Unlocking the Truth: Tulsi Gabbard on Her Vision for Trump’s VP, Exposing the Forces Behind Biden, and the Fight Against Congressional Corruption!

Rachel Abrahams

In this insightful video, Tulsi Gabbard discusses her potential role as a vice-presidential candidate and shares her beliefs on various pressing issues.

Join us as we delve into Gabbard’s reasoning for parting ways with the Democratic Party, her response to Hillary Clinton’s unfounded accusations, and her views on who is actually steering the government. Explore her thoughts on Congress and financial corruption, along with a significant shift in her perspective over time.

Gabbard also touches on the possibility of Donald Trump as her running mate.

00:00:00 Intro
00:09:20 Why Tulsi Gabbard left the Democratic Party
00:26:31 Hillary Clinton’s baseless accusations against Gabbard
00:30:26 Who’s truly running the government right now?
00:32:28 Congress and financial corruption
00:40:03 Tulsi Gabbard’s change in perspective
00:57:07 Donald Trump’s VP

Don’t miss this captivating conversation!

#TuckerCarlson #TulsiGabbard #DonaldTrump #JoeBiden #HillaryClinton #BernieSanders #BarackObama #war #news #politics #election #DNC #Democrat #RNC #Republican


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  1. @andrewdewey8424

    MAGA – Trump
    MAHA – RFK, Jr
    MAFA – Gabbard
    Make America Free Again

  2. @andrewdewey8424

    Tulsi has enhanced my belief that a Convention of The States where “We The People”, State Legislatures, and 3/4ths States Ratify/approve any amendment passed. Just as it would “if” passed by congress…
    They will never propose:
    Term Limits
    Eliminating Stock Trading

  3. @andrewdewey8424

    Amazingly, the anti government Vietnam protesters (we ALL HATED THE WAR!) have taken over the government and now CONTROL the military they claimed had too much power and that used Americans as pawns in stupid wars.

  4. @andrewdewey8424

    Mission accomplished, get the puppet elected and have everyone in the Party Support him! Knowing all along that Obama would be “guiding” BIDENS decisions, this enabled Obama to do what he wanted to do and no be held accountable, he would have in 09-11 instead of healthcare if he could have and not suffered reelection consequences

  5. @FlorenceBortz


  6. @CHRISTSlave7

    Tusli took over as the Battalion Commander of a Drill Sergeant Batallion not too long ago

  7. @incarau

    It should it happened , big mistake from Pres. Trump to choose an unknown person. If He would chose Tulsi Gabbard, He would it won REALLY BIG!

  8. @donnahedley6194

    Tulsi Gabbard is my absolute heroine. I love everything about her and so admire her. She's easy to listen to and every word is incredibly sensible. Glad our President Trump is welcoming her to the Republican Party. Love you Tulsi. Now as punishment the Biden Crime family are trying to destroy her. They won't !!

  9. @b.9211

    And michelle has the right to Question as to ask? At the D N C
    " how much do you need???"
    It is time for the party to be scaled back to
    Reveal their hidden agendas of corruption and ilegal twisting Of the legal laws into their baggy drawers. Of hidden conspiracy tactics against the by laws of our constitution.
    To have gained opportunities to recieve grants for education assistance,food assistance, welfare asistance
    Travel expense, Able to stand on a platform with all the advantages of growth, The democrats have decided to give to the people just to boost their standing amoung the people, but they also have filled their pockets. With As we all say Tax Money. However it is sponsored monies from special interest groups that are filing the demos agenda policies useing
    Our freedom of speech to new corruption angles against our freedoms just like all the policies they promise but never deliver.Can you fathom the audacity to have planned parenthood vehicle pull up. And give street abortions to kill fetuses of unborn children and kill potentilly healthy babies .If you are Catholic this is a cardinal sin.
    Please people, think smart. Do you vwant out people having unbridled sex. Smoking vape halucegenic mushrooms as Gavin Newsome wants to legalize. He kept his places open while shutting down others.The is crazy for our children. Our people, our students
    Our Future.Vote for valued of decency,
    Not for coruption.
    Vote For Trump to fight with Strength and Stand for America .
    Make America beautiful and our people with pride. Honor. And strength,
    Not the eviliness. That the devils cauldron fueled by corruption turmoil,deceit. And diversity that the democratic party wants to keep brewing, always using the race card. Never the Unity card.
    I am voting Trump and I am voting for my. our country ,I am voting for American Democracy


  10. @redmouse6346

    I gave up all my watchlist on Netflix and apple tv to watch this woman. She is amazing.
    Harris fanatics listen to Tulsi then listen to Kamala then decide if you really wanna vote for that woman.

