Essential Insights for Confidently Engaging in Debates on the Left

Rachel Abrahams

In October 2018, Tucker Carlson delivered an impactful speech at Cornerstone Nashville, addressing key political issues and offering his insights on the current state of affairs.

During his talk, Carlson shared his perspectives on liberalism, conservatism, and the importance of engaging in open dialogue about these subjects. He emphasized the need for individuals to stand firm in their beliefs while also being willing to listen to differing viewpoints.

Carlson touched on various themes relevant to contemporary politics, including the role of media in shaping public opinion, the significance of activism, and the dynamics of debate in today’s society. His speech served not only as a critique of the left but also as a call to action for conservatives to remain vigilant and proactive.

For those looking for ongoing commentary and updates from Carlson, he is active on social media, where he shares his thoughts and engages with followers.

With a mix of life advice and political insight, this speech is a must-watch for anyone interested in understanding the conservative perspective in today’s polarized landscape.

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  1. @joshuajuarez3471

    That the best way to talk and describe abortion.

  2. @johnmatson7234

    The left are zealots… You can not argue with them.

  3. @painmt651

    In a world full of liars, speaking plain truth and facts is a revolutionary act. The Left has become the reactionary establishment that seeks to suppress all dissent.

  4. @JohnB-nq4js

    The left are sophists. They reject facts and logic, and instead appeal to emotion. That's why the left is made up of women and weak men.

  5. @michaelinminn

    12:19 "What comes before the fall?"
    —I couldn't decipher the response.
    Anybody? Let me know. thanks

  6. @eugeneostrander7634

    And now they are murdering babies that are full term…abominable and disgusting.

  7. @eugeneostrander7634

    Fear of the unknown…even if we believe in an after life…powerless fragile species.

  8. @angrykidfromnc8391

    A Democrat called me a traitor to this country, the other day, I was stumped by stupidity, to say none the less lol

  9. @j_t_p

    Tucker Carlson believes in the death penalty. So, he unknowingly believes he is God. These type of examples could be multiplied.

    He comes across a hyped-up school boy. Not to say, that he sometimes does get it right. It's a mix.

  10. @maggietattersfield2859

    I am a great admirer of Tucker. He makes a truthful effort to communicate with us on an intelligent level. He has old
    fashioned values in a world that has lost all sense of of good and kindness.
    I love truth, honesty and respect. I worship God and I always try to be the best version of myself.
    Tucker is an inspiration🙏🏼

  11. @jenskarlsson4744

    U Can Be A Good Person But Stupid !!!

  12. @misomanic3615

    “Do you have to power to decide with life ends”. Tucker as a conservative I am so confused on this. Maybe it’s because I’m young but we are all pro 2A. To an extent it gives us the right to take life. How can we reconcile those 2?

  13. @williamdavis9943

    Many people believe that when Barack Obama became president, we lost America? Here is a guy who lied about his name and his birth place. Obama was quick to lecture people on things he knew nothing about? Election fraud was born. Americans learned about a corrupt DOJ and an IRS?

  14. @rocketscientisttoo

    "Only faith in God answers what's next." Well Jesus is God so from that perspective what Tucker said is probably true but is faith in God the same as faith in Jesus? Jesus declared that he is the Way, the Truth, and the Life and that no one comes to the Father except through Him. So either He was telling the truth or He was lying, or maybe he was severely deluded, or even crazy, What we decide about what has been revealed about Jesus determines where we will spend eternity.

  15. @iteleportedbread5499

    The root issue is Marxism and the fact that it places human achievement above all else

  16. @michaeleastes1705

    I have more respect for this guy almost every time I see him.

  17. @puggleski6097

    Biological realities are a subset of nature ( or natural reality, if one may call it that, though I consider the term itself redundant .. nature is reality ) but ever since the Industrial Revolution, Man ( or more accurately, a subset of humankind ) has sought to control nature ( or more profoundly, the interface between nature and the rest of humankind ). The debate on the fluidity of gender is the culmination of a cycle that started with the steam engine and the maxim gun .. one is a closed source, proprietary technology that, in the hands of a few people, was and is still being used to progressively devalue and ultimately replace human labour, and the other is a similarly closed source technology to summarily deal with the despair and discontent humans feel at being made redundant, the consequent loss of dignity as a social group who not too long ago were valued members of society as a whole.

    Now, replace the steam engine with gender fluidity and maxim gun with social ostracization. It's a stretch because nobody dies, one might argue .. but to belittle men for being men and women for being women, in ways that are inexplicable and obscure as well as bereft of logic, sets of a cycle of hurt and self doubt that is reflected on people and social relationships in their immediate periphery. What do animals do when they are pursued, stressed, subjected to constant noises ?? they lash out, they behave unpredictably, they go into a funk, some land up on a beach and just .. die. Humans are pretty much the same ( maybe not as extreme ) and this new "industrial revolution" will end up having profound effects on our population dynamics.

  18. @rorykeefe8954

    The best mindset for proves the “nature is nature”, with the whole “can’t move the Sun, can’t change the hurricane” is to think that we, as humans, are getting “in the way” of natural events like hurricanes rather than them getting in our way.

  19. @stillwater62

    First thing you need to know is, the Left does NOT debate. They shout, scream, cover their ears and refuse to hear anything other than what they believe or want to hear. There are no such things as exchanging ideas, thinking outside the box, or creativity with the Left. They are called by many names like "Leftist, Marxist, Communist, and Democrat Communist Party, but they mean only one thing, evil,…they are very evil people.

  20. @Dan-od6zx

    Tucker is a national treasure.

  21. @josephholton9321

    God is in Control, We are People and can only control ourselves, No one Else.

    These Politicians are basically members of the Uni-Party.

  22. @nxtgameroxs1268

    I may not agree with tucker on abortion, i do believe he has a good heart in the matter. But i think it was Thomas Moore who said that all things are of a theological matter. Faith is the cornerstone of reasoning but i am more inclined to polytheism. But without a denomination.

  23. @bethcoddington2150

    Anyone who hates Tucker hasn't really "listened" to Tucker. He's the real deal.

  24. @jan-pieter3695

    Here's is what you need to remember, American culture has lost the ability to debate at all. Left or right both suck at it because they only want to win and not learn.

  25. @Codysplayground

    This guy is a part of the MAGA movement and like the sith in Star Wars.

  26. @minutemartialarts3152

    Tucker is not a Biblical person of faith. Otherwise he wouldn't say those on the left are good people. They may be nicce, and polite,they still support fetus and baby murder, homosexuality, transgender perversion, sexualization and grooming of children, lawlessness in our cities and on our border, economic insolvency, the contined ethnic cleansing of Whites, particularly Christians in our own countries, etc.

  27. @Jake-Jake

    I disagree, I don't believe in god but the only thing I control, is how I live my allotted time span of my life before I die, death is a natural process of all animals, belief in god only complicates the process by adding non natural imaginary elements to it, birds, bees and bears don't worry about it, we shouldn't either….I suspect the trolls will jump on this 😂

  28. @janetprice85

    The DNC is now attacking RFK jr to keep him off the ballot by claiming his election org has violated election rules. Get Real! And this from a party leadership so corrupt it has tried to hang their chief rival with one bogus frame since election night 2016. Lol!

  29. @Jupiterloobncj

    I think in social terms if what you are telling is right; its also easy to grasp. If you are trying to complicate stuff and fill a lot of words, it is high risk that either you are a confused or a lying person.

  30. @pitchforker3304

    I'm beginning to understand why the US government considers Tucker Carlson a criminal element.

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