Is Donald Trump the inevitable GOP presidential nominee? | On Balance

Rachel Abrahams

Is Donald Trump the inevitable nominee if we don’t get some consolidation?

Yes, of course. You can’t beat something with nothing. You have to amalgamate all the support to defeat him.

However, remember that no one really believes if John Kasich could drop down and lift, it would have been one-on-one Cruise against Trump, and Trump would have been defeated. So, yes, some consolidation is necessary to defeat Trump.

Well, the Republicans seem to be paralyzed within the group that is not Donald Trump running for the nomination. They have different theories on how to approach this dilemma. Some stress on the slingshot effect from Iowa, while others like Chris Christie want to focus on retail politics in New Hampshire.

The Donald Trump of 2024 is not the same as the Donald Trump of 2016. He is running a much safer, less accessible campaign. Instead of engaging with the press, he is avoiding tough questions and interactions. Is this a strategic move or a sign of weakness?

As of now, Trump is sitting on a comfortable lead, but can he maintain this lead without engaging with the public and the press? The question remains, can you still run a non-engagement campaign in American politics?

What do you think about Donald Trump’s current campaign strategy? Do you believe he is the inevitable nominee? Leave a comment below with your thoughts.


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  1. @pennyking3823

    The fact that the GOLP, the party of hate and division in our country, is actually going to nominate a twice impeached, convicted sexual predator, 4 times indicted for major crimes, mentally unstable sociopath who spews nothing but hate and toxic venom, to be president of the US?

    The fact that voters are buying into his " witch hunt and martyr" BS is confounding

    This says a LOT about where they are at.

  2. @darkcity2004

    How far our nation has fallen when a clown like Trump was elected president

  3. @tulionunez9964

    if only the MAGA/GOP cult followers would listen more to Mr. Will

  4. @Tom.788

    Gotta feel sorry for the election workers, attorneys, and now the jury members, who are.constantly being threatened by the unhinged trump cultists.

  5. @alanbailey5621

    The Republicans are paralyzed because they lost their spine.

  6. @RodCornholio

    Dem puppet masters must either 1.) have a lengthy talk with Biden to convince him to "reluctantly drop out" or 2.) run a campaign which must make people believe that Trump will be worse than Biden with the OVERWHELMING amount of evidence* that he is utterly incompetent.

    * The most effective anti-Biden campaign ad would be a 2 minute compilation of Biden's gaffes, falls, goofy behavior, etc. followed by nothing other than the required mumbo jumbo ("paid for by…"). Seriously, 4 more years of Biden? Unbelievable.

  7. @dfadden62

    They don’t care what they inflict upon our country. They don’t give a rats ass about us.

  8. @Blake01025

    VIVEK 2024 🇺🇸

  9. @markspaniola8596

    Trumps going to win "on issues" not cosmetics.. Vitter is a wimp for backing down under pressure. Don't let the Dep.O.J. pick the republicans nominee. Vitter swallows it hook line and sinker daily .

  10. @neilkale8568

    Trump 2024 to make the losers rage and cry another 4 years would be priceless

  11. @danielm173

    vivek is a strong number 2 if something happens to trump to many trump voters

  12. @KTPurdy

    It does seem like Trump's ceiling in the toss up states is enough to be president.

  13. @starbuckstark4745

    38% is scattered & 13% undecided =51% half of R voters don't want Trump. That 13% is fascinating

  14. @JeffNeubauerJesus24365

    This 2x Trump Wisconsin voter is all in for VIVEK2024 after reading all 700 pages of his 3 books! He's the real deal. TRUTH – PEACEFUL REVOLUTION — UNITING ALL AMERICANS


  15. @Ghostmanriding

    George Will is always on top of his game.

  16. @grizzlyjp

    Vivek should employ a strategy that no other Republican candidate is even thinking about – get Democrats and Independents who reluctantly voted for Biden in 2020 to register as Republicans to vote for Vivek to be the GOP Nominee.

    Vivek is currently able to get some Democrats and Independents who like his message to register as Republicans, but this "Register as a Republican and vote for me as the GOP nominee" needs to be articulated as much as possible, as often as possible, especially at next week's GOP Debate. Vivek is the only Republican Presidential Candidate who can motivate Democrats and Independents to register as Republicans to vote for Vivek to be the GOP Nominee – that is his strategic advantage and he should capitalize on it!

    That is how Vivek can achieve a Ronald Reagan-like 1980 election landslide victory.

  17. @lewisdoherty7621

    The Democrats have a trap planned for the Republicans. They plan to prosecute Trump to consolidate his base for the primaries only to destroy him in the general election. Trump as a nominee will also drag down everything down ticket. I would say Trump is the Jim Jones of the Republican Party, but he probably will flee the country declaring the US has become a banana republic. No-one will extradite for election fraud and document secrecy violations. His followers will be destroyed, but he will have retirement in exile sending out stuff over the Internet. Former heads of state do this all of the time.

  18. @nk1974

    The GOP is stuck with Trump and there is nothing they can do about it.

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