Tucker Carlson Finally Shattered As Racist Defense Crashes And Burns

Rachel Abrahams

Tucker Carlson Defends Himself from Accusations of Racism

“Being racist is not a crime. Maybe it’s a moral crime, but not a statutory crime. So if I was a racist, I would just say so. What’s the only reason you would admit to something? It’s because it’s a statutory crime? Could it just reflect poorly on you?”

Why is Tucker Carlson Having to Defend Himself from Racism Accusations?

If you are wondering why Tucker Carlson is having to defend himself from accusations of racism, then welcome to reality. Clearly, you were just born. Recently, Carlson made controversial comments about how white men fight in relation to a news story about three Trump supporters attacking a left-wing protester. He said, “That’s not how white men fight.” However, the reality is that white men have a history of resorting to violence in various situations, such as during the civil rights movement or police brutality incidents like the George Floyd protests. It is crucial to recognize and acknowledge this history when discussing issues of race and violence.

What Is Your Opinion on Tucker Carlson’s Defense Against Claims of Racism?

Do you agree with Tucker Carlson’s perspective on racism not being a crime? Or do you believe that his comments are reflective of deeper issues regarding race and society? Feel free to leave a comment below to share your thoughts and opinions.

Thank you for reading and engaging in this important conversation!


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  1. @MrRap713

    He is definitely a racist ameriKKKan

  2. @marcus_ohreallyus

    Tucker thinks that no one can tell if someone is a racist until they "say so". Dude, you've already been saying it for for years and anyone with half a brain already knows it. There's no need for you to express it explicitly

  3. @kellymestas9709

    "if I was a racist"?? WTF. there is no if about it. what an absolute POS.

  4. @fjalics

    Tucker wouldn't tell the truth on principal. He is an avowed liar.

  5. @notchomomma239

    Tucker is totally disconnected from reality, and he always has been. Realistically, how much can a man who's attended a single class in a public school or worked any job that required him to be in the sun all day really understand about people who went to public school and work in the sun all day everyday? How can a man who got his first new Mercedes for his 16th birthday know the struggles of the tens of millions of Americans who live paycheck to paycheck? He doesn't understand Americans at all.

  6. @CherylBarr-gm2fx

    Tucker Carlson says exactly what a racist person wouldn't say if they are labeled a racist!!

  7. @kathleen7825


  8. @Krod50

    Carlson knows how to hide. He's a titty boy😂🤠

  9. @MuttonChops24

    Why dont you talk about anything else Tucker Carlson said, like ANYTHING about Hunter Biden, the Twitter Files, or literally fucking anything else thats relevant other than your race baiting bullshit?

  10. @kevincaldwell7431

    Marginalize. Normalize. Make it an everyday occurrence. They’re succeeding…….

  11. @donsnyder4364

    The problem is everyone is a racist of you are Republican.

  12. @rossmc9957

    clown talk

  13. @pennycarrigan4356

    Tucker does admit he's racists. Every time he spreads the false narrative of CRT, the white replacement theory, blacks aren't as smart as white ppl, his unwavering support of white nationalists, etc etc. Anyone who's heard Tucker Carlson speak knows he's a racists.

  14. @recgar

    Being racist isn't a crime, acting on it is. If being a racist were a crime most of the BLM community would have to turn themselves in. It's a moot point anyway, the racist card is way overplayed. Y'all have called everyone you don't like, disagree with, or even simply get mad at a racist to the point the term is meaningless. I'll also tell you that for the most part most of the people accused of being racist are not but most of the people accusing others of being racist actually are. I can't change that fact, but you can.

  15. @BennyHill1086

    im a racist and can not see one of my boys in him

  16. @chrisbrooks6697

    George Floyd protests? All I saw were riots and rioters attacking cops and anyone who happened to be white.

  17. @miked6288

    Y’know… generally when Tucker Carlson calls someone out on something they said or did he actually shows a video clip of them actually saying it instead of just asking his audience to take his word for it.

  18. @shinpa09

    No words for this lunacy!

  19. @Chapps1941

    Tucker's father should've been arrested for not pulling out. Now, that's an abortion everybody should be happy about

  20. @johnguzman7425

    It’s not the only way white men fight—more importantly when was the last time Tucker got into any brawl? Any Tucker

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