Steve Bannon Gives UNHINGED WORSHIPFUL SPEECH of Donald Trump to Group of Youth!

Rachel Abrahams

“America Fest 2023, hosted by Turning Point USA, featured a lineup of conservative demagogues praising Donald Trump with unwavering devotion. Steve Bannon’s speech, filled with delusional praise for Trump’s ‘sacrifices,’ was detached from reality and compared him to historical figures like George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.”

The Cult of Trump: A Recap of America Fest 2023

Steve Bannon’s Distorted Reality

During America Fest 2023, Steve Bannon delivered a speech glorifying Donald Trump as a hero who has sacrificed everything for the country. Bannon’s delusional comparison of Trump to iconic figures like George Washington and Abraham Lincoln ignores the reality of Trump’s lies, self-dealing, and violations of the Constitution.

The Dangerous Worship of Trump

The event served as a pep rally for those who prioritize loyalty to Trump over adherence to democratic principles. Bannon’s attempt to paint Trump as a savior, facing persecution from the mainstream media and deep state, shows a dangerous level of blind devotion.

The Threat to Democracy

As Trump’s supporters cling to the idea of him reclaiming power, the future of free and fair elections hangs in the balance. The silence of many Republicans in the face of Trump’s authoritarian rhetoric is a stark warning of the dangers ahead.

Share Your Thoughts

What do you make of the glorification of Trump at America Fest 2023? Do you believe this event is a sign of a growing cult of personality around Trump? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

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  1. @ynyn5150

    What as ASS CLOWN!!! 🤡💩

  2. @ynyn5150

    You are detached from reality bro

  3. @TheRumble101

    It's such a pleasure to watch you all talk and talk. Biden has dragged this country down the mud hole and we are sick and tired of this man who poops in his pants on stage… doesn't know where he's going.. can't talk ..he mumbles crap. I could go on and on.
    We don't really care what Trump has done…. we really don't. We back him up because he's the only one who has the balls to turn this country around.
    Ist thing… send all these illegal immigrants that are draining this country dry and making it look like a 3rd war country back to their own country.
    Go Trump …. you will blow this election out of the water and everyone will just have to accept it.

  4. @StephenGrover-zc4hp

    I'd rather listen to Bannon than your false narratives.😮

  5. @ronaldgum6409

    You're just mad because everything the government has thrown at Donald Trump is backfiring and nothing's working as thei had planned. The Washington case in the supreme Court. The Atlanta case is falling apart. Everyone knows the Florida case is not happening until after the election. The bond in New York was reduced. He is the "Teflon Don".

  6. @ronaldgum6409

    Be afraid, be very very afraid!!!👿😈😈👿

  7. @AJNpa80

    Two crooks trying to stay out of jail. He may be right about the future of the nation being linked with 45's future. Just not in the way that he believes.

  8. @cjgazerro622

    Democrats have lost their minds

  9. @cjgazerro622

    Love every word. Why I’m voting Republican frost time 2024. Democrats left me their sickos now

  10. @John-j7s1m

    Dude. You wouldn’t amount to a pimple on Trump OR Bannons ass. 🖕

  11. @rosietowers6702

    Mike Johnson evidently was paid by the head Democrats to carry a Bible and quote scriptures to get the Republicans to vote for him for House Speaker, they tricked us 😢!

  12. @selinasinger

    Glad you are around. Than you!

  13. @GhostOnTheHalfShell

    Bannon, the guy who called himself a Leninist because he wants to smash the state…

  14. @jessegullatt3501

    What courage did it take to send people to over throw the election at the capital?

  15. @FL772fitness

    Cause he is the greatest president to lead America forward we did great with him 401k jobs stock market wars everything

  16. @pierregingras9585

    Bannon is another criminal that should locked up !!!

  17. @ReputeCapital

    This moron, Steve Bannon, probably needs to read more history to learn how the faith of one man, Adolf Hitler, was inextricably linked with the destiny of a people.


