorsement and campaigning alone could honestly have been a situation where trump was paying him lmao. I think it’s fair to say this most likely wasn’t done in the influence of money, but instead the influence of a just and prosperous vision of the future they both share. Elon was a key factor in this race, and him and Vivek sold everyone else who was or is still in the middle and on the left (maybe not far far left). The people that had that gut feeling that they have been lied to for the last four years and they can’t trust the people who collect a more than fair potion of their hard earned money.

  35. @ligiaharris1475

    Tell him to mind his own business.

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