“How dare you try to whitewash slavery in Florida. How dare you have a governor who promotes anti-LGBTQ+ and anti-education bills.”
– Left-wing commentators and media personalities on Florida’s current political climate
In the messaging here, we see a clear attempt to paint Governor Ron DeSantis and his policies in a negative light. Accusations of promoting discrimination and cultural wars are being thrown around, with comparisons to some of the darkest moments in human history.
It is important to remember that every story has multiple sides, and it is up to each individual to educate themselves and form their own opinions. What do you think about the situation in Florida? Do you agree with the criticisms being leveled at Governor DeSantis?
Leave a comment below and let us know your thoughts.
The View are nothing but lying hateful racist!
Maybe they should go fight the slavery that is happening today.
I’m moving to Florida asap!
What a load of crap plain and simply that’s why we need to stop giving these people oxygen. Just like spoiled children we need to just ignore them , get them out of the media by not watching and eventually like Rachel Maddox, Don Lemmon and all the rest will be taken off the air. They need to get back to middle of the road no politics just news. The truth is when news became a money making business rather than a service for all Americans it became a lying monster…….
Ranting & Raving shows us the true meaning of Propaganda in the Mainstream Media.
Oh lordy the View at it again. I thou
Ana Navarro was an extremely conservative person until the left hired her and paid her millions
So tired of hearing the left whine and cry about stupid stuff they make up in their tiny little brains..
😂 bp NEVER want to talk about them killing each other more than any other race and committing %70 of crime today. It's always " I'm a victim " and white people are the problem.
Here’s the paid off lefties going after Desantis. How much they get paid I don’t know .
They don’t want us to compare bc we are ALL STILL SLAVES. WAKE UP
The View should be called The Whinge. These women are deluded.
A governor who Speaks Truth! Love the Ron DeSantis!
Sunny lives in Florida Hypocrite
This is such dishonesty! Many slaves did learn skills that were foreign to the places they were from, yet necessary to survive in America. Thankfully those skills were learned and used to their benefit which is something to be proud of, recognized and celebrated. To suggest that statement is in any way an attempt to justify slavery is ludicrous. It’s an acknowledgment of the ability to survive in the worst of circumstances. There are always lessons to be learned and remembered from history.
If Democrats didn’t lie they would have nothing to say.
So the Armenian holocaust never took place? Fancy that.
They are with Satan.
Lololololololololol, get a real cause!
Stop this bull Crap!
Wow , what a crazy bi—
Professional grifters.
Left spinning lies. It never was don't say gay bill. It was about sexually explicit curriculum regardless of one's preference.
They don't live in Florida, they have greater issues going on in their state mine y'all on business all y'all do is spread hate.
Wahoo! The View has been cancelled!!!
How dare you show off your fake anger on someone who is a thousand times better than you!!! You and the view need to take a hike! Who watches that show anyway???🤮🤮
Do we all have to much time on our hands or what? complain about anything and everything
One more reason the View 's is being cancelled and it's about time . Hopefully it stays cancelled.
I despise the View. These women are filled with hatred towards our country. STHU
I hope the people see through the lies the media spins and realizes everyone is moving to Florida and leaving NY which governor is doing a better job. Hopefully these liberals get mugged in there crime ridden drug infested illegal alien sanctuary cities
She is Absolutely Amazing and Gorgeous!!!!!
So they are stillsaying the "Don't say Gay" is true?
This is the same garbage that they shoveled out for the “Don’t Say Gay” bill. Every time these ignoramus open their mouths it shows their lack of intelligence, preparedness and integrity. I used to complain about their failure to report news events but if these untruths are what they’re going to tell their viewers I’d actually prefer them to keep quiet.
Shut up!!!!!!
The left are gaslighting at the Highest level!!!
If Mainstream media, Hollywood and leftist in general are making a scene about something- naturally I believe it to be a good thing.
Look up Anthony Johnson. He was a black slave sold to the British American Colonies by the Arab slave trade before we became the United States. He STARTED the black slave trade in America! Blacks Enslaved Blacks it was white people that freed you. Your welcome
I don't give those idiots the time of day.
The curriculum should be in every state!!!