  11. @MrRollie51

    One must love this patriot, woman of faith, woman of war fight back
    Glad she’s signing up to support TRUMP as well.

  12. @lindafreeman9814

    May God Richly Bless You, Tulsi❤

  13. @judahdatoy6134

    Secure Border… Is also Hawai has the largest Border to secure in the US States Besides Alaska.

  14. @judahdatoy6134

    Mufi against Tulsi…. I can't even believe she lost to that dude

  15. @leskobrandon691

    Who among us would marry Tulsi or any woman for that matter who thinks like her? It doesn't hurt that she's easy on the eyes. Any woman who thinks like her & is as principled as she is would be a dream girl!!

  16. @riverdragon5020

    thank you Tucker for letting your great guest …..speak without constant interruption.

  17. @actarusfleed6607

    What a beautiful, intelligent, honest woman. May God bless and protect you from any evil/harm Tulsi!

  18. @josi8125

    I find Tulsi Gabbard awsome and very inspirational. I am somehow at a loss to understand why her name has not been talked about abroad in the same way as most well known politician. In my opinion, she has all the skills and qualifications that are required to implement positive changes in a number of areas. I think she should be celebrated by the people of America. Presumably the PR machine was otherwise engaged. I guess she declined to be bought that would have advanced her career for her own gain. She cared more for America than for herself. Tulsi Gabbard would make a strong leader. I hope she will be honoured and appreciated far more as a great team player of the future Trump's administration.🇺🇸

  19. @doloresradumski1708

    I like 5his women , I think she is a straight shooter…

  20. @rosalietijamo7436

    Congrats Tulsi coz u r brave not to just jump into d bandwagon of Democrat politicking but is independent minded despite being maligned by Hilary Clinton as a foreign agent or Russian.asset for having d audacity to challenge & go against their foreign policy , the radical woke , d politically motivated decisions of d democrat Biden Harris admn without care about d people .

  21. @Kelvinjubalee5

    Trump as the President, Vance as the VP, and Tulsi as the Secretary of State will make a dream team and America will be great again and the world will be a safer place. It is only the idiot mindless Kamal voters that need to get their brains examined.

    Come 2028, Vance will be the President and Tulsi the VP with Sen Josh Hawley the Secretary of State. That is my prayer for America and for the world to be a safer place. 🙏

  22. @jamesverduzco2916

    No wars with Trump. Why? Not one of you people can answer that. Is it because YOUR STUPID? LOL

  23. @robertodonnell3185

    Tulsi has made a career in politics being anti war. AIPAC gave her half a million bucks, and she’s now pro genocide. Gotta love her

  24. @edklettke8024

    A great interview. Very impressed with you both. Tulsi, America needs you. Stay strong and continue to speak out. I admire your integrity and courage.

  25. @skipneumann1

    Sept 1 2024 now- Tulsi and RFK Jr join the Trump team! Take Back America

  26. @leroydavis7117

    Clinton, Romney and their ilk, are the in the majority of congress.

  27. @leroydavis7117

    The Democratic Party has been insane for 200 years.

  28. @conkal9

    Those Dems mistreated her because she didn't play by their rules. They're no better than the communist party. It's all about power. It amazes me how easily the Dems fall for their lies at every election.

  29. @777colin1

    As a Brit, Trump winning in November and Tulsi somehow on the ticket, OMG . This world needs them both. Tulsi Gabbard is a warrior. I'm seeing a future President here

  30. @steveyi2859

    Trump should have picked tulsi not vance. It was too similar a guy

  31. @vortech331

    First female President !

  32. @truesolution6069

    What a beautiful courage honest with true patriot, Tulsi Gabbard. May God bless you in Jesus Name Amen.

  33. @jamesstewart-mr7od

    I’ve just fell in love with her 😊😊

  34. @user-rd8on6zr6r

    swamp ccreaturs LOLI like that

  35. @conorbruce8253

    We need Tulsi as president one day.

  36. @openleft4214

    Heard a dem buddy of mine say the constitution is just a old out date document that doesn't matter anymore. Funny cause he is moron and the same could be said for his bible. Just because something is old doesn't make it irrelevant.

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