Trump attorney: Jury pool for trial is the Washington D.C. establishment | National Report

Rachel Abrahams

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A live look here at the courthouse in Washington D.C where former president Donald Trump is expected to be arraigned today. Media trucks are lined up outside, barriers have been set up, and preparations are underway for the arraignment. Trump faces charges related to special counsel Jack Smith’s probe into the 2020 election and January 6th.

Trump has been indicted on four counts, including conspiracy and obstruction charges. We have experts joining us for analysis, including former Federal prosecutor Doug Burns, former Federal prosecutor and criminal defense lawyer Steve Barrick, and Trump attorney Jesse Bernal not representing him in this case.

Expected Proceedings at the Arraignment

Steve Barrick, a former prosecutor, predicts a calm arraignment with Trump likely entering a not guilty plea. The issue of venue may be raised, as Trump has expressed concerns about getting a fair trial in the politically charged environment of Washington D.C.

Potential Venue Change

Doug Burns believes that while change of venue motions are challenging, Trump might have a chance given the overwhelmingly anti-Trump sentiment in D.C. Trump’s defense team is gearing up for various motions, including a venue change motion and motions to dismiss based on constitutional protections.

As the legal proceedings unfold, it raises questions about the fairness of the trial and the impact of political dynamics on the judicial process. What are your thoughts on this high-profile case and the possibility of a venue change? Leave a comment below.


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  1. @niconawilson7228

    We the people are watching the dems very closely now..been watching since I was 14 an now I'm 49 my grandpa was right !

  2. @njg26.gustav12

    100% political
    This is a treasonous administration

  3. @dannyvestal299

    GOD is with TRUMP! WE will prevail! 3rd Time Winner..Trump 2024!

  4. @ericclaeyborn3600

    Is it even possible for President Trump to get a fair trial in leftist stronghold Washington D.C.?

  5. @rationallyjustified

    Whaaaaahhh Why can't we pick George that only like my client whaaaahhh Why can't we hold the trial in a place where Trump appointed the judge and will favor him whaaaahhh whys Trump being charged for his crimes whaaaaahhhhh

    Newsmax lies for a criminal traitor

  6. @johnnybumpous9108

    jack Smith and Garland are the ones that should be on trial…this is clearly abuse of power …

  7. @charlesdavis7461

    Talking about Trumped up charges. Give me a big break.

  8. @Ronald-dc6me

    No fair trial here

  9. @kimcoughlin8190

    This judge was involved in the FUSION GPS with Hillary for god sakes of course he wont get a fair trial ..

  10. @lindadiehl9569

    The judge, Tanya Chukan, has been very unfair to all J6 defs. Supreme Court will overrule another Smith case…!! The sooner the better. We need our REAL leader back while we still have a country!! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  11. @danielb4375

    This is all a political sham

  12. @williamgary7891

    President Trump'will be in the same ❤❤❤

  13. @SS-gj4zx

    Why is the “Honorable” Jack Smith not prosecuting Hillary for the false Russian collusion scam she created and espoused? Oh, wait! They know Trump has a very good chance to win this election and crooked Hillary is history.

  14. @bettybeck161

    Biden's new headquarters. No way President Trump can get a fair trial with that dam judge.

  15. @loreicmaster

    Treason is the Reason for all the Dems have done trying to protect the CCP investments.

  16. @hollydewbean3248

    The jury pool is poisoned. They need a change of venue.

  17. @Doublezzranch

    DOJ, how's that investigation going with the Biden Crime Family?

  18. @seashells5181

    They are wearing him out financially and it must wear on him physically. He’ll need a great VP! They are persecuting him.

  19. @seashells5181

    It is your constitutional right to have a fair and unbiased jury. The Biden administration has taken away so many of President Trump‘s constitutional rights that they should all be thrown in jail for the highest contempt of justice.

  20. @silveralert5095

    They’ll reap what they sow

  21. @Gene4666

    Interesting how regardless of the evidence not a single probe and not a single charge filed against the DNC, Clintons, Bidens, Obamas. . . . . .

  22. @JJ-uo8eo

    All freedom of speech I said. All freedom of it. They try take it to…I talked about in last Tex.

  23. @johnchamberlain9512

    This bull crap shows the entire world just how crooked and untrustworthy the United States government truly is

  24. @Meadowspringss

    Proverbs‬ ‭26‬:‭27‬ ‭NIV‬‬
    “Whoever digs a pit will fall into it; if someone rolls a stone, it will roll back on them.”

  25. @vicwei4302

    With a DC kangaroo jury it will have to go to the Supreme Court.

  26. @DarylSaunders737

    Judge Chutkan will have to recuse herself from the case due to her links to Fusion GPS and the Russiagate scandal.

  27. @davida.737

    How's the weather Brandon?!

  28. @timkasten7708

    Wah wah wah! Somebody call a wambulance 🚑
    👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼Bravo DOJ👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

  29. @goknicks33

    This is so sad!!

  30. @timothyscavo8510

    BOGUS !!!

    To all Trump adversaries,
    Me think-est thou doth protest too much.

  31. @dscdrkel5546


  32. @danrode104

    Can't govern???? Redudlicans scream woke!!!!

  33. @danrode104

    Elect progressive American citizens… Reject redudlican vote suppressing violence

  34. @danrode104

    Redudlican insurrectionists

  35. @Scottcombs-o7v

    This is unconstitutional!!! Trump is innocent!!!

  36. @danrode104

    Newsmutts fibs

  37. @chiefordnance

    So what are his lawyers doing in order to be sure he doesn't get those narrow close minded jurors?

  38. @chrism25

    The Judge must recuse herself. Not only did she work at same Law Firm as Hunter Biden, she was involved with the Fake Russia Dossier. Look at her RECORD

  39. @jojoc9240

    The court will not be fair we already know that they are owned by the Washington dc Elites

  40. @jojoc9240

    Continued harassment of President Trump and the people who support him that's all it is no laws broken here

  41. @LMC290

    TRUMP 2024 ☝️ ♥️ 🇺🇲

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