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Rachel Abrahams

“Slavery begins in the early 1800s.”

The Start of Slavery: A Historical Perspective

Early Roots of Slavery

Many may believe that slavery began in the early 1800s, but the true origins can be traced back much earlier. The first African slaves arrived in the American colonies in 1619, marking the beginning of a dark chapter in history.

Rise of Slavery

Slavery became ingrained in the fabric of American society, with plantation owners relying on the labor of enslaved individuals to fuel the economy. By the early 1800s, the institution of slavery had become deeply entrenched in the South.

Legacy of Slavery

The effects of slavery are still felt today, with systemic racism and inequality plaguing our society. It is important to understand the origins of slavery in order to create a more just and equitable future.


The history of slavery is a painful reminder of the atrocities committed in the past. It is up to us to learn from these mistakes and work towards a more inclusive society. What are your thoughts on the origins of slavery? Leave a comment below.


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  1. @SteveRoeSroe

    She's playing the next predator in Predator versus aliens which will all be played by the left

  2. @angieklatt2824

    Oh my goodness what a waste of good money on college😢

  3. @leoy.8163

    This girl is such an idiot it’s hilarious to watch. Then she had the audacity to speak against people who called her out on it. 😅oi vey
    Does she even know where the word slave began?

  4. @williambaker6857

    That’s like saying eating was invented in the 1700S anyone before would die of starvation

  5. @orlandohernandez6679

    If you beleive slavery began in 1800s clearly you dont belong in the open discussion

  6. @ElizabethAdams10

    Slavery has been around since the BC time period. Israelites were slaves to Egyptians, etc, and on from there. This girl is an absolute idiot.

  7. @tylerblake4769

    Lol fails to realize Irish people were one of the first slaves Jews in Egypt

  8. @jacobdickison7042

    Slavery has existed since humans first walked on earth every “race” has been slaves at some point.

  9. @Mrjohnsmith84

    All them piercing damage the small brain it had

  10. @ryanbrown5197

    10 000s of years there’s been slaves and white people where the first

  11. @joshosorio3585

    Know nothing about their history😂 if they did they’d know that racism is only a tactic to get liberals votes.

  12. @aaronbehnke01

    What did they call it before 1619

  13. @JonSmith-oy4bi

    Every race and ethnic group has been enslaved at some point. It doesn’t make it right or justified. It is one of the worst sins a person could inflict upon another.

  14. @jefferyburgess7291

    I find it funny that Black people like to talk about the slave trade, but don’t know where it started. The Dutch started the slave trade in 1619 which is why I get mad when Black people talk about reparations as if Black people were the only ones that were slaves and we weren’t

  15. @JackHaro-r8q

    Ummm… 😶
    the Hebrews ya' know…
    Moses 😳

  16. @karenerroa7735

    Slavery started since mankind. Still slavery exists on so many countries.

  17. @JackknifeJimmy

    They’re talking about American slavery for those of you commenting “it started since the beginning of mankind.”

  18. @kevinwetsch5209

    This girl already lost all her credibility the moment she made up facts.

  19. @oakleydoakley9

    So we are done and have been done with slavery in America, if anyone really cared they would fight for the current slaves in Africa….Black Lives Matter doesn't give a RIP about black people, they hate White America, and that is it….they don't want equality, they want destruction

  20. @CdM-p6h

    Lol these feminists are also ignorant apart from being entitled, neurotical, blatantly ingorant and stupid. Take out the vote now!

  21. @Luke321gc

    Poor girl thinks slavery started for the first time ever when Africans sold Africans to the founders of the Americas 😂😂😂😂😂 sorry to laugh but it shows how insanely dumb these people are 😂😂😂

  22. @Oldanarkybob

    Listening to hard-core history. Pretty sure shit was happening…..forever…lolol dummy


    The video restarted 😅 I thought she repeated herself 😅

  24. @codymartin1145

    Everyone is a slave today if you think about it.
    We trade our time, skills , labor, Etc. for money and then the government (our master) only comes on payday because they feel entitled to a pretty good chunk of your check and for what they didn’t make our job any easier?

  25. @JalynMeteer

    I’m not 100% sure on this but I’m fairly certain that before America enslaved black people, Egyptians used white people as slaves. I’m sure we can find in history where every single race was used as a space at some point.

  26. @whizkiddol

    Slavery was invented when war was invented. That's "slavery" with a hard R. Get woke – read a book. #4vervictims

  27. @theoutdoorguy8740

    they are both wrong.

    History of slavery in China by era


    Further information: Society and culture of the Han dynasty

    The Shang dynasty engaged in frequent raids of surrounding states, obtaining captives who would be killed in ritual sacrifices. Scholars disagree as to whether these victims were also used as a source of slave labor.[10]

    The Warring States period (475–221 BC) saw a decline in slavery from previous centuries, although it was still widespread during the period. Since the introduction of private ownership of land in the state of Lu in 594 BC, which brought a system of taxation on private land, and saw the emergence of a system of landlords and peasants, the system of slavery began to later decline over the following centuries, as other states followed suit.

    The Qin dynasty (221–206 BC) confiscated property and enslaved families as punishment.[11][12] Large numbers of slaves were used by the Qin government to construct large-scale infrastructure projects, including road building, canal construction and land reclamation. Slave labor was quite extensive during this period.[5]: 147 

    Beginning with the Han dynasty (206 BC – 220 AD), one of Emperor Gao's first acts was to manumit agricultural workers enslaved during the Warring States period, although domestic servants retained their status.[1] The Han dynasty promulgated laws to limit the possession of slaves: each king or duke was allowed a maximum of 200 slaves, an imperial princess was allowed a maximum of 100 slaves, other officials were limited to 30 slaves each.[5] Sometimes instead of the death penalty, felons receive punished with castration during the Han dynasty were also used as slave labor.[13] Deriving from earlier Legalist laws, the Han dynasty set in place rules penalizing criminals doing three years of hard labor or sentenced to castration by having their families seized and kept as property by the government.[14]

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