Join Vince Everett Ellison, author and documentarian, on “The Vince Everett Ellison Show,” where he delves into pivotal topics surrounding civil rights, culture, and politics. Known for his documentary “Will You Go To Hell For Me?” and the bestselling book “The Iron Triangle,” Vince offers an insightful perspective on important social issues.
In this episode, he explores a variety of themes, including the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr., the impact of government programs, and the struggles of fatherless homes. He discusses the evolution of hip hop culture, the state of American spirituality, and the implications of global scrutiny from countries like China and Russia.
Vince also addresses contentious topics such as the portrayal of police shootings, the influence of prominent figures like Al Sharpton, and the political dynamics within the Black community. With chapters dedicated to understanding societal values, the complexities of gender differences, and the question of whether the Black vote is shifting away from the Democrats, this episode promises to challenge conventional narratives and provoke thought.
Stay tuned for an enlightening discussion that tackles the crucial questions facing America today.
Awesome interview, Vince Ellison & Tucker!
Please speak more on Baltimore. Baltimore was once the Crown Jewel of the East Coast. Pelosi’s mob dad, Congressman/Mayor Delasandris (sp?)all the way to, and past Elijah Cummings.
What a crying shame! Illiteracy & drop out rates through the ceiling, and MORE
A perfect example of democratic destruction…and taxpayer dollars wasted on a few peoples greed and incompetence.
Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Please speak on Baltimore some more. Once the Crown Jewel of the East Coast. Pepsi’s mob dad, Congressman/Mayor Delasandris (sp?) to Elijah Cummings.
What a crying shame! Illiteracy & drop out rates through the ceiling, and MORE!
A perfect example of democratic destruction…
I ❤ that TC has this gentleman on & is sharing his huge platform. I'm subscribed to his channel & I encourage everyone that agrees w/ him to do so as well.
j edgar hoover was trash
He needs more platforms. Wow. I suppose he'll need some more protection too. I'll say some prayers for him.
Loved this conversation.
Hearing all this about MLK IS mIND BLOWING, Is there agood book in order to fact check all this< anyone can recommend?
I love that man! Of course I too Tucker ❤❤❤ thank you!!!!!!!
Great interview, would be awesome to have Mr Ellison in the Trump administration.
“do not be concerned about some man hating you, you love him”
What an amazing interview, Vince Ellison is so well informed I learned so much! Definitely going to spread the word about this man, thankyou so much for hosting him. 🙏❤
King may have been right but it was said during a different time in history therefore to keep reciting something from 100 years ago is totally inappropriate and irrelevant in today’s world. Coupled with poor government policies encouraging single parenthood, removing God from schools and society as a whole, and the fallacy “we can all do anything “ have all resulted where society is today.
We need to encourage family values, marriage and through policies ie tax breaks for married couples, reintroduce spirituality in the classroom, teach history of our country and show both the positives and negatives thus giving a balance view.
Hopefully after Obama totally sold out the black communities followed by Biden the black communities have seen the light ! 🙏🙏🙏
You are in shackles only if you think it…….. with your mind you make your world. Louise Hays.
Salute to Tucker for letting this man COOK!
@11:55 actually it does. They do hate us. Too many of them admit it. They spit on the Christians as they pass them in Israel. Yes they hate the goyim.
Definitely love this interview. I've been watching Vince and I'm glad to see him on your show. He's very important and he needs to be heard
Wow to think he was an honorable man mlk was a sick man
This is an amazing interview.
Chris was already a piece of garbage to be fair
It’s amazing how much Americans don’t know about our own history. Thanks Tucker for interviewing great teachers. My mind is blown by this info about our country’s takeover.
So insightful. Thank you for the insight.
