Sen. Mike Lee Reveals the Surprising Strength of Kamala Harris and Her Powerful Media Influence – Discover Why You Should Pay Attention!

Rachel Abrahams

In Washington, there’s a consensus: Joe Biden is showing signs of senility. At times, he has struggled even with basic tasks like using a cell phone. Senator Mike Lee shares his experiences and observations.

Join us for an in-depth discussion about the current political landscape and the implications of Biden’s condition. We’ll cover significant topics, including the power of the federal government, the progressive agenda, and the challenges facing our leadership.

Stay informed on these crucial issues leading up to the upcoming election.

00:00 Obama Kicking Biden Out
08:13 Biden’s Impairment
20:33 Biden’s Scripted Phone Calls
23:17 The Federal Government Is Too Powerful
36:02 The Progressive Dream
41:51 How to Fix the Problem
57:04 Could Kamala Harris Win?
1:03:01 Why Is Kamala an Abortion Fanatic?
1:09:35 The Hostility Towards Christianity
1:18:23 The Failed Leadership Class
2:02:59 This Election Is Critically Important


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  1. @TCNetwork

    If Biden isn’t even mentally cognitive enough to operate a cell phone, who’s truly pulling the strings?

  2. @georgefeliz7875

    I'll say we can't underestimate the power of the media to brainwash!

  3. @fredscharf5148

    This country will cease to exist because of "ecumenism," especially in public office.
    We can tolerate other religions, but the test applied in the colonies (Trinitarian God, Christ is God-man, 10 Commandments as source of civil law).
    We have jettisoned this in the neme of Liberty/Freedom.
    It leads to religious and moral lawlessness.
    It leads to loss, or stunted, consciences and legalization of crime and permissiveness with revolutionaries.

  4. @fredscharf5148

    Could the founders have anticipated that people who have such a drive to kill babies?

    Its a funny thing that Protestant Evangelist talk about sinful human nature, but then talk as though acceptance of Christ's Holy Sacrifice seems to nullify the fact that people can still sin, and that sins have consequences in time (temporally), let alone the eternal consequences. Christ never preached once saved, always saved. His First Coming is followed by His Second Coming: the first one to do mercy and justice, the second one of Judgement.

    In other words, the founders were naive. Jefferson himself apparently thought that a free soeech would remain free speech because people are prone to, and tend towards the truth. Thus some kind of inherent goodness – even pragmatically so – would preserve free speech.

    Their errors in thinking and beliefs made them blind to the possibility of Mrs. Harris.

  5. @hmanuel7138

    India and Brazil. The bulls in the shop.

  6. @hmanuel7138

    Any straight thinking American should not be voting for Harris. Who does not support freedom, liberty or RIGHTS, as in the Bill of Rights. The Democrats have sunk to supporting eye candy of a California politician for President. As a registered Democrat, I am disgusted and cannot believe this anti-democratic action. Don't you just love a yellow school bus?

  7. @revelationstationwithshery3398

    What about if the 25th amendment is not being invoked because someone else is really in charge, like Obama?

  8. @patriciaway3738

    The 17th Amendment turned Senators into Federal officers, rather than elected SOLELY by the state and sent by that state legislature to represent that state in the senate. It was a huge blunder as well as the 16th Amendment

  9. @patriciaway3738

    Only uncontested because "they"-the party and the powers behind it- would not ALLOW contests…

  10. @charlenejohnson4300

    That’s no surprise since obamas been running the show all along. I’m sure he’s the big guy the Bodensee refer to in connection to hunter and Ukraine deal. Biden was a mere puppet as is Kamala I don’t believe for a minute that Biden has dementia. I’m almost certain they drugged him before public appearances.

  11. @kathysamuels1465

    How did 46 get the news he was going to be the one to run against 45 ,,I think it was in the envelope he got at GB snr funeral ,you could see it ,he was horrified and all the rest were smiling and congratulating him ,,it was creepy that funeral 45 walked into the lions den ,even GB ignored 45

  12. @danholden7281

    Obama has been the real puppet master all along working the strings and calling the shots.

  13. @glenda7800

    Wow he's so knowledgeable on Constitutional issues!! Really not surprising considering who is father was…. A long but very informative conversation. Thanks for that!

  14. @jostanley1628

    Tucker, do you aim to follow Phil Donogue? Really like the 2 hour format. You join Judge Nap and Scott Ritter on my must listen list

  15. @DSRE535

    Trump will 100% get the most votes but it will be an absolute miracle if he actually walks into that White House again we are gonna have to show up and show out like never seen before

  16. @zmanzoran

    And yet Lee and other republican members do nothing to hold hearing that would bring Biden admin officials before them to ask them under oath who is running the country. They talk about how it is unconstitutional for anyone other than the POTUS to do things only allowed to be done by POTUS. How can we trust either party when they don't do what they claim they should be doing. I'm sick of the cowards in Congress and we can solve this by forcing our position as the government (by the people) by implementing something they won't, term limits, which can do on our own by just voting out every member in every election limiting them to one term which will then force them to actually implement term limits law. We always say it "vote them all out" but we never do it so if the majority can finally agree to vote them out every election no matter who will replace them (only one term so that is the worst case) from either party. They will get their act together quickly after they realize how they will never be able to turn this into a career choice.

