‘This gives me hope’: UFO filmmaker speaks on whistleblower’s account of sightings

Rachel Abrahams

Jeremy Corbell: The Whistleblower Behind the UFO Testimony

Jeremy Corbell is a documentary filmmaker who played a big role in bringing these questions to the public.

If he looks familiar, that’s because he was sitting behind Fraver and Graves today in that testimony. Jeremy, thanks for joining us. Pilots seeing weird stuff flying around in the sky is one thing, but someone coming along and basically saying what sounds like all of the UFO crash conspiracies I’ve ever heard growing up and then saying I can only share details in a skiff with people who have clearance like come on. What’s your take on that?

I think my take is that it wouldn’t be shocking if you have been paying attention. Why David Grush can’t say these things in public realms is because he’s a whistleblower exposing something that’s been going on for a long time. Today was a historic day. These pilots are not just saying they saw things with their eyes but backed up by censored data. This is not just Pilots saying they saw something, but testifying to what’s already known.

What happens next with Grush turning over a list of names and locations where craft may be? Will Congress members go into Skiffs for briefings?

That’s correct. David Grush is a whistleblower and a patriot. The American public not only has a right to know but a need to know the truth. It is encouraging to see the right questions being asked by the right people. We are at a critical moment where the truth is being sought out.

I have obtained and released pictures and imagery, but there is more coming. Let’s find out the truth and unite on this topic, even if we disagree. The truth is out there and it’s bringing us together as humans.

Do you know if Grush will be going into a skiff with members of Congress soon?

I would imagine the answer to that is extremely soon. But it’s not just about educating Congress, we need active participation in exposing the truth. This is not just a national security issue but a matter that changes the fabric of our understanding of what it means to be human.

Readers, what is your opinion on the recent UFO testimony and the need for transparency? Leave a comment below.


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  1. @AlabamaMothman

    Knowing we have aliens walking around "gives you hope"? Smoking alien crack.

  2. @terrydaniels9126

    Been going on longer than we all Been here now days more video and air traffic

  3. @LemonTerps

    "Film makers" are probably the biggest biased liars other than politicians. They only want one side of their story to push their agenda and never tell the whole truth

  4. @merkyuk

    Do not trust these men.

  5. @vtr1200

    Disclosure project hearing happened in 2001, 400 witnesses and yet nothing happened after 23 years. Why would this be any different?

  6. @natashanonnattive4818

    If these sightings are from 5-6D we can't see them with our eyes.

  7. @natashanonnattive4818

    Funny how nobody thought it is ours, or from earth.

  8. @williamshump-qb6tj

    Corbell chases werewolves and dinosaur beavers too. Wow, now that's the kind of credibility I've been waiting for.😂

    This guy's a grifter. Always has been. Always will be. Don't fall for this crap, people.

  9. @williamshump-qb6tj

    Bull. Nothing new we haven't heard forever. No first-hand info. Where are the people who talked to grush because grush saw nothing. If what he said was true its classified and hed be in jail. But bs fantasy is not classified.
    No scif but more money for military industrial complex from chuck schumer that lost 2 trillion dollars and can't see a Chinese balloon.

  10. @monster0_0

    Earth is flat

  11. @AintSkeerdNWO

    Why has the United States been so afraid of this subject for so long? Most every other country in the world including Mexico to South America, many in the EU, Russia, and Japan have all been forthcoming with footage and official comments. It's not like they have anything less to lose than the US – if anything, the dishonesty on the part of the US has made citizens suspicions about the government more critical. Seems like honesty is the best policy, like the ranchers and pilots who tried to be honest about what they saw and what they found generations ago. Seems like America has lost a lot of face by hiding things instead of sharing questions with the citizens – like the government has a vested interest in keeping the citizens ignorant. Like Forrest Gump said, "stupid is as stupid does".

  12. @AintSkeerdNWO

    Mr. Grusch used a term that has stuck with me, "administrative terrorism": nterference in obtaining Requests for Information from the Archives, deliberate defamation, threats to one's career. I have been listening to some much older interviews with people like George Knapp, and Art Bell, and of course the witnesses to the Roswell incident: and people have long been intimidated into keeping quiet about the subject. The stock market hasn't plummeted, religions haven't fallen, and society hasn't gone into chaos. Maybe that's because of the gradual introduction and manipulation of the public surrounding UFO's, "UAP's", and whatever other re-assignment of designations to terms that have become loaded ( from the alphabet soup of agencies ) – maybe a lot has gone into gradually introducing the average joe to the subject. Certainly, Eisenhower warned us about the "military-industrial complex" in his departing speech.

  13. @DB-gu7oz

    And… the American public still not told/shown a single piece of evidence. Reminds me of the Russian Dossier, Social Media platforms Election, and Biden Jr Laptop hearings.🤣

  14. @thegoodsun4450

    The presenter said "and this is what it took to remind us that we are all human". Im getting Reagan's 1980's new world order speech vibes. I want to believe this is all happening organically but it never really is the case. I think a false flag invasion is coming soon to further progress the NWO by using an "outside threat" (aliens) to force unison governments to adopt a one world currency, government and military. After its achieved the "alien threat" will mysteriously disappear.

  15. @truthorbust1545

    The fake Aliens attack,
    Set up begins.
    All these commenters
    Pretendind its real lol!

