Unveiling the Truth: Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong Reveals the Hidden Causes of Cancer and Breakthrough Strategies for Prevention!

Rachel Abrahams

Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong, a renowned surgeon and billionaire inventor of cancer drugs, raises alarm over the potential link between COVID-19 and an increase in aggressive cancer cases globally. He suggests that the pandemic and ineffective vaccines may be contributing to this concerning trend.

Join us on our new Spanish channel for more insights and discussions.

0:00 Rising Cancer Rates in Young People
6:16 Factors Behind the Cancer Epidemic
14:52 The Connection Between COVID and Cancer
25:33 Why Dr. Soon-Shiong Has Not Contracted COVID
39:36 Big Pharma’s Attempts to Undermine Dr. Soon-Shiong
47:35 Dr. Soon-Shiong’s Perspective on RFK Jr.
1:02:47 Conflicts of Interest in the Healthcare Industry
1:05:51 Strengthening Your Immune System
1:10:32 Essential Information Your Doctor Might Not Share About Cancer
1:20:58 Accountability for Healthcare Crimes
1:33:59 Dr. Soon-Shiong’s Acquisition of the LA Times

#TuckerCarlson #cancer #science #health #DonaldTrump #BobbyKennedy #medical #transgender #BigPharma #immunesystem #crime #vaccines #news #politics #podcast


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  1. @dorothysimpson7040

    Have all of the people with "long covid" had the jab?? Where is this data. Do you notice that they never suggest that the jab might be causing the immune suppression?

  2. @juniclimaco8416

    Are Oncologist the major cause of Cancer deaths?

  3. @emmettpeels7114

    If Big Pharma, Big Media, Big Corps and governments are involved, we've been lied to about EVERYTHING!!!!!

  4. @SusanCanada

    47:29 this will be the shift the change in proper health care. Here is the HOPE!!!

  5. @meganoliver5172

    Myself & my partner, neither did our 2 sons get Covid either lots of people did't get (it)😮

  6. @donalclarke1505

    Surely, JFK Jun would meet this Doctor

  7. @debra5211

    Thank you so very much Tucker for this tremendous interview with Dr. Soon-Shiong❤❤❤God bless you and keep you❤❤❤

  8. @angeliquesourtzis2392

    Although it was not said outright by neither Tucker or Dr. Soon it is was somewhat implied…..if a simple, painless and effective subcutaneous injection called a Bioshield can fight cancer by increasing our natural killer cells and destroy a virus such as covid, what will become of Big Pharma? This only for profit making industry will wither and disappear. Big Pharma and Big Government can't allow that! How are they going to rule the world and continue to reap the profits from our illnesses? Nah…they wouldn't want that now would they….it's been serving THEIR interests for so long. Sadly we have been lied to. Thank you Dr. Soon and thank you Tucker for your honesty 🙏

  9. @debra5211

    🎉Everyone please look into getting a subscription to the LA Times. I pray you listened til the end of the show. He is the owner of the LA Times and deserves to gain 1000s of new subscribers for taking the common sense stands this country needs. God Bless and God Bless America 🎉

  10. @ferrantepallas

    I have a friend with cancer — is it possible to get Bioshield for him?

  11. @feliciamiller712

    Please tell me that RFK Jr and President Trump know and are working on this.

  12. @craigslue

    Where do I sign up for the jab? Curious how would this work for more immune diseases like Psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis?

  13. @WillNewcomb

    Carlson lied. Lung cancer incidence has gone down significantly in the last 30 years.

    The incidence of these cancers in the United States decreased between 1990 and 2019 by 23.35%, with a more significant decline in males (37.73%) than females (1.41%). Similarly, for mortality, a decrease was observed for both sexes combined (26.83%), but much more significantly for males (40.23%) than females (6.01%). "

  14. @christianemertins5563

    Tucker is the bestfree Jornalist ever….Thanks for your work for all human

  15. @CB-ux5xc

    I am 49 and never got Covid, never got the vaccine and never tested positive for it either. There are some of us out there. This doctor is absolutely correct. I forwarded this to all the US military flight surgeons I have worked with for over 20 years.

