America’s proxy conflict with Russia has deep historical roots, spanning decades. In this discussion, Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick shed light on what a nuclear war would truly entail.
Join Tucker Carlson as he dives into critical issues surrounding war, politics, and history, offering insights into the dynamics between the US and Russia, NATO’s activities, and the evolving landscape of nuclear weapon technology. The conversation also touches on controversial topics such as the events of 9/11, the implications of war profiteering, and the shifting stance of the Democratic Party.
0:00 How Close Are We to Nuclear War?
12:08 Why Don’t We Know All the Details of 9/11?
25:23 The Nuclear War Chain Reaction
33:29 War Crimes in Serbia?
37:05 Why Hollywood Exiled Oliver Stone
40:33 The Economic War Between the US and Russia
50:11 Is There Hope for Hollywood?
57:37 The Rapid Advance of Nuclear Weapon Technology
1:12:02 The Shadowy Acts of NATO
1:17:07 The Origins of War Profiteering
1:26:01 How the Democrat Party Became the Party of War
1:32:50 How History Is Rewritten in Less Than 300 Words
The main thing about Kosovo, and the bombing of Serbia in 1999. was to connect Afghanistan, as an opium producer, and Kosovo as a heroin producer and drug trafficker.
Since the early '70eas of last century, Albanians from former Yugoslavia used to produce heroin out of Afgan opium, at two places in Yugoslavia, Aracinovo in Macedonia, and Trnovac in Serbia, near Kosovo administrative line. That was the amount of around 3 tonnes of opium per day, that used to come From Afghanistan through Turkey and Bulgaria. Taking over Kosovo from Serbia, the US increased the production of opium in Afghanistan, transporting it with airplanes from Kabul to Slatina airport near Pristina, in amounts of over 5 tones per day, for more than 20 years, excluding Turkey, Bulgaria, and Serbia from the deal. You can do the math for how much money the US and Kosovo earned from that deal.
The German elite (not the people) want revenge for WWII, the Brits hate the Russians because Russia won the war (GB lost the war on the beaches of Dunkerque) and the neocons want to divide and dominate the EU.
China ? Russia ? Iran ? Dont make me laugh. My real concerns are FBI CIA DOJ.
If I was Russia I wouldn’t trust the US ever again
If you're wondering why these two love communism so much, Stone is half jewish and kuznick… well. Anyway
First bomb dropped on Aug 6, second dropped Aug 9, and Japan finally surrendered on Sept 2 signing the peace treaty.
It doesnt seem as if they were ready to surrender. Although personally i wish there were other options.
Western society surely doesn’t show it has the moral high ground. As individuals most are morally good but it’s not reflected in some of our laws and doctrine. Woke has truly given us a black eye 😮 Russians are not our enemy, it’s the administration that paints them negatively is most destructive to peace
51:36 Operation Unthinkable
Sad critique on Israel. Foolish….
A lot of falsehoods here, sneaking in under the cover of truth.
Russia is not our enemy, but the communists who dominated Russia for most of the 20th century definitely were.
Joe McCarthy was not paranoid. He was telling the truth, which should be obvious now that most of our institutions have been obviously captured by communists – which is why communists who had infiltrated the United States murdered him.
The Neocons are crypto-communists (Trotskyists) who oppose Russia today because Russia threw out the communists. They obscure what they are doing by pretending that it was the Russians who were our enemies, rather than the communists who have always and ever been the enemies of all humankind.
No, the Soviet Union was not the primary reason the Nazis lost. The Soviets had far more casualties and inflicted far more casualties, but they would have been helpless without the war materiel supplied to them by the United States. More to the point, without the communists threatening Germany (including domestic communists in Germany) there might not have been a war at all.
And that's just in the first eight minutes.
How do we know there are nuclear missiles?
The best agenda would be to become a good trading partner with Russia. Every country wants to be economically successful and once so less likely to risk it by begging a conflict. Feed the greed and war is viewed negatively
Nuclear winter is a farce, it was a KGB psyop planted in west German and Britain academia with the intent of circulating to US academia. Sagan fell for the ruse that is why people said it was bad science, he could not get any other accredited scientist to give a affirming peer review. The reason for this KGB active measure was the Russians did not have an answer to the Pershing II intermediate Nuclear missile that NATO was peppering Eastern borders with. It was their only play and it looks like it's still working. Volcanic eruptions have pump 1000's of time more into our atmosphere than any nuke would. Also we have been test denoting these weapon for a long time with no issues. For more, read a book call Comraded J, the story of the defected KGB agent that ran this op. Good stuff.
Using modern western weapons in a limited conflict is a mistake. Russia is calculating their abilities and weaknesses. That’s why Putin continues to just take the losses. Also given Putin a real reason to upgrade and modernize his weapons. You only weaken Russia to later have it grow stronger 😮 History will judge, I don’t believe I’m far off 😢
I'm at the 44 min mark and these old fellows are a bit all over the place. I keep hearing "Republicans" but the problem presidents they are talking about; Wilson, FDR, Truman, are all Democrats. It was a Democrat president who was also desperate to get us in Vietnam, LBJ, who they seem to be implying is innocent in regards to JFKs death, which I do not believe. Tsar Bomba was dropped from a Tu-95, btw, and was not service weapon. How would none of these three not know it was not an underground bomb?
Anyone who has even remotely read the books of Daniel and Revelation know that the United States is Babylon the Great, the nation of the antichrist.
As an American, ive accepted this years ago, cause its part of gods will. Our nation becoming great and powerful is in the reflection of the lords ultimate plan.
