How Joe Biden Is Challenging Traditional Values to Inspire New Conversations on Faith

Rachel Abrahams

In this eye-opening interview, Pastor Doug Wilson emerges as the embodiment of the Christian nationalist concerns that many have anticipated. His perspectives offer a deep dive into the intersection of faith and politics, sparking essential conversations about the future of Christian nationalism in America.

Join us for an exclusive discussion that explores themes of religion, politics, and societal dynamics in the context of current events, including the pandemic, vaccines, and the impact of lockdowns. This is not just a conversation about theology; it’s a thought-provoking analysis of contemporary issues that resonate with today’s political landscape.

Don’t miss out on more exclusive content! Stay updated and engage with the ongoing discourse by following Tucker Carlson on social media and subscribing to the channel.

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  1. @markdumas6387

    Doug is not to be trusted.

  2. @benbayer4575

    Please don't listen to Doug. According to some he isn't even a Christian. He doesn't live and act as though Christ is his ultimate authority. He struggles for political power in this world, not for a life in the next. He doesn't live according. To scripture. Please take warning. If you want, read and study scripture and the mainstream denomination s, then compare Doug's views to them.

  3. @RudiZimmerer

    I am not a Christian at all or was… Evil people put themself above the Lord, and the same is true for a country. That is my definition. Christians don't surrender to the Lord, which is a bigger problem. How many Christians pray regularly? Or even have read the bible!

  4. @thecultchronicles

    This was a bunch of hot air from a Christian, patriarchal male who only enjoys freedom because his god tells him that women are to be submissive and subservient. I reject this hot air.
    I was raised in high control, fundamentalism like Doug Wilson loved to taut and I can tell you with 100% certainty that his “freedoms” of the Bible are damaging and scaring.
    Bug bye Felicia!

  5. @siradamthebombdiggity

    I've searched several times for "Tucker Carlson Doug Wilson" and JUST NOW found it, miles down in the search results.

  6. @wmryan9646

    All democrats can run on is illegal immigration, racism, discrimination , hatred Abortion, LGBTQ.and trans rights for children..

  7. @gregmaggielipscomb9246

    Why Christianity? Because Christ said, No man comes to the father but by me…( John 14:6.)

  8. @gregmaggielipscomb9246

    Correct, our constitution protects Christian doctrine not world religions!

  9. @anastasiaburr3959

    Hey Tucker, we know those godless few who behind the scenes govern us. We also know their names. They act like enemies of America, and collude with outside godless people!

  10. @emfegmfeg7100

    Christian Arabs use the “Allah” when referring to God. Allah for the Muslims is the same God of Abraham, David, Jacob and so on.

  11. @s.mcdonald3107

    Nationalism is a term linked to the Nazi movement in Hitler's Germany, that's why Trump is call Hitler and his supporters are called Christian Nationalist. It attempts to put sincere Christ following Christians that love this nation and vote according to their Biblical world view in the Nazi camp.

  12. @KoenigJaeger

    Man, that was a great place to stop the clip…really getting me close to purchasing the monthly subscription Mr. Carlson haha

  13. @RNLWW

    I am a devout Christian and want to provide a warning. This all sounds really good in its idealistic stage, but it quickly devolves to abuses. Simply look to the history of national religions and even Wilson’s personal form of Christianity, reformed/Calvinist theology – Luther, Zwingli, Calvin all endorsed the murder of those who did not hold to their particular brand of Christianity. No, this is exactly why our Founders explicitly prohibited a national religion and explicitly enshrined the freedom of religion in our Constitution. You ignore history at your peril.

    Biden (and other opponents of biblical principles) uses the phrase Christian Nationalism to lump together all Christians who hold to a biblical worldview as a scare tactic (for non-Christians) because his principles oppose ours.

    I’m a Christian, but never a Christian Nationalist because I’m very aware of man’s weaknesses when in power, even of a Christian man who claims to want to only do good for the glory of God. Even among Christians, we all have different ideas of what that would look like. Just refer to all the denominational and church splits for proof.

