Playbook PM: Emmer dodges Tucker but runs into Trump

Rachel Abrahams

#Playbook #Emmer #dodges #Tucker #runs #Trump

SPEAKER NOW — In this morning’s Playbook, Rachael wrote that a key question for House Majority Whip TOM EMMER’s speakership bid was whether DONALD TRUMP put his weight behind opposition to the front-runner du jour.

Now we may have an answer: WaPo’s Leigh Ann Caldwell reports that Trump has indeed given the green light for MAGA world to attack Emmer, in a reversal from where the former president stood just last night. Emmer’s team has worked hard to swat down suggestions that the Minnesota Republican is on a different page than Trump.

Of course, telling his allies to attack is not the same thing as Trump himself speaking out against Emmer — and, as we just saw with Rep. JIM JORDAN (R-Ohio), Trump is no hegemon in the House GOP Conference. Emmer will get some relief from one notable Trump ally, though: TUCKER CARLSON tells Insider’s Bryan Metzger he won’t get involved, despite his personal beefs with Emmer.

Anthony Adragna has a helpful rundown in Inside Congress Live of all nine speaker candidates’ pitches to their colleagues, from formal letters to TV interviews. He also notes that only two of the nine, Emmer and Rep. AUSTIN SCOTT (R-Ga.), voted to certify JOE BIDEN’s victory in 2020. CNN’s Andy Kaczynski points out an important caveat, though: Emmer did support a lawsuit by Texas seeking to contest the votes of Biden-won swing states in that election.

Beyond Emmer, some of the other speaker hopefuls are laying out policy positions and new persuasion efforts: Rep. DAN MEUSER (R-Pa.) told CNN’s Manu Raju he would “absolutely not” accept linking Ukraine and Israel aid, and cast some doubt on a short-term continuing resolution to keep the government open. Rep. KEVIN HERN (R-Okla.) sent his “Dear Colleague” letter along with McDonald’s burgers to every office.

The House Freedom Caucus is ramping up the pressure on Republicans to select a speaker: The caucus officially declared today that it thinks everyone should remain in Washington to force a solution until a speaker is elected. “No Speaker, No Recess” is the rallying cry.

Political implications: “There’s going to be a lot of scars in this fight and those scars are going to last a long time in the party,” former Rep. JOHN KATKO (R-N.Y.) warns in an interview with Nick Reisman.

International implications: House Democrats serving on the China select committee today asked DNI AVRIL HAINES and CIA Director WILLIAM BURNS for a classified briefing on whether China is seeking to exploit the congressional chaos, NBC’s Jonathan Allen scooped. They cited reports that Beijing wants to use American dysfunction as a propaganda tool. The letter

A NEW NATO ADDITION? — Turkish President RECEP TAYYIP ERDOGAN officially signed off on Sweden’s accession to NATO after a lengthy period of resistance, sending a protocol to the Turkish parliament. More from Reuters

A NEW NATO DEPARTURE? — Trump is talking about pulling the U.S. out of NATO in a second presidential term if the alliance doesn’t agree to his demands, including revisiting its fundamental principle of collective defense, Rolling Stone’s Asawin Suebsaeng and Adam Rawnsley scooped. “He and his policy-wonk allies are also gaming out how he could dramatically wind down American involvement to merely a ‘standby’ position in NATO, in Trump’s own words.”

Good Monday afternoon, and thanks for reading Playbook PM. Our apologies if you received Friday’s newsletter late in the day — we had some technical issues. Drop me a line at [email protected].


SCARY STUFF — There was a shooting at or near Sen. CINDY HYDE-SMITH’s (R-Miss.) home yesterday as she was returning from church, per The Daily Leader’s Brett Campbell. Authorities are investigating; Hyde-Smith’s office said she and her family weren’t hurt.

THE SUPPLEMENTAL — Sen. RICK SCOTT (R-Fla.) today came out against the idea of linking aid to Ukraine and Israel, challenging Senate Minority Leader MITCH McCONNELL’s stance.


PASS THE TANNING BUTTER — The B-52s will perform at Wednesday’s state dinner for Australian PM ANTHONY ALBANESE, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution’s Rodney Ho scooped. … Guest chef KATIE BUTTON tells Delish’s Robert Seixas that she’ll highlight seasonal American cuisine, with a nod to southern Appalachia.

