Uncovering the Surprising Truth Behind the Push to Ban TikTok

Rachel Abrahams

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In a surprising twist, those who have allowed China to gain a foothold in our country are now pushing to ban TikTok under the guise of protecting you. But what’s really behind this decision? Join Rand Paul as he delves into the deeper implications and motivations at play.

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  1. @tbobrow8350

    when do you distinguish right from wrong

  2. @Nasballim

    We know why 😂

  3. @thisjosiah

    I want tiktak banned because those who I have seen use it are quite stupid and have almost zero attention span. If it didn’t have this effect, I literally wouldn’t care at all.

  4. @nickquinn5148

    I haven’t heard Dan Crenshaws name in 3 years. Too bad he’s not upholding to the beliefs I thought he had.

  5. @Shoddyer1

    Dems and Republicans are making money, somehow, from all the things you mention. And they dont want you to get educated from Tiktok.
    Follow the money

  6. @flexmasterson4297

    I think the mindset of the Washington DC politician is, or quickly becomes, how can I get rich and become part of the elite class.

  7. @conort7054

    TUCKER. Taiwan matters a lot. TSMC

  8. @Klaus-cl3hr

    the real reason this person exists; nobody knows

  9. @KevinLudwick-dg4mw

    Tucker Carlson showing how our public leaders dont really care if CHINA takeover of USA and the world 🌎

  10. @djorfuusk

    I think what’s most interesting is that the “spy balloon” was allowed to float over Montana and numerous other states before being “shot down” over the Atlantic, then bills banning TikTok (and by default banning/preventing the circulation of uncensored/uncontrolled/ unapproved video content/happenings/evidence) are suddenly and spontaneously introduced in those same states, and all at the same time (roughly).

    Sure seems like they didn’t want people in those areas posting videos or content that couldn’t be controlled 🤔

    Kinda makes you wonder if that “spy balloon” was actually a floating vessel/container that was allowed to slowly empty its contents over an entire swath of the country and was only “shot down” once it was deflated and empty.

    I wonder why they want so badly to ban people from posting uncensored videos in those areas?🤔🤔🤔

  11. @michaelrch

    4:13 c'mon. China is building infrastructure everywhere because they do it cheaper, better and without any strings attached. That's why everyone is working with them.
    The US still thinks it can push its corporations on everyone by military force. Hence the hundreds of overseas bases.
    China has broken that model.
    It's time the US grew up and learned to compete.

  12. @michaelrch

    China isn't the enemy.
    They don't want to be either.
    They are a competitor and a partner.
    People need to grow up and stop believing the xenophobia.

  13. @michaelrch

    The dems and their ADL friends have been quite clear that they are banning TikTok because of its affect on opinion about Israel. China is a secondary concern.

  14. @LowTideLowLife

    If you are a grown man on tic tock or Facebook you should really think about how you are failing as a Man.

  15. @jymmydkid5633

    Nothing to do with the Chicoms and EVERYTHING to do with the zionist jews.
    Don't be nieve.

  16. @user-et4fb7yu9e

    Everything we say or do at this point is MOOT accept Jesus now while you still can Mark CEN CA

  17. @user-et4fb7yu9e

    Mark CEN CA they and everyone else all ready have our info 😮

  18. @user-ce4ce2yj7j

    TicToc is spying on Americans, were not told that?

  19. @macnachten8822

    While tic-tok is all that and a bag of chips too, its nothing when compared to what our own intelligence agencies are doing to Americans. Remember what Snowden showed us?

  20. @h.plovecraftn-4307

    But tucker carlson no one believes in you because you are evangelical extremist, Ever.

  21. @whotodo

    Silence without Tik Tok 🤐


    USA is for sale. U.S. Politics are pay for play. U.S. Government placed U.S. Citizens in debt with China. U.S. Citizens and U.S. Government, owe China trillions of dollars. USA owes China. Pay your debts 😂


    The Big Guys with all the deep pockets, are losing money. They're jealous too. That Tik•Tok has more followers and viewers. Some to do with foreign ads, and foreign propaganda, more to do with money. Has little to with data and American minds. We aren't Americans, Iranians, Chinese, etc etc…. We're human beings. We are not owned. I was born a slave. They gave me a name. This name is called 'citizen'. I ought to be a "citizen" for which ever nation I choose. I did not choose to be a citizen of the nation that
    I am from, neither did any of you. We were forced at birth to be slaves to corporations.

  24. @davidmanning1724

    Its a casr of " who. shot john " sxceot john wasnt. Shot

  25. @aquafishsoup

    I support these two, but they forget they’re living in a world where a man can go out with a dress on and nobody will say anything to him.

  26. @kevinc9292

    US government is threatening Tik Tok, to nationalize the company if they don't sell it (thus violeting the principle of private property), which is exactly what communist governments do.

  27. @fatehhaddad9573

    You stopped short of telling what the real reason is 😜

  28. @glencalhoun9544

    X is an American Owed Company!!! That's what should stop them from being able to take down X because they don't like it!!!

  29. @glencalhoun9544

    I Also Think That ALL Personal Data Brokering Should Be COMPLETELY ILLEGAL!!! And Prosecuted to the fullest!!! It should NOT exist and it Dayum Sure should NOT be profited from!!! These people help Scammers and Fraudsters with their illegal activities!!!

  30. @glencalhoun9544

    I Also Think That ALL Personal Data Brokering Should Be COMPLETELY ILLEGAL!!! And Prosecuted to the fullest!!! It should NOT exist and it Dayum Sure should NOT be profited from!!! These people help Scammers and Fraudsters with their illegal activities!!!

  31. @glencalhoun9544

    That's incorrect. The CCP does still get the data no matter what "Rules" they put into place!!! It was just called out in a Congress hearing where it was admittedly still giving data to the CCP and that they will continue to get data from the tictok app….. I personally believe we should completely kick china out of America period. Along with ALL of the Other ILLEGAL Immigrants!!! All of them!!! Period!!! And their children!!! I do NOT want them to be split up!!! Kids stay with parents right back to their country of origin!!!

  32. @glencalhoun9544

    Except that tictok is ran by the CCP!!! Period!!! It IS Ran BY The CCP!!! And giving them all of the data they need to subjugate our population!!! I don't care much for our actual enemies to have our Citizenships Data!!! But we have TONS of other acts they're committing that NEED to be acted on immediately!!!

  33. @danieltaffese6818

    As always we Love Tucker don't let another opening episode for daily liar sorry DW Ben

  34. @Parker_World_Tv

    I agree. They should ban tiktok because it's pure evil and sickening!!! 😡

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