Tucker Carlson Unveils Bold Insights on Controversial New Anti-Christian Documentary

Rachel Abrahams

How did Mike Johnson, who identifies as a conservative evangelical, come to support the seemingly anti-Christian policies of the Biden administration? He is not alone in this, as Megan Basham explores in her analysis.

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  1. @crockettable

    ADDITIONALLY, the Protestants are so far gone (other then a few exceptions such as Franklin Graham) the grace to sin road, that they do not even adhere to the Bible's standards on how to elect leaders with moral character beyond the approach. IN ADDITION, TBN puts a CONVICTED Fake Pastor WOLF Jim Baaker, who raped the young church secretary with another church elder, and offended the Holy Spirit by STEALING MILLIONS from the flock- TBN has given him his own TV Show… INSANE.

  2. @crockettable

    Mike Pence is a NWO Globalist TRAITOR, working to overthrow the US Constitution to a demonic one-world masonic illiuminati gov't….

  3. @crockettable

    Most of the "Evangelical" Churches have been corrupted from the inside from wolves- child-abusing, money-stealing, heretics promoting a Joel Osteen type prosperity preachers making up theology that you can have whatever you want in life, if you just follow their new age manifesting techniques. China Joe and the demonrat/RINO uniparty did not send the FBI after Evangelicals, but after Catholics attending the Latin Mass. Guess they were not threatened by the Evangelical churches which the left now controls- with of the Protestant churches going full heresy with promoting LGQT, child grooming the pedophiles, and getting watered down on much more from the 5th column pagans who have infiltrated and took it over from the inside of the wall. Thousands of Baptist pastors, youth leaders, etc. are being exposed more everyday for the sexual abuse. Everyday another leader falls- the foremost Christian apologist they Protestants promoted Ravi Zacchersus, was caught in sex trafficking and raping girls in foreign countries. Until Protestants have the Spirit of Discernment from the Holy Spirit, and understand Yahweh's holiness and awesome power, they will continue to let the wolves eat the flocks. Surveys have come out showing the majority do not even have Biblical world views anymore…

  4. @NickTaylor-o1e

    I have nothing against Jews. Jesus was a Jew. Leave Christians ALONE.

  5. @NickTaylor-o1e

    Christians are under attack. We will fight this.

  6. @NickTaylor-o1e

    No true Christian supports the killing of the unborn.

  7. @NickTaylor-o1e

    Were it not for his father, Rob Reiner would be working in a deli.

  8. @NickTaylor-o1e

    The founders were extremely religious politicians. So what?

  9. @johnphillips1858

    Christians have always been fair game to the beast and his false prophets.

  10. @johnphillips1858

    Christianity Today is a sell out to anything anti Christian and the currently not worth the paper it's printed on.

  11. @PetiteFlower333

    Doug Wilson?!? 🤢 How anyone could say his name in the same sentence as John MacArthur is highly questionable.

  12. @beckybates543

    Thank you for having her on Tucker, it’s so important!! Follow the money.

  13. @dbcub

    Nature's Law /Gods law is from God,and Government needs a history lesson,and may want to remember the oath ;that they take. I sure do 🙏 for all, and 🙏 often – Even those who are enemies.Praying for peace truths

  14. @angeliaspinkluggage

    They are threatened by the Evangelicals, so this is a war against. They will manipulate any way they can.

  15. @Sydsmom

    She is spot on.

  16. @MarshaVoires

    Tucker,you say you became a Christian,then you should desire to be a Theologian. You need yo read the Bible. It is very important. Pray and seek God. Times are short.

  17. @MarshaVoires

    Not Mike Pence. He is not who you think. Do not put Mike Pence in that. Never.

  18. @MarshaVoires

    So, again,where are the lawyers to get him out of prison. He had and Has the right to exercise his faith in public. Fact!!! They can speak against us but we can't pray for them. Since when has prayer ever been hateful

  19. @richardmann2687

    If you think moose lambs will integrate into America r "ANY" country! You are DELUSIONAL! Their religion MURDERS IN EVERY COUNTRY! those who disagree with them. It is a political movement to control all. NAZIS OF WW2 were partners with Moose limbs.