May was well talk to a pro Russian goof like little tuckie…..
Man’s nature is greed 😮 “There Sir is the enemy, there are your guns “ From 1854 onwards 😮
If politicians can’t point to an enemy then it’s bad for business 😮
Tucker championed regime change in south America and the Iraq war. He is a profiter off war and the American empire.
Leftist politicians can always be explained by greed. Find where they are enriching themselves. This will explain their methods. Money and power at the expense of everyone else 😢
Playing captain hindsight with history. The Japanese weren't about to surrender. The bombs saved lives and pretending like the generals of the time thinking it was morally reprehensible is flat out hilariously wrong. How'd they feel about the firebombing of Dresden or Tokyo? Generals at the time besides a select few were just politicians. They were mad that they had lost their chance for glory. Iwo Jima showed exactly what was going to happen as the allied forces pushed closer to the mainland, ask the men who fought there and watched civilians jump off cliffs and blow their families up with grenades to avoid being captured by the allies. The bombs saved American lives, and Japanese lives. If Japan had been invaded by the Russians and or the US millions would have died in the conflict and millions more in the famine that would inevitably follow. The US has made plenty of mistakes obviously, but playing captain hindsight with history is the most annoying intellectual practice their is.
13:12 that Crazy stuff.
Interesting that Peter notes "We've been going after Russia since 1917". That's four years after the Rothschilds were granted their charter for The Federal Reserve, America's central bank. Coincidentally (I think not so much) the Russian tzars denied the Rothschilds a Russian central bank charter and the Rothschilds vowed revenge for that denial. Tzar Nicholas and his entire family was slaughtered and the Bolshevik revolution carried out as that revenge. It happened in 1917. Thousands upon thousands died because the banksters didn't get their way. Many, many times the U.S. military has been despitefully used (without the knowledge or consent of our enlisted men and women) to carry out the evil intentions of the global elites. Cheif among them, the Rothschild clan. So, the Rothschilds got their American central bank in 1913, gained instant control of our government purse strings, and have been using us to go after anyone who stands in their way of total global control ever since…… Then Oliver notes the presence of a strange ghostlike kabal in Washington since the 60's and specifically relates it to J.F.K.'s assassination. The Rothschilds killed Kennedy because he was on the cusp of rescinding their Federal Reserve charter and was going to assume control of our central bank, thereby breaking their stranglehold on the United States government. Incidentally, the kabal has been involved in trying to infiltrate and control our government since long before the 60's. They assassinated Lincoln for his creation of the greenback during the Civil war… Later Peter cites 4 nations (Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Libya) that we targeted for regime change. In three of those 4 we have overthrown their governments. Why? Because the Rothschilds wanted to install central banks in those nations. And they have done….. Anybody seeing a common thread here?
On some serious meds here. But always more aligned with Actual Factual truth than most anybody. Glad they mentioned how RFK JUNIOR is on tge right side of almost every aspect. His co author a trove of real history. The series is remarkable.
Yup American forced regime change has only resulted in Muslims migrating in the masses and creating more issues. Worst thing that could have happened 😢
What are in those glass cases lined in green?
Sadly the elites will likely survive nuclear war and winter. Emerge from their bunkers when the last can of beans is consumed and realize that they have no skills to produce food 😂
well few of my comments got deleted by the youtube. western democracy at it's finest. And I am stupid enough to finance that by paying youtube premium.
Oliver was right on about the Russian culture. I am American and lived in Russia for a bit and it is a fabulous culture, filled with warm, intelligent people living in a stunningly beautiful country.
What ever the mainstream media has said about Russia, think the totally opposite. Putin has done so much for the citizens, even in the smaller cities – I’ve seen it.
Boy’ Stone is a historian fr sure! 👍👍👍👍
Socialists Revolution in Germany? Thank you yes! Because of Pres Wilson's lies.
The book should be in schools!!!
two pro commies 42 never happened because all the gear was going to russia , tanks , trucks , planes , arms, food to russia with out that the reds would of folded
Agree 100% about the Palastinians! Terrible treatment against them by Israel!!
It was an insanely interesting conversation between three smart and intelligent people! I wish to watch more of this! Thank you Tucker a lot for your great work!
One thing ist now very clear to me as a German. The US just want to fight Germany because of economic reasons . How could you ally yourself with a system which had killed in 1941 6 to 8 Mio people already. ?!? You are hypocrits.
Gonzalo Lira
It seems to me you folks do not know about the "brotherhood" . Study their twisted, pagan, wicked belief system and you will find the answers you seek. They have a master who seeks to rule
"The Russians actually won WW2" is a leftist propaganda fairy tale, even Stalin himself said he couldn't have fought the Germans without US assistance. We funded and supplied nearly allied military. Stop short changing our guys.
Bought some ALP pouches a week go, the only thing that’s been completed is a fucking label has been printed 6 days ago.
I want more on the 7 wars we are to fight for Isreal??? We have 6 “wars” conflicts, and the Iran one is cast approaching as the 7th?
Once I saw the series Silo, I knew the thinking was there and the democrats were the ones who planned and moved into the silos underground I’ve seen underground facilities online
Scary stuff but I know that Satan runs these evil people wherever they are all over the world. As a Christian I know that God will win.
Tsar Bomba ….open air. Nuclear winter would also include radioactive particulate in that debris that blocks out the sun, enough to cause world wide winter ….so your snow would irradiate everything …..having lived through the initial Cold War, I hate still hearing these same fuqing talking points. Far Western (Europe USA) shadowy elites are what are still driving this old conflict.