Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Says He’s Being Censored. He’s Wrong.

Rachel Abrahams

Who is Robert F Kennedy Jr and what does he stand for?

“I have never made a single anti-semitic statement in my life or racist statement in my life.” – Robert F Kennedy Jr

The Controversy Surrounding Robert F Kennedy Jr

No matter what you may think, Mr Kennedy has been at the center of controversy for his views on vaccines, Covid-19 health policies, and race. His claims have been debunked and criticized, yet he remains defiant in his beliefs.

Defending Free Speech or Weaponizing It?

Despite claiming to be a champion of free speech, some argue that Kennedy is actually weaponizing hate speech and misinformation for political gain. This has raised concerns about the impact of his rhetoric on society, particularly in light of rising anti-semitic and white supremacist attacks.

What do you think about Robert F Kennedy Jr and his controversial views? Is he truly defending free speech, or is he using it for his own agenda?

Leave a comment below and share your opinion.


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  1. @Agapy8888

    RFK jr. 2024. Truth is ultimate.

  2. @user-kx5lf6kc8w

    Lol he’s not wrong we definitely trust him more than you

  3. @rhino4321rhino

    The left has become totalitarian tyrants, I will never understand why people like you covet for them

  4. @Ozkar2023

    Who tf is she? Nobody

  5. @andrw265

    This very similar to youtube censoring the dislike button

  6. @matthewgross3098

    This video created by a "2 minutes hate" watching ignorant lemming.

  7. @mariannasmith249

    How do you justify your statement:"These statements by Kennedy have been debunked"? Wrong Now This, just because you say they are debunked, does not make it so. Don't you get it? 32K views and 277 who liked this video, less than one percent! No-one beliefs you, we all know that RFK Jr is being censored and the left media not wanting to acknowledge this- and change their stance on RFK Jr running, brings a 2nd Trump presidency in sharp focus. God Forbid! The left will have only the DNC to blame, not the voters! Democrats will loose because of their ignorant, bullheaded stance that they don't like RFK Jr. handing the election to Trumpland.

  8. @caseyk.1386

    What do you say about Biden denying RFK secret service protection, when it was deemed that he has a high need for it? Past presidents have given their opponents a detail if needed, why doesn’t RFK get one when him and his family are in danger? There have been three instances already—one at a campaign event with a heavily armed man and one man trespassing on his property and being arrested twice in the same day.

  9. @optimisticpessimist5831

    Not 1 shred of evidence, that his claims are "false". Infact most of his claims are being proven day by day

  10. @michaelpatton9909

    Combating mis-information by removing one's voice is EXACTLY CENSORSHIP!

    The young generation is too new to realize how absurd this is. Mis-information CANNOT be combated by removing one's voice. That just leads to underground movements that grow exponentially. We have seen this in history time and time again. You combat Mis-information by shinning a light on it, and letting better ideas and better information show that it is false.

    This is a dangerous idea as well, because "mis-information" is a subjective term. Who get's to decide what "mis-information" is? Even doctors who were on the original 9 MRNA patents were silenced! Who's more qualified than that to speak what they know?

  11. @Christianguy2lol

    Don't lie to yourself you know your brainwashing Americans with your "truth and democracy"

  12. @taylorcommon807

    RFK Jr 2024! The only one making any sense in the race

  13. @throbert1

    Just imagine 80 years ago she could have fit in very well as a journalist in
    Hitler's Germany

  14. @xendarcodm

    It’s not racist to say a certain group is more effected. Democrats do it all the time. He might be wrong, but it’s not racist. Stupid liberal labeling.

  15. @josephpark18254

    The little boy presenting this video should research these false claims. All points in the book are verifiable and he shows you where to find this research. Not pointing to some dismissive New York Times article but actual peer reviewed studies.

  16. @acebasespace6180

    I feel sorry for the people that think theyre helping by censoring. Theyre the most lost.

  17. @GoAdventure83

    Battling misinformation is censorship if you're removing people or articles from a platform. The only democratic way to battle misinformation is to supply new information to dismiss the misinformation.