  17. @capnkarl2011

    What a frightening indictment of the state of our government if anyone thinks we have a republic anymore you have been living under a rock Mike Lee just confirmed what all of us conspiracy nuts felt in our gut. We are now already fully transformed thank you Barack your revolution succeeded without firing a shot I doubt Trump will win but even if he does it won’t matter anymore the tracks have been set and sell outs like Mc Connell Romney Mc Cain hammered the nails into the coffin Good night America welcome Amerika SocialistRepublic

  18. @deanweeksey8875

    What Mike Lee is saying makes me want to puke! Republicans did nothing and won’t do anything. Biden didn’t win the 2020 election. It was stolen …again the republicans did NoTHING. They allowed J6 patriots to be prosecuted when peacefully protesting. Republicans again did NOTHING!! Including sen M. Lee shame on them/him!

  19. @deanweeksey8875

    I’m so pissed at Senator Lee for not doing his Job and not doing anything to remove Biden! We The People could tell he was not fit to be president! Shame on him ! He part of the problem! Sen Lee needs to go!!!!

  20. @deanweeksey8875

    I’m so pissed at Senator Lee for not doing his Job and not doing anything to remove Biden! We The People could tell he was not fit to be president! Shame on him ! He part of the problem! Sen Lee needs to go!!!!

  21. @Keeparmsinmind

    Still wondering what will happen to the doctors who work and treat bidens conditions, what will be of them, will they be charged will elder abuse, and keeping such an issue from the ears and eyes of the public. I gotta say hippa should not matter if the sitting president is not physically or mentally fit to run the country. Just read the US army soldiers creed, so the commander a chief should be a huge primary example of mentally and physically fit!

  22. @11sscycle

    Best thing ever was tucker getting fired from fox what a blessing for us !!!!

  23. @suedarnell6

    I blame the media as much, or more, than the leftist themselves. Politicians have been corrupt since the inception of this country. Maybe not to the degree of trying to destroy the Republic like our current crop of demons, but corruption has always been with us.

    What we have been seeing since at least the 60s is a press that has joined with the corruption, and they have slowly become the demons themselves through the leftist college professors who have taken over the journalism schools. The rate of their descent into darkness, as with all of the left, has increased expeditiously since President Trump beat The Witch in 2016.

    That left them flat footed, and they panicked. Since then, the cabal of the marxist left and their handmaidens in the mainstream media came out of the shadows for everyone to see, and they don't care who sees them. They lie to our faces and do not give a s hit that we know they are lying to us. The network news and the newspapers obviously don't care about ratings because if they did, they would charge their ways. They do not care. Thank God for the internet and the 2nd. If anything can save us, it is those.

    Even if it seems crazy to you and me, and even if it makes absolutely no sense to destroy the greatest country to ever exist on the planet, these people are evil, and they want to rule under a one world government. The diamond in the one world government will be what used to be the United States of America.

    We have been saying for decades that man-made global warming, or climate change, or whatever they want to call it is a hoax, a way to put an additional tax on the middle class. It is much worse than that. The elitists, our betters, the people who are pulling Obama/Harris/Pelosi/Clintons strings, don't want you and me eating what they consider to be THEIR food. Every time we eat a steak, we are eating their steak. Every time we fill our gas tank, we are using up their gas. That is why they are trying to price us out of buying good food. They are literally printing money to increase inflation to make sure we can't afford groceries, and the first thing the elitists did when the dementia patient was sworn in was to close the pipeline, shut off all new drilling for oil and gas on federal land and offshore. Every. Single. Thing. You. Buy. Is. More. Expensive. Now. Because. Gas. Is. More. Expensive. Because. Of. These. Actions. They don't want you plebs using up their resources. They want you barely existing, eating bugs, and living in cities using public transportation.

    I've spent the last 35 years of my life trying to tell people what the Left was trying to do. The Good Lord gave me good sense and the ability to understand what I read. He also gave me discernment to know evil when I hear and see it. We are in deep, deep trouble.

    God Bless President Trump

  24. @sevencakes4778

    Anyone else find this terrifying?!

  25. @tammykayemoffatt6339

    Why don’t the republicans do it? Bc they’re losers and mostly rinos. Term limits and not stock trading for family.

  26. @MousepadFirmware

    Unplugged's software is closed-source/proprietary, so nobody can verify that they're not just lying to everyone and playing the same big data game. Open source is the only sane way forward.

  27. @RoscoPColtrane17

    The Stupid Party did everything they could to get rid of Biden, the most beatable candidate in history. Now Trump is going to lose. Nice job Republicans.

  28. @jckeitz

    There is a paying adversary behind them and this is much bigger than the corrupt voting Industry too

  29. @notme8679

    This guy can't possibly believe that biden made these decisions, particularly regarding Afghanistan. That was an intentional failure. You can't believe that the early failure of a debate was orchestrated, but other obvious failures weren't. Either there's a shadow government or there isn't. They don't take days off.

  30. @rickinge7682

    Both of you show some guts she is a George Soros lackey

  31. @BWB664

    Demonrats are so crooked!!

  32. @victorialawless7660

    We can blame the dems all we want but at the end of the day reps have done nothing to significantly stop them. Just because someone is telling the truth here doesnt mean theyre worthy of trust.

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