It Gets Tense as Charlie Kirk & Dave Rubin Spar Over DeSantis Vs. Trump | DM CLIPS | Rubin Report

Rachel Abrahams

Charlie Kirk and Dave Rubin Discuss DeSantis-Trump Situation on Radio Show

I was on Charlie Kirk’s radio show yesterday and we got into the DeSantis-Trump situation.

Radio Show Details

Charlie Kirk’s radio show is primarily a radio show, but they also simulcast the video. Kirk, a staunch supporter of Trump, invited Rubin to discuss DeSantis and make a case for the Governor.

Rubin’s Support for DeSantis

Rubin praised DeSantis for his handling of Covid-19 and his efforts to combat wokeness in institutions. Despite minor disagreements, Rubin called DeSantis “America’s greatest Governor.”

Rubin’s Criticism of Trump

While praising DeSantis, Rubin also criticized Trump for betraying the truth and base with his actions and lies. He urged for more transparency and accountability in leadership.

DeSantis’ Marketing Issues

Rubin advised DeSantis to address any marketing issues and connect with the base to avoid betraying their trust. He emphasized the importance of honest communication and engagement with critics.

Future Strategies for DeSantis

Rubin suggested that DeSantis should appear on various platforms, including left-leaning shows like Russell Brand and CNN, to address misconceptions and challenge critics directly.

In conclusion, the discussion between Kirk and Rubin highlighted the complexities of political leadership and communication. What are your thoughts on DeSantis’ performance and the criticisms leveled against him? Leave a comment below.


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  1. @mk23theman85

    Charlie Kirk definitely won this debate against Rave Dubin

  2. @johnrambo99999

    Rubin is still a Liberal muppet at heart.

  3. @chrisferguson1911

    Neither. DeSantis is a flop and Trump is too old.

  4. @samuelmcloving1761

    DeSantis is a good governor, but what i don't like about him:
    – Rinos back him
    – Soro would like him more than Trump to be president
    – He took the decision to run against Trump instead of backing him and win the maga crowd for 2028. That was a urge mistake and i think destroyed his change to be president.

  5. @joshuatree2537

    Trump abdicated COVID response to Faucci; that’s NOT leadership.

  6. @sifuhusky3556

    Who is funding Desantis? What will they expect him to do for THEM? His votes in congress are concerning. What does he REALLY THINK about Ukraine? Balancing the needs of a state is not the same as a nation. There are still a LOT of questions about his deepest convictions. I don't really fully trust Desantis if he gets the big job. Regarding lies, name ONE politician that doesn't lie their ass off.


    Ron DeSantis should wait his turn. He'll get it when the time comes… but this is not the time.

    Trump knows what to do, how to do it, and who to do it to….💥 He has "special skills"😎

    Trump is not beholding to donors, just voters. 11 million more voted for him in 2020 than 2016 and, given the opportunity, they will all vote for him again in 2024… and even more than that if we can get a fair accounting. Any 1st term President would take a year to find the bathroom, another year to figure out who to trust and then it's midterms already. And after that he would have to start running for reelection and nothing would get done.


    A 2nd term Donald Trump is the Dem's worst nightmare…it scares the crap out of the Left because he can go 'scorched earth' from day one… and they know he will do it… especially after what they've already done to him….payback is in order. A 1st Term Ron DeSantis does not move the needle as much. He's not the man to do the work we need done right now.

    Most of all… now is NOT the time to return to 'normalcy' as Pence suggests in his appeal to the faint of heart.. what a moron. Don't' forget when GW Bush stuck his hand across the aisle and the Dems took it off up to the elbow 20yrs ago… things are much worse today.

    The Democrats play hard ball all the time… the GOP just wants to 'play ball' and Most of them don't even realize what is at stake, they just want to keep their parking spaces like Mitch. Conservatives are finally gaining some strength with a few representatives in Congress who are committed to accomplishing something positive for the nation on Constitutional principles. Pedal to the metal… and don't let up for a single minute.

