Gov. Ron DeSantis on a Potential 2024 “Reset” For His Campaign with a New Media Strategy

Rachel Abrahams

“The campaign itself has said it needed a reset and that it’s doing a reset right now.”


“Are you saying that the process part is not about the message and getting out there with voters?”

Candidate: “That’s about applying resources to the campaign headquarters versus the early States. Ultimately, what’s going to be determinative is having a strong leader with a record of success who can get things done. That’s the type of leader they’ll get with me.”

Interviewer: “What do you make of the polls that show Trump is the most electable candidate?”

Candidate: “I take the polls with a grain of salt. If you look at polls in key States, I beat Biden and Trump loses to Biden. We need a leader who can win where it counts.”

Interviewer: “Independents seem to favor Trump over you. How do you plan to appeal to them?”

Candidate: “I may not be as well-known nationally as Trump, but that’s why we run campaigns. We need to introduce ourselves to voters and let them know what we stand for.”

Interviewer: “You’ve been mostly in conservative safe spaces. Are we going to see more of you reaching out to different audiences?”

Candidate: “We have been engaging with the media and will continue to do so. A viral moment with someone on the far left could be helpful, as I have been able to deconstruct false narratives in the past.”

Interviewer: “Don’t you think reaching out to a wider audience could benefit you?”

Candidate: “It could definitely help. We are open to engaging with all audiences and presenting our platform.”

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  1. @leticialindo3658

    Governor should focus on the economy and lower taxes. Bring more jobs!

  2. @jayvilla5985

    As an avid trump supporter, I would rather DeSantis be president. I think he will actually get more things done. And he will not be baited to waste time on controversy like trump. Trump wasted too much time attaking people.

  3. @leslovesliberty1776

    He may be more electable in the general but he won't get through the primary…

  4. @DarcyTresatti

    Elizabeth Kindlemann Budapest Hungary .

  5. @SealBreeze

    This guy is a Meatball…Trump 2024 will never vote for this DeSanctimonious

  6. @merlandjohnson2428


  7. @hg1644

    He puts me into a coma. He has the personality of a potted plant.

  8. @happyfatherof5164

    Donald Dump VS Ron DeSatan 😊


  9. @masseytoi6662

    I believe De Santis is the best option to winning the election by giving independent and Democrats a Republican alternative to Trump.

  10. @vladimirputin4370

    He may have lost that Florida Hispanic vote after the shit he just pulled here lol

  11. @user-tl5sk6pn6o

    Please don't call me Ron Deesantis our family name should be pronounced Deesucdic

  12. @jkim92677

    I can’t believe I used to love him.

  13. @shanechapman9312

    I don't give a flying fuck about what they say they are going to do what are they going to do when they don't do what they said they would that is the question I want to know!! Love always Kelli

  14. @animvenus7661

    Hmm 🤔

    What you are guaranteed to get from little Ron if he is president. Starting with a brand new breakfast Law each and every day.

    There will not be a law on the books, that little Ron will not attempt to rewrite. He would out trump being Trump.

    He will gather his little crowd every day, that will stand behind him, so that no one steals his "Look at Me, I am the president, photo opps moments".

    Before his first term is ended, even the European settlers would be scrambling to return to their home lands.

    He has been perfecting, by showcasing his leadership style in Florida for the past two years.
    Those organised plane trips from, Texas to other states by night. The targeting of Walt Disney, chasing away the farm workers, then begging them to come back. The whitewashing of American history. Covering up the accurate numbers that died from the Covid 19 virus in his state. Etc, etc!!

    Little Ron believes, being president is about making himself look good in front of a camera. Even if it means making everyone elses lives a misery.

  15. @joebriggs5781

    He keeps talking about how the campaign's focus is how to beat Joe Biden while he's getting wiped by Trump. He's never even going to get to face Biden.

  16. @jessicaengland206

    Ronny boy would not have won anything without Trumps endorsement. He will never be president

  17. @mattsullivan6163

    RD-Trump should have “leaned in” more on Jan 6th? What a clown! Trump said “peacefully and patriotically have your voices heard”
    Also, Trump was supposed to run down to the Capitol & stop it himself or use his ESP to stop the fedsurrection?” He is actually trying to push the narrative hoping Trump is found guilty and then NOBODY will Vote for him! What a joke this 🤡 is..Good Governor but a clown & made an AI video about Trump hugging Fauci that was 💯 made up and we all know this..
    That’s out of bounds and he knows he has no chance..Vivek isn’t any better either..Big Pharma clown

  18. @mandymac74

    I like DeSantis so much! But, 2028 come on down… to the Whitehouse❤😊

  19. @sirstiffpilchard

    Ron Desantis sounded very good on this interview with Megyn Kelly. I was impressed with his manner.

