Explosive Insights: Tucker and Doug Macgregor Weigh In on Game-Changing Ukraine-Russia Ceasefire Proposal!

Rachel Abrahams

In this video, Doug Macgregor argues that the Mexican drug cartels pose a more significant threat to the United States than China, Russia, or Iran. He highlights troubling developments, including the presence of Javelin missile systems along the U.S. border and the alarming connections between American officials and cartel interests.

0:00 Ukrainian Drone Strike in Moscow
6:54 The Prolongation of the Ukraine Conflict
13:11 Benjamin Netanyahu’s Intentions for War with Iran
17:27 Ukraine’s Black Market Arms Trade
20:10 Why Mexico Is a Greater Concern Than Russia or Iran
22:05 The Cartel’s Access to Javelin Missile Systems
23:11 Casualties in the Ukraine/Russia Conflict
27:59 Analysis of the Proposed Ceasefire Between Russia and Ukraine
37:45 The Future of Europe
40:09 Corruption: American Politicians and Cartel Influence
50:43 Macgregor’s Insights for Trump
54:11 The Potential for a U.S.-Ukraine Mineral Deal
1:03:19 A Brief Look at Germany’s Future


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  1. @monicasumnicht9062


  2. @Krijgnouwat

    This man is making sense to me, I'm a European, and these are destructive times!


    Boys, have you in América got a mirror at home? Does White House got a mirror? Ukraine is a resumé of American policies all o er the years

  4. @fleurstarable

    NEW Zealand Pm Ardern shutt our Refinery down poured concrete … Biden shutt diwn Pipeline first thing! Go figure these guys… are Treasonous.

  5. @strikerorwell9232

    The Psychic spy program with R viewers is still very active and we also have them in the civilian area. Im mention this since I saw a R Viewing project on outside "influence" on presidents, prime ministers and power brokers. There are powerful negative entities that manipulates mankind and human leadership into wars and conflicts.

  6. @brianstubberfield2116

    Can’t see the Russian going for a ceasefire so that Ukraine can rearm itself? Doesn’t make a lot of sense really ?

  7. @roseb822

    Americans Together America Strong
    American Women Together American Women SAFE and Strong 💪♀️🇺🇸

  8. @trailsweeper

    somebody, please tell me, illuminate me, if you owe trillions and trillions z z , what would you do except waaaaaaaaaaar

  9. @pepalazorra59

    At least Macgregor realize the root of the drugs things are in the US and the cartels are perfect tools for them¡¡¡

  10. @worldforalll

    You CAN NOT solve the problem of the cartels in México unless you first solve the massive problem of corruption and the cartels inside the United States. No point in even invading México, supposedly defeat the cartels there when you have A LOT OF influential and powerful people inside US directly linked and working with/for them. And the biggest problem you have to solve is demand. As long as there is demand there will be offer, period. Blaming México for everything without really going after root cause is pointless. Another waste of money, resources and lives.

  11. @PiotrRzeszów-c9x

    Seems that Trump was now beguiled by Zelensky, what are we going to do?

  12. @susanacuratolo1200


  13. @HaHaHa-mt8di

    Tucker! Please make President Trump to listen to the Wise man. Russian is winning the war and will never agree for a month of sees-fire. Would you?US lost this proxy war and Trump is acting as if we are some kind of peacemakers. We provoked this war, we are fighting it using Ukranian troops.we are the losing side and should act like one.

  14. @SovetUnion63

    In order to understand Ukranian intentions, please read famous Russian, in his time there were no Ukraine, it was a Russian Empire, N. V. Gogol – " A Terrible Vengeance ". The moral of the story is that a Ukranian choses Vengeance over the Heaven. Trump needs to read it. It was not a Russian propaganda.

  15. @rui.amorim

    Doug and Tucker are the most Pro Russia 🇷🇺 American people I know 🤦🏼‍♂️. These guys have no idea.

    Don’t mention Israel 🇮🇱 however they will soon make excuses for everything 🤦🏼‍♂️

  16. @chuy7744

    well done

  17. @aggon3917

    Sounds like america has caused almost all of the crises around the world for the last 30 years…

  18. @venivinivinci

    I think this is two steps ahead negotiating, we give Ukrainian everything they are asking for fully expecting them to break the cease fire and as soon as they do we can finally point the finger at them sayong hey we tried now Ukraine is in fact the bad guy here is the proof.

  19. @billybenz7605

    (((lies))) are noticed; claims of “lolocaust, genocide, ethnic cleansin” used to defame Nat Soc Germany are brought to life, embraced tactics of israhell. They blackmail / bribe / manipulate Trump and other world leaders. Russia is no longer the enemy’s home base, israhell is.

  20. @mikecarrico2876

    Back2Basic YET DOES Putin possess documented evidence of what was promised for what Putin paid donations for IN the Uranium one deal documents Obama himself classified top secret? Was access to All Ukraine promised for donations in the Uranium one deal?? Trump declassify immediately and EXPOSE them ALL to Grand juries Of We The People UNITED!!😊

  21. @Pharesm

    We got the French, the British, they're also doing all they can to keep it simmering!

  22. @ambconstrucao3770

    Great talk as always. I think the Turkish shout not be a concern, they are just cowards, they will not fight anyone.

  23. @Venoxisguides

    Col Macgregor had been telling the truth for ages.

  24. @CaptainRon1913

    Trump said he stopped intelligence help for Ukraine. Just before the Drone attack on Moscow, there was a AWACS and two CL30 recon jets flying the Black sea close to Crimea. You could see them on Flightaware. The drone attack made no strategic sense attacking civilian targets. Was the Green T-Shirt trying to sabotage peace talks?

  25. @pavelk7078

    As Russian I can say, the latest Trump proposal is a big deception. We have strategic initiative, Ukrainian soldiers are smashed out from Kursk territory. And he just proposes us to stop for 30 days while continuing to arm Ukraine… Just what? What happens after these 30 days? The opponent will be more armed, take a rest, take more people through “bucification”. While we will have lost strategic initiative.🤨 It’s quite a silly deceitful proposal. The same scenario was in 2014 and led to catastrophic disaster after 8 years. And I’m sure Putin will ignore them, but with all respect to Trump. Many people think that it was just a gene to show that Russia doesn’t want peace and give more arms to Ukraine. Though it’s not true, Russians proposals are just ignored totally.

  26. @Pharesm

    Indian news said Blackrock arranged the attacks.
    This disappeared fairly soon…

  27. @PiotrRzeszów-c9x

    World War 3 will start anyways, why don't let it started

  28. @kristinbalcheva3212

    Apart from the selling of American weapons on the black market to all kinds of terrorist organizations and narco cartels /I saw a lot of screetshots from the dark net with prices 5 to 10 times lower than the real ones, in different YT channels/ there is also another threat that is easily visible to the viewers of NatGeo. There was an episode of Trafficked in the end of 2021 where Marianna interviewed members of Atomwaffen and one of their ideologists who bragged about his people 'training in Ukraine'. She even went to Kiev but those Americans there were reluctant to be interviewed. So Biden said some time ago that white supremacists were the biggest threat and it turns out the US has funded /by funnelling billions of dollars to this criminal and Banderist regime/ their training in God knows what but surely something nefarious. It seems really ludicrous. By the way, there were also screenshots of ads for selling children /from 3 to 10 years old/ at a price of 5 to 10 000 euros. This is so despicable, I can't even find suitably strong word for it, and it seems no one is investigating it. So sad and tragic for all mankind.

  29. @hristossarikehagias9793

    America will expand not with wars and psyops but with trade and sweet bullying their way in.

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