  16. @botherchriswinkler

    Were the people who got better from this treatment, also taking chemo or other current medications?

  17. @elissitdesign

    This doctor needs his own podcast sharing his knowledge. I hope he talks closely with RFK to help with bettering the communication between practices!

  18. @trigger6300

    Brother you have already made your dad proud and continue to do so.

  19. @Melvinschroeder

    It’s sad that one man had to use his resources to pursue a cure, but thank God he was able to acquire these resources.

  20. @karenkline7221

    It IS a conspiracy FACT, it's just Not a Conspiracy Theory

  21. @nandooo180

    Brilliant interview!
    Thank you both !

  22. @theresa42213

    May God be merciful, and remove the obstacles so that ALL can have this SHIELD jab! 🙂

  23. @chrizzle6140

    On a side note for someone looking for extra protection against the flu or rona season. Or even to just cut down on the symptoms after you first start feeling sick nac is great. But look into it before you just start using it. Its the only thing that really helped me

  24. @pherman8852

    My gosh I love this man!!!!!

  25. @cilou1799

    these men are a gift, thank you !

  26. @paulfeest6140

    He deserves the Nobel peace prize

  27. @sac621

    i need the BioShield please🤒🤧🥴

  28. @J3unG

    You want to stop cancer? EAT MEAT and dump all the other garbage that is causing your body joint pain, inflammation, organ damage, brain fog and anxiety and depression.

    The doc here is a researcher who makes money from selling drugs and this interview is a way to hype his bullshit products.

  29. @thebiglebowski4309

    Worst thing I ever did was get that covid vaccine. Set me up for chronic illness. Now I have LC and Dysautonomia. I was totally healthy before all this Covid BS.

  30. @mprice235

    Please ask the Doctor if being HLA-B27 makes you worse or better with the good T cells. Thank you!

  31. @KiwiDh383

    Can the Spike be taken out of your body and destroyed ?

  32. @wariannn1253

    I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2018 with Mets to my bones. I remember feeling isolated, and now learning about a lot of young people getting cancer. This is intentional.

  33. @dogefromthefuture

    I am an RN, 42, male, no history of cancer in the family, fit. Diagnosed with Hodgkin Lymphoma in December. Still in chemo. Horrible, horrible. Had covid 3 times. Had 3 covid shots. Related? 🤔

  34. @keepthefaith1973

    Im so thankful that Yahuah is my strength and i believe if you truly love Yahuah you are fully prectected satan can not touch you if you follow Yahusha. YAHUASHA WARNED US TO TRUST KNOW MAN. REMEMBER SATAN COMES AS A RAY OF LIGHT. BECAREFUL YAHUAH IS THE ONLY FAITHFUL

  35. @knotwool

    This man’s discoveries could pretty much render vaccines obsolete!

  36. @ShellyFuqua-t2q

    Dr Patrick is NOT suicidal. Cancer sounds more like a parasite to me.

  37. @connieschrader4833

    What an incredibly brave and informative interview. Thanks to both of you!

  38. @theresa42213

    Dr. John Campbell …The lovely Englishman with a YT channel sent me here. Prof. Angus Dalgleish was talking on his channel, and is appalled with all of this also. Thank YOU all that are doing good work to expose, and correct this travesty of a thing that happened to us all.

  39. @Pr1nc3zZ87

    My son is 13 years old and has bladder cancer. He is the youngest person with this cancer. Hearing this interview confirms all my suspicions. Back in 2021 he needed hip surgery and in order to get that surgery we had to get the shot and a booster.. he had 3 shots of that shot in order to have that hip surgery he needed. November 2024 we found bladder cancer. No research is out there for children with this cancer diagnosis.

  40. @rosannamize6622

    If this "vaccine" to stimulate the T-cell it could also "cure" Autoimmune diseases e.g. Lupus, arthritis, etc?

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