  20. @barbaraowen45

    You were losing florida until Trump stood up and endorsed you. Have you forgotten that? When you turned on Trump you turned people on you

  21. @taurusx1000

    Reset whatever Trump will be the nominee unless jack frost gets him..

  22. @patriciabrackett4402

    What I got to say about this and saved our nation and then he made us at peace with our allies and secure our borders made us a self-sustained nation mr. DeSantis is not done that and he says we need to let a little bit of Biden being here is he like crazy Biden is there's nothing out there a video I can't go get it for you cuz you guys lock things down but when he was senator this is what he said his exact words and they can fact-check this if they want if you want political games and then you'll be like the devil out there another evil evil he's evil he's so evil that trumps going to get out of being impeached and by his going to get in peaches and go before the firing squad for treason and so is their mamas in the clintons I'm a woman of God what do I vote John 3:16 look it up on Google it if you don't know Donald Trump Donald Trump 4-year term $1 is all he tookpeople that needed our mortgage is paid off people that we're having unfortunate tragedies going on in their lives he is a man that's a giver and God loves a cheerful giver he chose him because he's a businessman he's the only one that can get us out of this mess this sloppy ugly mess that the Biden people have got us into and all the people on both aisles are dirty with Republicans as well as Democrats on the take you can tell it everyday if you watch Forbes know you don't get my vote Ron DeSantis know I will vote for the man sniffy creepy Biden he is a narcissistic I'll go look it up on Google say what is narcissistic and it'll bring it up on Wikipedia narcissistic person lies their habitual liars then from habitual liars they go from that watchingporn and then from pouring they go for they don't get enough high and so then they want to do kids and then from there they want to sell kids and watch them being you know what then from there they become serial killers get a clue there's a guy out there that's a psychiatrist talks about it all the time they're the guy that did the sound of freedom actually talks to him and they did some sort that was some sort of a cool thing where they went down under cover and they were acting like they were going to you know party with the kids and stuff and they actually rescued him with this psychiatrist is in contact with this other person who did they're both in contact with each other going to have a documentary about the kids that were saved but he was in contact with a thing that they do and there was a train rescue there was a big freighter that they rescue kids off of why do you think Siri stuff I'm into Joe Biden is possessed and he has more than one demon in him and he's being controlled by the enemy was telling him what to do what did Jesus do if your mother is a Christian look it up John 3:16 townhall I've ever seen thank you Megan Kelly thank you I would never vote for mr. The Santas when he says we got to have a little bit of Biden he's greedy doremi they're all on take minds been on the take for years he's going to go to Guantanamo you mark my words

  23. @darrylsheffield7102

    Ron Desantis Culture War politics only work in Florida, that's why his campaign is tanking. His numbers are still shrinking against Trump, and Trump will probably end up in prison 🤣😅

  24. @RayfieldCampbell

    I have seen you Ron and I'm disgusted with what I see.

  25. @lefty0741

    DeSantis is backed by the establishment and RINO's. When a candidate is supported by Jeb Bush, Paul Ryan and Karl Rove, then you know he's a puppet. If it wasn't for Trump's endorsement and campaigning for him at rallies, DeSantis would be a washed up politician and Florida would have had 4 years of Democrat criminal Andrew Gillum.

  26. @blueguise23

    Excellent interview! Great questions! DeSantis 2024!

  27. @jams9705

    Sooo to get stuff done elect JFK jr a leader with experience

  28. @jonathann.foster1809

    There needs to a current up-to-date use of Enhancement Self-esteem Training and Development on a Level Playing Ground, its obvious Justice Clarence Thomas's surrogates band wagon passing of the torch (refer to the Defendants (suicide prevention if possible or convicted as "stupid" or executed White Hope Supremist such as Def Gov Ron DeSantis chanting Alt-right, White Hope, Def Gov DeSantis chanting Alt-right, Fearless Leader One or the song Play that Funky music White Boy by Wild Cherry 1976 now Def Gov DeSantis' Flip-Flop-Flippantness) at Nuremburg World Court trial after WWII) are up running to an end of a cliff, whereas, an Alternative Method shall be a fmr Justice Thurgood Marshall Signature Series for his hard dedicated work to be an attorney, experience as an attorney, success "law innovation" ascension as an attorney to the Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education ruling as an attorney and confirmed as United States Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall.

  29. @UltraSaltyDomer1776

    All I got was fake from Ron. He is not the guy we thought he was

  30. @UltraSaltyDomer1776

    He got caught up in that question about staying in his bubble.

  31. @Redleg151

    This interview will not help him, he can't beat Trump, there is no race. Not what I'd like but it's true. Trump has won the nomination.

  32. @mattsullivan6163

    DeSantis is on Fox nearly every night..

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