  20. @michaelhotard1557

    Hopefully, Tucker Carlson will look into the teachings, and ministry, of John MacArthur. He is a solid representative of historical Christianity.

  21. @AmericaShallBeSaved777

    Welcome to the Tucker Carlson Show! Please leave your brain at the door as you enter.

  22. @jillcolvin4196

    Rob Rhiner would be well served by actually read a Bible. He knows nothing about Christianity.

  23. @teamriggs4463

    The Scriptures teach (Hebrews 13:17) that we are to pray for those who rule over us & the foundation of our Republic is our Constitution which says "We the people. . . " The government ignores this and runs roughshod over the rights we have. The Left promotes communism (which is a polticial cancer leading to death of the Nation) using democratic sounding language, but the freedoms and rights we have are being trampled on by them.

  24. @alewicke

    He wasn't cast as Meathead for nothing.

  25. @jluttjoh

    Count me one 😂. Whatever they hate, let me be.
    I am a Christ follower, there, I made it clear for the boob
    He is just separating the wheat and chaff. That's all

  26. @joshuamitchell5481

    If you believe in abortion then you are not a follower of Christ. Matthew 18:6

  27. @joshuamitchell5481

    Do you think Christ is separating the sheep from the goats? Which side will you chose?

  28. @joshuamitchell5481

    So who do you want in power??? Someone who believes in the 10 commandments or Marxism???

  29. @joshuamitchell5481

    We are a Constitutional Republic. When is the last time anyone read the Constitution?????

  30. @joshuamitchell5481

    I would rather be dead on my feet with Christ than alive on my knees without Him

  31. @Mark-ch8pi

    Gosh , who would have Thought … that the guy who , for several years Played "the Meat-head" … uh , really IS a Meat-head ??! 😧😧😳😳🙄🙄🤔🤔

  32. @charborgmann954

    I really like Tucker, but why is he against supporting Isreal if he is Christian believer

  33. @cottagekeeper

    You are both great Americans!

  34. @kennethjenkins5210

    it's ok for moslems to pray
    wherever they want . 11 years for praying ? America is so rotten . Christ is King

  35. @andrewmallory8170

    A non-Christian who doesn't practice his own faith scolding believers about how to behave in a faith which he believes is at best a fantasy or at worst a corrupt, sinister, manipulative power grad.

    Like I said, it's a fair and balanced documentary.

    If this isn't up for an Academy Award I will no that Hollywood id really being ruined by an extremely right cabal.

    You know better Trucker. A

  36. @marc639

    I am selling everything and leaveing the us ASAP.

  37. @annaswanson176

    You got it right Tucker! Christian Nationalist is not Christian! The people are being fooled by wolves; wolves is sheep's clothing.

  38. @nyashajaravani3622

    I love you Tucker. You are a great citizen for your nation. Wish Australia had one like you. There is a bunch of cowards here. Now being pinned down big time by the feminist movement. Can't even say a thing. Everyone, not even one.

  39. @sstewart03

    Psychologically terrorized. 😂😂😂😂

  40. @SomeCanine

    If people don't get back into church and start raising their children to go to church every week, it will be too late. Once a cultural tradition is lost, it is gone forever.

  41. Anonymous

    I wonder if we see theocratic US during our lifetime.

  42. @Ultramagnus-oe6bj

    2 Peter 2:15 (ESV)- "Forsaking the right way, they have gone astray. They have followed the way of Balaam, the son of Beor, who loved gain from wrongdoing"

    Jude 1:11 (ESV) – Woe to them! For they walked in the way of Cain and abandoned themselves for the sake of gain to Balaam 's error and perished in Korah 's rebellion."

    Revelation 2:14 (ESV) – "But I have a few things against you: you have some there who hold the teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak to put a stumbling block before the sons of Israel, so that they might eat food sacrificed to idols and practice sexual immorality."

  43. @anthonyhart9400

    Christianity Today is a Left Wing Woke Communist Marxist dominated Publication.

  44. @anthonyhart9400

    Born Again Christians, speak to one other Believer today and share this message.

  45. @spanishtrail6160

    Interview Dr Kent Hovind. One of the original Christian prisoners. Pls repeat

  46. @spanishtrail6160

    Interview Dr Kent Hovind. One of the original Christian prisoners. Pls repeat

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