This is obviously a nice guy who means, but his understanding of history is fictional. The fact is, in the 19th and first half of the 20th century, neither party wanted anything to do with black people. Only during Reconstruction, when the radical left was in charge of the country, were there efforts made to elevate blacks and the reasoning behind that was simple–they wanted control of the Southern states and they wanted to humiliate the white Southern population. The reason blacks didn't take advantage of the Homestead Act wasn't because they were lazy or "trapped," it was because the constituency of the Republican party didn't want them there. That was a major component that caused the War Between the States. The Republican party was opposed to the expansion of slavery (most of them weren't abolitionists), they also didn't want blacks in those territories slave or free and they made that quite clear. David Wilmot, the politician that started that whole debate, was very clear when he said: “By God, sir, men born and nursed of white women are not going to be ruled by men who were brought up on the milk of some damn Negro wench!” William Seward, Lincoln's Secretary of State said: that blacks were a“foreign and feeble element, like the Indian, incapable of assimilation [and] unwisely and unnecessarily transplanted to our fields.” Lyman Trumball, one of the founders of the Republican party and co-author of the 13th Amendment said: “We the Republican party, are the white man’s party. We are for the free white man, and for making white labor acceptable and honorable, which it can never be when negro slave labor is brought into competition with it.” A Kansan writing to the New York Tribune in 1855 summarized the sentiment of most Northern Republicans and Democrats:
First, then be not deceived in the character of the anti-Slavery feeling. Many who are known as Free-State men are not anti-Slavery in our Northern acceptation of the word. They are more properly negro haters, who vote Free-State to keep negroes out, free or slave; one half of them would go for Slavery if negroes were to be allowed here at all. The inherent sinfulness of Slavery is not one thought by them. One-third of the Free-State party is made up of men who act from convictions of conscious—the remaining two thirds are Free-State men from conviction that the profits of Freedom, derivable in the shape of customers would be greater than if slavery existed.
In all Midwestern states in the 1850s, referendums extending voting rights to blacks were defeated by crushing majorities, and in several of these states, blacks were not allowed to establish residency. This was commonplace. Even Northeastern states adopted harsh policies toward blacks before the War. Many of these policies had waned by the 1850s, but their legacy ensured that the free black population of New England would remain low for most of its history. Massachusetts prescribed whipping for any non-resident free black who stayed in the State longer than two months. Connecticut denied blacks residency in the colonial period. There were strict policies regarding black property ownership in all New England states in the colonial period and free blacks had to carry passes to travel. Even into the 1850s, Pennsylvania debated allowing free blacks to settle in the State.
The Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s did not wave the Confederate Battle Flag, but instead displayed Old Glory at every rally. The U.S. flag was the only one on parade during a large Klan march in Washington D.C. in 1925. Their dream was a progressive America devoid of black residents. The last “grand wizard” of the 1920s Klan was from Indiana. He was later convicted of rape and when denied a pardon by his good friend the Governor of Indiana, he exposed several leading Indiana politicians as members of the Klan, many of them Republicans.
I write all of this because Americans have developed a rather cartoonish version of history—and it isn't only the left that has done that, Republicans are guilty as well. They tend to whitewash their history on racial issues.
Wow this was good!! So good!
@1:07:55 needs to yelled across every platform. It’s not your race it’s your poor character they don’t like
Very Informative.
Learned a lot of new unknown information.
Who would have guessed?!!
"Most coups start at the top, they DON'T start at the bottom" 💯
I am a white female marine brat at 15 years old we were living in Olmsted Falls, Ohio we experienced no black prejudice there we were transferred to Beaufort, South Carolina and there was much racism there that was around 1960
this is PHENOMENAL interview!!!!! ❤
I started getting emotional at 2:02:16 because I am 28 and seeking God for a husband. Yesterday during bible study I confessed to God that I thought gaining a husband, friends, nice clothes, going nice places would make me happy. But all along I was desperately seeking God's love but I didn't know it nor wanted to confess it. I am so grateful that God has changed my perspective. Listening to Mr Ellison reminded me that life is truly about God not what others say it is. I guess alot of division stems from us looking within ourselves to be our own God's. I don't want the common way of thinking anymore, I want God's way❤
The most important video that most melanated people won’t see.
I’m following Mr Ellison on every platform he’s a real leader
Raphael Warnock is the worst thing that happened to Georgia.
I love this guy!
Most mind blowing video I've ever watched!! 😮😮❤
We've literally been lied to about everything our whole lives. 😕
This world wide agenda thing didn't age well for the Olympics opening
Blacks don't have white chain around there neck, now they have black chains that they don't mind having, as long as it is not the illusion of white chain created by the black leadership. .
We have been duped over and over again.
This is Jesse Lee Peterson’s good twin.
The reason why everything is happening the way it is, is because strong men aren’t standing for what they believe and fighting for what’s right even if they were to die. Our forefathers wanted something better for their children and their children’s children. So much so they fought to the death for it. That’s what we lack this day and age, everyone is scared to die for what they know is right.
George Floyd and the aftermath
Another interesting guest…. very informative…. thank you for this information 😊