NOTABLE ARRIVAL — JON DONENBERG will join the National Economic Council as a deputy director, CNN’s MJ Lee reports. He currently is chief of staff to Sen. ELIZABETH WARREN (D-Mass.) and has been “a key architect of [her] signature policy initiatives including her plan to cancel student loan debt.” Donenberg will replace BHARAT RAMAMURTI.


MIDDLE EAST FALLOUT — Interest is growing anew in having the U.S. once again pump out missiles for Israel’s Iron Dome defense system, WSJ’s Doug Cameron reports. The outbreak of war has reduced Israeli stockpiles, though “[a]ny U.S. manufacturer of Tamir interceptors would take months to get moving.”

— U.S. troops again downed attack drones in Syria aimed at American forces today, Lara Seligman reports. No one was harmed.

DANCE OF THE SUPERPOWERS — The U.S. reiterated today that it will defend the Philippines against any attack thanks to a treaty from 1951, after friction grew between Manila and Beijing over South China Sea incidents, AP’s Jim Gomez and Simina Minstreanu report.


WITH FRIENDS LIKE THESE — Tensions are growing between the Texas Democratic Party and the GEORGE SOROS-backed outside group Texas Majority PAC, The Messenger’s Adrian Carrasquillo scooped. That could imperil Democratic efforts to make progress toward their white-whale dream of flipping Texas blue. Texas Dems executive director MONIQUE ALCALA warned in an email of potential “programmatic fracture and duplication of effort on a massive scale.” Despite some frustrations, Democrats in the state say the group could be a significant financial help, with rumors about another $20 million on the way.

CLICKER — WSJ’s Dante Chinni and Stephanie Stamm have a series of interesting graphics about how Americans get more conservative as they age — and how millennials and Gen Zers, starting from a more liberal place than previous generations, are blunting that effect.

REALITY CHECK — Opponents of the Ohio ballot measure to enshrine abortion rights in the state constitution have warned that it could permit “partial-birth abortions.” But that isn’t true, AP’s Julie Carr Smyth reports from Columbus: There’s a federal ban on the procedure, which would not be superseded by the Ohio change, experts say.

BATTLE FOR THE STATES — A new internal Democratic poll has Republican Mississippi Gov. TATE REEVES leading challenger BRANDON PRESLEY by 1 point, per Mississippi Today’s Adam Ganucheau.


BEYOND SILICON VALLEY — The Commerce Department today picked 31 winners across the country to serve as new regional hubs for technology and innovation, tapping them from 370 applicants to be eligible for half a billion dollars in federal monies, Reuters’ David Shepardson reports. The money comes from the Chips and Science Act.

IMMIGRATION FILES — DHS today proposed significant reforms to the H-1B visa program to try to stop companies from gaming the system, WSJ’s Michelle Hackman reports. “Under the proposed new process, each person applying for a visa will be weighed equally, no matter how many entries they submit.” Other changes to the visa, which is for high-skilled professionals and foreign graduates of U.S. colleges, are aimed at improving access and easing the path for entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley.

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UP FOR DEBATE — North Dakota Gov. DOUG BURGUM announced today that he’s hit the fundraising threshold to qualify for the third GOP presidential debate next month, having landed donations from 70,000 people. But Burgum still hasn’t reached the necessary polling marks to make the stage.

GRANITE STATE GROUNDSWELL — “Trump Builds a Grassroots Army in New Hampshire: ‘A Force to Be Reckoned With,’” by Trent Spiner in Manchester for The Messenger: “When former President Donald Trump pays the $1,000 fee on Monday to add his name to the ballot for New Hampshire’s primary, he’ll do it with the backing of a campaign machine dwarfing that of any other candidate.”

SURVEY SAYS — A new Suffolk University/USA Today national poll finds Biden and Trump tied at 37% each in a four-way race. ROBERT F. KENNEDY JR. pulls 13%, disproportionately hurting Trump, and CORNEL WEST takes 4%, disproportionately hurting Biden.