    Theologically: While I applaud Mr. Wilson’s desire, he confuses in the Bible national Israel and the body of Christ, trying to apply Jewish law requirements to the body of Christ today. This is the exact same error made by the Roman Catholic Church (though the pope intentionally declared itself the new/spiritual Israel in an unprecedented power play that worked exceedingly well). Then, the Protestants of Mr. Wilson’s faith kept many of these same doctrines, not reforming enough out of the Roman Catholic Church.

    Mr. Wilson’s faith has a long history of wanting to purify “the church” to its beliefs, rather than allowing the individual to come to beliefs through study of the Bible. Purification has always led to abuse, shunning, and worse. It’s rampant in Calvinist reformed churches today.

    The Bible does not call the body of Christ to be a theocratic state. That was the nation of Israel, not us. Again, more confusion between the two. Evangelism is our call. That is how we change the hearts of men. And we can only do that when there is freedom of religion.

  14. @jecl2092

    I don't really understand why Doug Wilson is becoming popular. It seems like no one is looking into some of the outlandish things he says and writes or the way he handled the pedophile (Steven Sitler) in his church. Just because he says some good things occasionally doesn't make him someone to platform in this way.

  15. @TheGeenat

    Hmmmm. Maybe he was struggling to explain himself correctly or I just didn’t understand. But it sort of seemed like he was straw manning the question of “would you oppress gay people” by saying… wellllll… actually, the govt is involved with the structural integrity of your bedroom (assuming he’s implying that the freedom he believes in would relax safety rules in how you can build your house… ) like maybe what you can do with your property… things of that nature, and those forms of freedom, and dodged the fact that the trade off would be, No homo for you buddy. I almost HAVE to be correct. His God is allegedly against homosexuality. So there is no way that can be a liberty in a society that bounds its freedoms to the Bible.

  16. @melissasmomglam

    I belong to Jesus — I refuse to accept their labels. They can’t put me in a box. I can’t be in a box. ❤😂

    Who the son sets free is free indeed. I don’t ask permission for my freedom. I am free.

    The government needs to chill. We won’t hand it over and it isn’t their time yet!! They get 7 years. We occupy until His return. ❤

  17. @MikelSturmermänner

    Whether a Christian or not, congress and the government don’t get to choose all peoples rights; that is CLEARLY stated in our constitution. These politicians should have to show proof that they’ve attended an intensive class on our nation’s constitution before they can serve the people of this nation. It is so outlandish that they think they can choose our rights invariably.

  18. @francestaylor9156

    Christian Nationalism means a government used by Christians to impose their morals on the rest of society like they did in the 80s and 90s. It's Christians using the One Ring. I think it's a terrible idea and will make people hate Christianity again.

  19. @Jane-ic5gy

    The liberals are making Christian nationalism a political issue. “Jim Wallis’s latest book speaks to the idolatry of a Christian faith baptized in whiteness and false notions of supremacy.” Not all Christians or Christian organizations operate with the same beliefs and goals. I have met lovely Christians and hypocritical Christians. How do we know that a Christian nation would run the country in the way the speaker suggests?

  20. @colehull7072

    Tucker’s persecution complex could fill Noah’s ark.

  21. @Battleatchivamaugs

    Christians will respond like they did during covid and everything else, by doing nothing 😂

  22. @user-eu5ln2sn5s

    Why is Jewish nationalism acceptable and supported, but all other nationalism is derided and rejected?

  23. @DanzigDevilock

    Remember as a Christian, you have to put Jesus and his instructions over country, yes over country.

  24. @BellaCroyda

    He is correct. In muslim nations Christians are taxed and abused because they are NOT muslims.

  25. @BellaCroyda

    The Episcopal Bishop of New York during a sermon called white Christian nationalism heretical. I was appalled at him.

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