  8. @charlescooper9390

    Sorry dude, but it's not DeSantis' turn, and we need an Emergency Trauma Surgeon to help fix the country, and every Republican should get behind Trump in order to show the other side that we are not f'ing around. DeSantis has done great in Florida, and he should continue for another 4 years.

  9. @gs1150adv

    Understand, DeSantis still has to run a state. Arrows from all sides. Commendable. As a conservative Catholic, 2 men can not conceive. This will play a role for your selfishness and your surrogate off-spring. Confusion incoming. Trump 2024!

  10. @explorewithana83

    I agree with you 💯 Everything you say needs to be said. I can't believe people will forgive trump for his mistakes and lies, but desantis is actually fighting back and not going to sit there and take it. I used to like trump, but when he says the california governor did better with the jabs than florida that is definitely something I question. I mean DeSantis did an amazing job and is doing great in florida why wouldn't people America want that for every state? When people say he's a good governor, but trump is better president I don't understand that trump had his chance we need a new person and someone that's going to do what they say and if he can do what he did in florida he can for all the states.

  11. @BaytownMan45

    DeSantis is great for Florida. However, Trump is best for America.

  12. @dperry203

    Rubin is just a Disantos Fluffer! He acts like he’s trying to win a date!

  13. @eleger3061

    So sad. Dave you need to open your eyes. It’s one thing running a state vs the entire country.

  14. @mlynn4817

    Respect for governor DeSantis but he's still part of what is wrong with Republican party. Trump is the guy for America, period!

  15. @ksulli14

    Desantis is a great governor but he falls short in the presidential realm. Most people in Florida love him as they should but outside of Florida he struggles and his campaign is not doing him any favors.

  16. @AndrewKendall71

    Trump and DeSantis could have shown a truly new kind of leadership each by showing what the GOP needs MORE THAN ANYTHING — strong fellowship against evil, strong unity across small policy differences, strong preparation for the next generation of conservatives in governorships and presidential races. But they didn't. They aren't. It's frustrating because it looks like ego before country, before the People. And that IS a problem. But as they say, are presidential politicians narcissistic egoists? The first evidence is that they're willing to run in the first place.

  17. @thomaswillingham4084

    I love Trump, ill vote for him simply because hes claiming revenge which is ALL i want. Fuck everything else BUT ill be honest- Trump was and would be 100% pro establishment if theyd have him. Hes not now which makes him my guy

  18. @markadams7328

    Conservatives need to remember that they agree on most things, then have a civil debate on any differences.

  19. @Valor4Christ

    This is Dave getting desperate

  20. @suzintex

    So Charlie Kirk never aired this on You Tube. Big win for Dave. I would bet he muted Dave saying Trump gave Fauci a Medal. 😂

  21. @camwilliams1

    DeSantis (was) America's greatest governor, jumped the gun, is a follower of donations, and has shown himself as a 100% politician. For a short while I was reconsidering my vote for Trump to go to DeSantis, but not a chance after I watched DeSantis dump Florida as his focus, not keep his word, and disrespect Floridians who voted him in. His EGO got the best of him. What he could do is sit down, back out and save his long-term career, maybe we can forgive him

  22. @scrumpnut4395

    Trump was the best President we have had in my adult life. that being said i dont think he should run, simply because we cant afford another 4 yrs of the left. maybe they cheated, maybe they didnt but we know they censored, controlled and went to get lengths to make sure Trump didnt win and it worked. now they know what worked, what didnt and i imagine will go to greater lengths to screw both him and us. we all know Trumps closet is full while they seemingly havent even found Desantis's yet. just sayin.

  23. @maggiew6200

    Pence & Desantis are perfect for each other & would be great to run together then those of you that think Trump is to mean for you could vote 🗳️ for them 2 freakin soft wet behind the ears babies that really can’t stand up to anything when it comes down to it.
    Trump is the one that showed America what is going on & Trump is the one the left hates not DeSantis they seem to love DeSantis , Ever wonder why?
    Trump started to drain the swamp but nobody was helping & Trump can’t do everything on his own & more would of gotten done if more governors & good people would of stood behind him & helped him.
    What has good boy Ron done in his whole life hmmm not much yep think I’ll stick with Trump!

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