FOR THE RECORD — “If Trump Trial Isn’t Broadcast Live, a Plea to Record It for Posterity,” by NYT’s Adam Liptak: “In a pair of filings this month, news organizations asked a federal judge in Washington to allow live television coverage … A federal rule of criminal procedure stands in their way, and the Supreme Court has long been wary of cameras in courtrooms, notably its own. But one of the applications, from the corporate parent of NBC News, made an intriguing backup argument, one grounded in the text of a key roadblock to live television coverage: Rule 53 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure. If nothing else, the application said, Rule 53 allows the court to record the proceedings for posterity.”


ONE TO WATCH — Conservatives have been stepping up legal challenges to the FDA’s authority on everything from mifepristone to ivermectin to vaping, USA Today’s John Fritze reports. Some of the lawsuits are winding their way through the legal system to the Supreme Court, which is expected to rule on the mifepristone question this term. Some experts warn that rulings against the agency could open the doors to tons of lawsuits over its approvals.


STRIKE WATCH — In a surprise move, the United Auto Workers today expanded its strike to include Stellantis’ biggest factory in Sterling Heights, Mich., per WSJ’s Ryan Felton. The plant makes Ram 1500 pickup trucks; the action adds another 6,800 workers to the picket line.

CONFLICT OF INTEREST — The Fed’s sustained campaign of higher interest rates to fight inflation — and the prospect that they won’t come down anytime soon — is starting to take a bite in many parts of the American economy, NYT’s Lydia DePillis reports. Many families, businesses and governments likely can’t just wait for rates to drop before taking on big costs.


FINAL FRONTIERS — “Same-sex marriage remains banned — for now — in the Navajo Nation,” by WaPo’s Karin Brulliard in Gallup, N.M.: “[S]ame-sex couples are at the center of a contentious debate on the Navajo Nation, where the tribal council is weighing legislation to repeal a ban enacted in 2005. The change would grant them equal rights in situations involving property and hospital visitation.”


SPY GAMES — The U.S. says it has not been involved with any recent operations by Ukrainian spies to orchestrate targeted killings of key Russian figures. But Kyiv’s spy service was strengthened over the past decade thanks to significant connections with the CIA, which has trained and provided equipment to elite units, WaPo’s Greg Miller and Isabelle Khurshudyan report, revealing the depth of the relationship for the first time. “Ukraine’s affinity for lethal operations,” including some that have targeted civilians, “has complicated its collaboration with the CIA, raising concerns about agency complicity and creating unease among some officials in Kyiv and Washington.”


OUT AND ABOUT — SPOTTED at the Chamber of Commerce’s America’s Top Small Business Awards on Thursday night: Reps. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.), Garret Graves (R-La.) and Angie Craig (D-Minn.), Jack Bienko, Meredith West, Justin Anthony, Logan Basner, Jennifer Prosser, Beth Milito and Kimberly Adams.

The National Economic Security Alliance gave out its 2023 William H. Webster Profiles in Leadership Awards in a lunchtime ceremony at Boeing on Friday, honoring Robert Gates, Jim Durham, Anthony Kennedy, J. Thomas Manger, John J. Miller, retired Gen. Michael Hayden and Chris Krebs. Also SPOTTED: DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, William Webster, Mary Kennedy, Lynda Webster, “Coach” Kathy Kemper, Jane Harman and John Negroponte.

Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich and several dozen of his staffers had a 30-year reunion Saturday at Piccolina. SPOTTED: Tom Glynn, Kitty Higgins, Andy Levin, Maria Echaveste, Dan Pink, Kris Balderston, Bill Samuel, Lisa Lynch and Steve Rosenthal.

TRANSITIONS — The Interior Department announced several new appointees: Torend Collins as senior adviser for infrastructure strategy, Thomas Franco as deputy director of intergovernmental and external affairs, Alejandro Oms as adviser in the Office of Congressional and Legislative Affairs and Jacob “Jake” Steel as special assistant in the Office of Congressional and Legislative Affairs.

WELCOME TO THE WORLD — Spencer Wolf, a VP at The Daschle Group, and Holly Wolf, an associate at McKinsey & Co., welcomed Perry Alden on Thursday. He came in at 7 lbs, 1 oz and 19.5 inches, and joins big sisters Colette and Winifred. PicAnother pic

Send Playbookers tips to [email protected] or text us at 202-556-3307. Playbook couldn’t happen without our editor Mike DeBonis, deputy editor Zack Stanton, digital editor Garrett Ross and producers Bethany Irvine and Andrew Howard.

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