  18. @DavidBloodJohnson

    There is a link between vaccines and neurological issues. This is coming from a neuroscientist and doctor

  19. @DavidBloodJohnson

    This woman is a product of the liberal matrix

  20. @GreenTea3699

    Silencing someone's voice because you don't like it IS the exact definition of censorship. LOL

  21. @jessicagartner2005

    What a joke! Why won't Joe Biden give him secret service protection? This fake person must be getting paid. Shame on anyone who doesn't put this country ahead of a few dollars! RFKJR2024

  22. @annon9368

    How dare you. MSM and YouTube’s censorship of RFK Jr is extraordinary and un-American. Misinformation is notion made up by autocratic cabal that you bow to. Shame.

  23. @M_M_B_

    This is just a ridiculous video 😂😂😂

  24. @dtmyco1044

    Now This is the bottom of the barrel for any kind of news.

  25. @MichaelCarmichael

    Complete rubbish — RFK, Jr. Is right — establishment Democrats are desperate to silence him and stop him from telling the truth.

  26. @panblacksolutions

    Combating claims can be censorship, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. But making a claim about a group of people that may be inaccurate is also not racism

  27. @jayng153

    NowThis is a leftist, marxist organisation.

  28. @HarleyQ5678

    Noo NowThis News, not you, i thought you were better than this, such a shame! This kinds of media coverages are one reason of American divide!

  29. @SloppySeconds.

    This video is a rubbish amalgamation of clips downing RFK jr with an obnoxious commentator slipped in-between. I know this post isn't public view, but what a trash video

  30. @taracameron7922

    This is the most ironic video, not only being censored but completely misinterpreted. If you want a history lesson go to Aubrey Marcus' latest discussion with RFK (the last one was censored by YouTube). He gives a detailed account on how the news used to be full of integrity and how it has become what we are watching here, bought and paid for propaganda. Please do better. America and the World deservs better.We all deserve the Truth.

  31. @turnercariker7578

    Strange how many claims are made in this video with no evidence whatsoever. Truly analyze every time they make a claim and see if they follow it with evidence. If this doesn’t occur, what you are watching is misinformation, and likely propaganda

  32. @jedbailey9354

    He has been censored. That's a problem. You should've been defending his right to speak.

  33. @dougsloan9600

    Simply google his name and up pops a overwhelming amount of negative, dismissive, hit pieces from mainstream media

  34. @LamentationsofSummer

    Oh look at the smug clumsy smear job you're doing 👎

  35. @josey7854

    Why do people lie so much???? RFK ALL THE WAY!

  36. @Dom-pi1gj

    They’re trying to silence him

  37. @wolfwalker5924

    Identify just one of RFK Jr.'s vaccine claims that are false. RFK Jr's claims about vaccines are accurate and true. You talk in glittering generalities lady and are a complete fraud for doing so. All of his claims in his book, "The Real Fauci" are true, substantiated and referenced. It is the main stream media that has to lie about RFI Jr. because the propagandist line cannot tolerate the truth about vaccine's safety and efficacy.

  38. @Sporkey4

    So glad people in the comments see through this BS🤣

  39. @Sporkey4

    So glad people in the comments see through this BS🤣

  40. @TaoHe85

    I believe him

  41. @glennvoce9673

    Could she be more gullible?

  42. @chriscobetto9470

    You are a clearly a representative of the establishment or just plain ignorant. Your BS won’t work anymore

  43. @Lillylilster

    She’s too young to already have that mean bitter look.

  44. @jawanova72

    This video is 100% propaganda BS and they know exactly what they are attempting to do. No-doubt-in-my-mind.

  45. @marcusbarrett3840

    I saw this video and its title and was disheartened to see that NTN was parroting the mainstream narrative. What gave me hope was seeing the comment section and realizing that everyone else saw through the disinformation too. They’re lying and it’s not working anymore 😊

  46. @ivanelias6292

    He’s got my vote !!!!!

  47. @frobrain

    Sounds like RFK Jr is on the right path. NOW THIS is some propaganda

  48. @jonathanforst4345

    Lmao the fact you can’t voice your opinion on the vaccines is censorship

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