  16. @Jesus1sLord777

    This is the beginning of that gl"great deception"; the bible spoke about 2000 years ago coming to fruition… All the real believers in Jesus Christ will be raptured and they(government) will say an alien invasion was the reason and then make it mandatory to get the microchip they been dangling in front of us for 20 something years… This should be enough for anyone to see, yet so many will believe this hoax and will miss being raptured and receive that microchip… PLEASE REPENT BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE

  17. @trap5sound865

    I had face to face encounter

  18. @Cesium67

    Gives him hope he can keep the grift going another year.

  19. @johngore1923

    It's about time you guys covered this story

  20. @thomasscullion9449

    they dont want to admit they have been lying for decades

  21. @deannfrey3469

    We are all frustrated and on the edge of our seat. Keep reporting it. Have your journalists dig into it themselves. I know it’s scary, because the IA can do terrible things to people that know too much but its worth the risk. We are ready. We need to know. Don’t just sit back and wait for them to spoon feed you the info. Go get it!

  22. @mikekisonu6825

    I don’t hold out any HOPE that the “truth” will be revealed any time soon.

    Either they DONT know what’s going on…, or they DO, and aren’t willing to SHARE it.

    Don’t hold your breath, folks. 😕🙄

  23. @justax5627

    Assuming aliens have in fact been here for a while they're probably explorers and scientists aliens, non-threatening beings, just like our scientist, doing some observational/experimental sitrep work on earth.. It's the ones that would come after them to try and forcefully occupy earth that we should be worried about. WW3 then starts to sound like a war that us humans as a race would not be able to win.

  24. @ryanmckee6971

    Thank you NBC for reporting on this incredibly important topic that other news agencies are too afraid to report on. For those that don't know, check out the "Unidentified Anomalous Phenomenon Disclosure Act of 2023" that Senator Chuck Schumer has proposed.

  25. @kt11540

    That's nothing new under the Sun because they're painted on the pyramids and their talked about in The book of Ezekiel and Enoch in the Bible.

  26. @ofunnaturalbirth

    Hopefully society's mind is strong enough to prepare itself on what is coming…

  27. @jonscholes8721

    2mins in……Grush came to me and george first ! really ??? a whistleblower with the biggest story in the history of mankind went to a film producer to tell his story ??? 🤣👌 This get more laughable by the day !

  28. @steveothehulk

    can someone just call the darn aliens down so we can meet once and for all

  29. @javasrevenge7121

    It isn`t about the truth is out there it is about that it was since the `40s that it was rediculed by our goverments and their media. A lot of people knows the truth but couldn`t or still can not talk about it.

  30. @javasrevenge7121

    I had a lot of sightings of ufo`s etc and I have never ever reported it because I know what will happen. BTW 2 weeks ago was the last sighting untill now.

  31. @javasrevenge7121

    American? It is about THE WHOLE WORLD

  32. @javasrevenge7121

    Only the US is a threat to the world and this is since WW2 going on. Ufo`s are not.

  33. @raeyner

    Yall didn't take it seriously at first, did you? Pretty sure you posted coverage that people called out for not taking things seriously, and it was privated.

  34. @golden-63

    Once again, zero evidence

  35. @AboveAndBelow-1961

    In this time and age we will be soon confronted with truth. But will it be truth we will be confronted with?

  36. @jimmyESSEXUK

    Ok, we have the whole world watching in excitement 3 people that are proving absolutely NOTHING! None of them have said anything or provided anything to prove any of what they’re saying that are facts. The one on the left says he was one if the pilots that saw the tic tac thing which there’s nothing new on that he just there to say yes i’m one of the pilots that saw the tic tac. The other 2 admit that they have seen nothing themselves just like the most of us and they go by what others have told them and none of the actual witnesses are present. There is a plan that involves some people in the congress but we don’t know what it is yet. 🤷‍♂️

  37. @pa5287

    what a load of rubbish hes not a whistle blower a whistle blower would tell and have evidence …i see none…and people this man talking is a film maker wounder what he will film next lol make me rich on bs

  38. @maecantley2625


  39. @golden-63

    David Grusch: "I've never actually seen anything personally."

  40. @totomaxfull

    J'en peux plus de ce suspense !!!! Je veux voir les aliens live !!!!! J'ai tellement de questions pour eux !!!!!

  41. @urbanfox53

    C'mon guy's, these craft travel light years with phenomenal tech onboard then have a tyre blow out and crash!, on our planet….lol…..clickbait, period.

  42. @MH-jt3lx

    Jeremy looked like a bobble head toy on the back seat of Gruch’s 05 Buick LeSabre. Every time I seen him I would get the urge to buy one on Amazon. The dude would say aliens and ol’ Jeremy head would go into bobble head overtime. I bet he got a neck brace from the Walgreens because he had to have wipe lash. I didn’t know who Jeremy was and thought he just was handi capable with a either a nervous tick or something bad like Parkinson’s. Holy crap he bobbled for hours in front of Congress. I wonder if they thought what’s wrong with short cubby Grizzly Adams behind witness number two on the panel.holy moly he needs to get an MRI to see if he shook something loose other then them marbles rolling around up their anyway…

  43. @jcw3195

    It would be great if Jeremy Corbell would provide concrete evidence and hard data rather than talking this continual line of BS. I'm so tired of listening to unverifiable "stories & tales" without evidence. Like Abe said: you can fool some of the people some of the time, some people all of the time , BUT you can't fool all of the people all of the time. I've stopped listening to the endless years of bullsh*t!

  44. @shereeroth191

    Another Hollywood movie! Why only America?

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