    What a sycophant Bannon is Trump kicked him out of the WH6 months after he was hired he’s in the last stages of Alcoholism his teeth are all brown and rotten I can smell his body odor through the TV, Bannon is drunk out of his mind with booze screaming about Diaper Donnie the delusional thinking of the ALCOHOLIC where he thinks even if Trump loses there wil be an onward March of MAGAMORONS in a CULT who trust DRUMPH more than their own Family. Yeh I am really shaking in my boots, fuk Drumph, Bannon and the MAGAMORONS!

  19. @emilymcplugger

    I find the initial comment by Jesse to be extremely offensive.

    I peaked in high school but I’m not like those assholes.

  20. @dsoutherland1747

    Bannon is hoping for a place in the WH like he had before. He sounds like a church preacher.

  21. @TERRY-e4h

    It is a first time for everything lock him up 700 years is that all I thought he would be doing life. Donald must have forgave him for all the bad s***💩 he said about him earlier and he's looking forward to his imaginary job in the year 7777.A.D these people are radical fanatics. And the F.B.I need to let them know that they are on the watch list for domestic terrorists. 🙁

  22. @salsonny

    Bannon needs to go back to Jail.. When…

  23. @danielclee1

    Jesse Dollomore talks a lot but says very little. So one side does not like the other? So what's news? But if you're going to be a commentator then you need to critique meaningfully. Jesse fails, and fails badly (simply calling someone a liar doesn't cut it, especially when it's demonstrated that your side have a ton of them). Plus he's not funny. YouTube is going to have to up its algorithm game if they want to swing 2024 their way (even though this in itself is an abuse of their 'town square' credentials.

  24. @brad2773-t7r

    Omg the ad before this was 'take our poll and get a free Trump flag' 😂

  25. @jjoleboy

    Trump 2024🇺🇸 100 million strong💪


    Does anyone in the audience realize Steven Bannon was arrested for stealing their "Build the wall" money and bought himself yacht?? 🛥 Do they even give a damn???

  27. @luie67

    that nasty bastard eats and licks the sweaty shit straight from 45's asshole..

  28. @zackbetterton489

    Trump 2024!!! you guys would rather let this country fall into complete disarray than let trump back in office.. we had 4 years of peace no war we didn’t have ten million crossing the border. Fentanyl killing 100,000 people a year kicking veterans out of homes to make room for illegal migrants, multiple wars going on.. there’s not a single thing that Bannon said that was false you’re just upset the corrupt president in the White House doesn’t have a grass roots following. We get it you hate trump get new material..

  29. @claudiogonzalez5139

    I am coming to the reality that I AM NAIVE'.I admit it!!!
    But, I gotta thank OL' FRUMPY-BOY for bringing that to my attention.
    You see, I had never realized of the existence of "SO-VERY-MANY-PSYCHOS" living here with us in AMERICA, our beautiful country.
    But, when that main psycho OL'FRUMPY-BOY, ya that crap-totin' piece of stink, got elected to lead us directly from the WHITE HOUSE, thats when I saw them psychos come out in the form of NAZI-SYMPATHIZERS, LIARS IN PUBLIC OFFICE, FOOLISH DECISION MAKING, so much more!! They were followers of OL'FRUMPY and the call themselves MAGA.
    It isnt even a political party, they are trouble making fools that think they can take over the Country Real AMERICANS wont give up.
    And I m glad we can see them now, that is the only thanks I can give that CROOKED X-45!!! You go rot.

  30. @patriciahayes2664

    Adolf Hitler has his Hitler Youth groups. If Trump Youth groups ever come into being, this is the kind of speech those kids would always be hearing.

  31. @dianemitchell1717

    MAGA represents a mass psychosis affecting a large minority of American voters. It is born of fear and hate. It has happened before in Europe in the Middle Ages where large groups of people demonized women and went on a killing spree in multiple villages until it finally disappeared almost overnight. Let us hope these people will finally come to their senses.

  32. @maureenleah13

    “It’s never happened in any nation on Earth!”

    Well, most of the time when a leader commits the kinds of crimes Trump has, they’re not imprisoned for life. They’re usually escorted straight to the gallows.

    Not that this is what I’m calling for with Trump. He does not deserve to be a martyr, even for the modern American Nazi movement. He deserves a long life full of humiliation, all of it spent behind bars.

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